Siberian cat: nature, description of the breed, advice on maintenance and care

There are many types of thoroughbred cats, each of which has its own characteristics in appearance and behavior. The nature of the Siberian cat is noticeably different from the rest of the cat family. This breed is found at international exhibitions. It was formed almost naturally, but got a special appearance due to difficult climatic conditions. The description of the Siberian cat breed and character is presented in the article.


Before you get acquainted with the nature of the Siberian cat, you should learn about the history of the breed. For the first time these animals were mentioned in the XVI century. But then they were called Bukhara cats. In the Volga region, this name is also used now. The remaining information appeared in the XVIII century. Since that time, it became known that these are representatives of large, fluffy, expensive cats that were brought to Russia along the Silk Road.

cat siberian character

Information from where this animal came from in Siberia was not preserved. People with pets came to master the taiga from different parts of the world. According to one version, the birthplace of the cat is Bukhara. But the brought cats assimilated, were crossed with a forest and steppe cat, so the new offspring acquired a chic fur coat. Because of its wild ancestor, the animal has excellent stamina and strength.

Therefore, the nature and habits of Siberian cats are noticeably different from other species. This native breed is the pride of Russian felinologists. The independent nature of Siberian cats and their long hair are naturally occurring. Wild animals with a developed hunting instinct were always appreciated and brought to different countries for catching mice.

Breeders needed only to slightly improve the natural gene pool by crossbreeding with eastern breeds and obtain a certificate. The breed was first introduced by the cat Roman in 1987. The story of the appearance of the breed is similar to the legends about Maine Coons and Norwegian forest cats. Now these pets are kept at home. With proper care, animals can become loyal friends.


Before you get such an animal, you should familiarize yourself with the description of the Siberian cat breed and character. He looks spectacular because of his muscular physique, powerful bone and fluffy coat. Animals are beautiful, large and kind.

Some are afraid of a possible allergy to Siberian cats and the difficulty of caring for animals because of their long hair.

Siberian cats character and habits

A related breed of Siberian Shorthair came from the Siberian islands, which is easier to care for. Before getting an animal, it is necessary to conduct tests to identify likely allergies and learn about the description and nature of Siberian cats.

Pros and cons

Siberian cats are large, they differ in intelligence and sociability. But the representatives of the breed have a complex character and temperament of the hunter. A luxurious fur coat needs frequent care. The advantages of the breed include:

  1. Beauty.
  2. Health.
  3. Mind, sociability and learning.
  4. Devotion.
  5. Unpretentiousness.
  6. Friendliness.

Of the shortcomings emit careful care for the coat. Also, these animals are too active, independent, love to show character. Therefore, it is important to first assess the advantages and disadvantages, and then decide whether such an animal is suitable for a particular family.


You should familiarize yourself not only with the nature of the Siberian cat, but also with the breed standards. Features include the fact that it is a large, muscular animal with a powerful torso. His body is heavy, his neck is short, his lamps are compact. Between the legs are long tufts of wool.

Siberian cat breed description and character

The head of the cats is small, the cheekbones are low, the forehead is slightly extended forward. The nose of the animal is smooth, wide. The eyes are oval, slightly slanted. The ears are medium in size, slightly tilted forward. Cats have a wide and fluffy tail that is evenly lowered.

These cats have a great fur coat. Since they live in Siberia, they have found characteristic features. Long hair is the pride of the breed. Thanks to the thick undercoat, animals are fluffy, able to withstand severe frosts. The cat conquers with natural beauty and grace.


To get an animal, you should learn not only about the character of the Siberian cat. The colors of the breed are different. Breeders brought turtle color, tabby, smoky. Each color has its own characteristics.

Animals are monophonic - black, white, red. There are three-color colors, smoky, black tractor, gold and beige. Rare species are cats without spots and patterns. Black Siberian cats have a uniform color throughout the body, including on the nose. Kittens appear with a fur coat of brown or gray color, which turns black after molting. In the sun, wool can burn out and find a red tone.

Siberian blue cat can have any shade, but without splashes. The color of the nose and paw pads is gray-blue. The white color is similar to an Angora cat. Her eyes are copper, blue or orange.

Black and white cat is of two types - harlequin and bath. Gray can have chinchilla and smoky colors. The color of the animal is striped and marble. Whatever the shade of the coat, proper care and quality maintenance of pets is necessary.


