DIY fabric tulips on a pattern: three manufacturing options

Many hand-made craftsmen use fabric in the manufacture of flowers and floral paintings on the wall. For those who know how to hold a needle with a thread in their hands, this is not very difficult. It is enough to have the necessary materials, a sewing machine and a filler for buds. In the article, we will tell the reader how to create tulips from fabric with your own hands on a pattern.

Tilde Tulips

Such tulips are very popular. Creating them on a pattern is very simple. This can be done even by those novice craftsmen or lovers who do not have a sewing machine. Need to buy cotton fabric or felt. The colors are taken either plain or with a fine pattern. It can be not only peas, as in the photo below, but even a cage and ornament.

do-it-yourself tulips from fabric

For stems and leaves, you need to prepare a wire and a green cloth. You can take a plain fabric, and with a small ornament on a green background, but only one color. So that the main paint is still green. Then we follow the pattern.


Tulips made of fabric with your own hands are best done the same, according to the pattern, which then serves as the basis for the pattern. Use the flower elements shown in the figure below.

fabric tulips pattern

A simple strip of fabric at number 1 is the pattern of the stem. Its length is taken at will. Width also depends on the choice of the master. If tulips are made on a wire, then 1.5 cm will be enough. If a seal is inserted, then you can leave a strip width of about 2 cm.

Patterns at number 2 is a flower and a leaf. A small template should have a length of 10-12 cm, a width of 5 cm. You can first draw a rectangle, and then draw the outline of the pattern in it.

A large sheet is 17 cm long and 7 cm wide.

Sewing a Tulip

It is better to start sewing tulips from a fabric with your own hands on a pattern from the stem. The strip on the wrong side is sewn along the long side. Further, the product is turned on the front side. Inside, just a wire is inserted, or a wire wrapped in sintepon or cotton wool. Then, according to the pattern, we sew the flower itself along the rounded part. The part is turned on the front side, and the space is filled with filler. Then the edge with a thread of stitches in a circle is gathered and pulled around the stem. Finally, the stem is sewn neatly to the flower with threads.

how to make a tulip from fabric

The sheet is assembled from two parts sewn on the wrong side. Then he turns out and sews to the stem in an even area. You can sew longitudinal stripes, as in the first photo. Everything, tulips made of fabric with their own hands on the pattern are sewn. Having made a whole bouquet, you can put the work in a vase or put it in a basket.

Another variant

These tulips are sewn on a pattern consisting of a simple rectangle. You can tailor them not from two halves, but from one piece, so that the seam on the flower is also one. Having sewed the long sides of the rectangle, we get a pipe that is filled with synthetic winterizer or synthetic cotton. One edge is gathered with stitches and pulled together with thread around the stem. On the other hand, you need to roll the fabric into the inner part and sew it up at the center point. Sometimes, for the beauty of the master, a bead or a half bead is sewn to this point. So, on the pattern of tulips from the fabric, you can make many different colors.

Gift painting

If you want to create an original gift for close friends, you can make such a delicate spring picture from fabric tulips. To do this, you just need to buy a frame and background fabric. The remaining necessary elements are similar to the previous color options described earlier in the article.

how to make a tulip from fabric

The flower itself is made in a manner known to you from a rectangular pattern. The only difference in the design of the flower is the central seam. In the previous version, we simply fastened the central point of the intersecting fold lines of the fabric. And this time, the upper folds are stitched lengthwise by 0.5 cm. The folds are deeper, and the flowers are voluminous. Also, the difference of this option is in attaching the stem to the flower. A thin strip of flower fabric is taken and tightly tied around the stem leg from above. After the bouquet is composed, it is sewn onto the background fabric. The gift is ready!

You now know how to make a tulip from a fabric in several ways. Sew in pleasure!


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