What are the habits and character of the Siberian cat? He is a leader by nature, therefore, does not recognize other animals in the house. The pet will be faithful and allocates one person in the family in the form of the owner. According to the owners, the character of the Siberian cat is good-natured, loyal and tactful. He is curious, prefers to attract attention and require communication. By their nature, black Siberian cats are hunters. Therefore, when living in an apartment they should have toys and various entertainments.

Judging by the available photos and character, the Siberian cat loves to play. For this, paper, balls and other rustling objects can be used. The features of the character of the Siberian cat breed include their love of water. They can sit in the bathroom and throw or catch toys.

cat of siberian breed character

The nature of the Siberian blue cat includes their lively mind and quick memorization of their nickname. If you also have a dog, then this will not frighten the Siberian. But the rest of the cats will be rivals. These animals like to watch people, especially being at their best. According to reviews, the nature of Siberian cats is responsive. They become attached to the person, become faithful friends. Cats feel the attitude of people.


Above are all the features of the character of the Siberian cat. Advice on maintenance and care should also be known if you want to have this pet. The animal copes well with grooming on its own. Additional combing of long-haired pets will be required within 10 days during molting. Then enough once or twice a week.

We need metal scallops with frequent and rare teeth, a furminator for high-quality combing. When cats molt, a slicker is used. Care consists of daily walks, carried out even in the cold season. It is easy to train a Siberian from a toilet on the street and at home.

So that the coat is not dull, you should limit walking in the sun. If the cat is contaminated, it must be washed, because it is not afraid of water. Smooth representatives are rare. They have long fur, double undercoat, so special shampoo is used.

It is necessary to clean your ears and watch your teeth, avoiding the formation of tartar. It is not necessary to cut the nails; you need to purchase a large claw-tip and show it to your pet. In good conditions, cats live up to 20 years. You should arrange for the animal a place for games and a house for relaxation. This content provides comfort to the pet.


Bathing cats that do not leave the house is necessary no more than once a year. An animal that is taken for a walk should be bathed once a quarter. Cotton swabs are placed in the ears to prevent water from entering. A non-slip rug or towel is placed at the bottom of the container. For washing, apply conditioner shampoos, which are used for long-haired cats. After bathing, the wool is dried with a towel or hair dryer.

Siberian cats character and description

The eyes of the pet should be wiped with cotton swabs or a clean cloth with the formation of secretions. Ears are examined regularly. If you need to clean sulfur and dirt, you need cotton swabs moistened with a special lotion. To clean the teeth, mouth from plaque use toothpastes. Periodically, prophylactic treats are required. Clipping a claw is almost not required, so you need a standard claw point. Thanks to quality hygiene, the animal will always be satisfied.


The pet prefers a variety of foods, so it will not be difficult to feed him. It is important that you have the right proteins and vitamins in your diet. It is especially important to control the feeding of kittens up to 3 months. Food should be of high quality and served 6 times a day.

Feed must be purchased from trusted manufacturers, such as Royal Canin. The diet should include dry feed and canned food, natural food. The cat should eat lean meats - beef, chicken, rabbit, turkey. Also required fish, seafood, eggs, kefir, cottage cheese.

It is necessary to feed the animal in sufficient quantities. It is important that it does not overeat and does not eat fatty, sweet, spicy foods. Different vegetables are suitable - zucchini, carrots, potatoes. They can be served separately or added to meat, porridge. Be sure to have a container with drinking water.


Animals have good health and excellent stamina, but are prone to obesity. Sometimes it happens that once a pet refuses food from the table, he is overfed or given very greasy food. This can not be done to maintain the health of the pet.

siberian cats character reviews

The cat changes teeth in 3-4 months. During this period, gum irritation occurs and stomatitis may appear. When walking, the cat is able to pick up parasites, so you need to regularly process it. With the help of prevention and vaccination, many problems can be avoided.


Usually up to nine cubs are born. The reproductive period lasts up to 18 years. At birth, the kitten weighs about 100 g. In two months it is 2-3 kg, and in 5-6 months - 4-6 kg.

By the year the pet can gain 5-7 kg. Adults weigh up to 12 kg. The size and weight of the kittens is greater than the cubs of an ordinary cat. Weight is determined by nutrition. Each cub is individual and develops at its own pace.


Siberian cats have stable and well-developed muscles - they can survive even in harsh conditions. They are very active. Outdoor games rarely bring consequences, as animals are neat and dexterous. Therefore, in most cases, valuables are not broken. Because of the wild nature and Siberian roots, free movement and space are needed, therefore, in addition to home games, you need to walk the cat 1-2 times a week.

Pets love to look at the water and dabble in it, like to learn something new and do it easily. The owners can train their mind, set new tasks. A reward system should be used. Siberian cat breed - excellent guards that respond to rustling and perfectly protect their territory.

Life span

Life expectancy depends on various factors. This is affected by heredity. Since the ancestor of the Siberians was the Bukhara breed, animals will have strong immunity. Pets are also hardy and resistant to diseases. On average, a cat lives 15-17 years, but sometimes there are centenarians - more than 20 years.

black siberian cat character

It is necessary to consult a veterinarian in a timely manner, and not to self-medicate. It is still important to monitor his behavior. If the active animal suddenly does not want to play or eat, then you should contact a veterinary clinic.

Pointing and mating

Siberian cats have a stable psyche, they are leisurely. Therefore, it is difficult to identify the exact period of pregnancy. Signs of this condition include drowsiness, toxicosis. During pregnancy, the cat's nipples enlarge for about a month, and then the abdomen is rounded.

You can not count the kittens inside the womb, feeling the stomach. This can injure the cubs. It is advisable to perform an ultrasound. Before giving birth, for several days the cat is looking for a maternity site. She fusses, looking for something warm.

It is advisable to put a box with a coverlet. Childbirth occurs on 64-72 days of pregnancy. Breeders can tell exactly the age of the kittens. If you want to buy a healthy cat, it is advisable to contact specialists. Siberian cats are wonderful parents and usually do not require the help of people.


Before you get a kitten, you need to purchase the necessary things. For a baby, the presence of:

  • clean bowls;
  • tray
  • claws;
  • toys for kittens.

You need to ask what the kitten ate in the nursery. In one week, you need to gradually add new food to the menu. You should also buy a tray similar to the one in the old house. Before vaccination, the kitten does not need to be let out.


A well-known mestizo is considered to be the Neva Masquerade - a Siberian with a Siamese coloring. This is a beautiful beast with thick fur. These cats are loved for their original appearance and serious nature.

There is also a cross between a Siberian and a lop-eared breed. Pets are original in that the type has hanging ears and facial features of a Scottish cat, and the hair came from the Siberian one.

There are Persian mestizos. Due to the fact that Siberian cats are similar to Persians with a thick collar and panties, these breeds are not related. Often unscrupulous breeders interbreed a popular Persian breed with a Siberian one to obtain mass offspring similar to Siberians.

Interesting Facts

  1. These animals grow up for a long time. Full ripening occurs only at the age of five.
  2. Wool protects them not only from the cold, but also from rain, which is considered a feature of animals
  3. The breed occurred in 6-10 years, which is very fast unlike other breeds.
  4. Siberians are not afraid of the noise of the street, barking dogs. They are fearless.

Choosing a kitten

Kittens can break away from their mother by three months. By this period, they show all the features and you can choose an animal. At the same time, you can give your pet a suitable nickname.

The Siberian kitten is distinguished from the rest of the breeds by their large appearance, powerful paws, and a huge fluffy tail, narrowed to the tip. Other features include the presence of a lush collar and panties. Kittens come into maturity by the age of five, they mature for a long time.

In the cattery, you can choose a suitable kitten by color. The price is 10-30 thousand rubles. The cost depends on the impeccability of the pedigree. It is important to pick a nickname. Girls should be called so that the nickname reflects the resemblance to forest cats - Monif, Saner, Xena or Russian - Murka, Thekla, Stesha. There may also be nicknames that are not related to the breed - Josephine, Yasmina, Leila.

The cat can be called Imperial, Ivan, Eugene, Yasha. When choosing a kitten, it is important to consider the cleanliness of the mother. On the fur coat there may be spots that are eliminated after molting, and the color will be uniform.

Thus, Siberian cats are special animals. They get used to home conditions, both to a private house and to an apartment. The main thing is that a suitable environment is created for them and quality care is carried out.


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