Sealers for wooden windows - effective solutions

The presence of wooden window structures contributes to maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room and organizing a harmonious attractive interior. But the trouble with double-glazed windows with frames made of natural materials compared to plastic lies in the rather rapid loss of heat-saving ability as a result of environmental factors.

At present, special sealants for wooden windows allow keeping the heat in the room. Let's look at the features of the application of such isolation.

Why do I have to insulate wooden double-glazed windows?

Many apartments still have Soviet-made windows. However, most modern models with wooden frames can also not be called perfect. In such structures, cracks are formed that occur under the influence of dampness and temperature changes.

In the manufacture of wooden windows, solid bars are often used. The material actively reacts to changes in humidity and swells. As a result, the tightness of the structure is extremely affected.

rubber for wooden windows

The most expensive wooden windows made using innovative technologies are made of glued base, and then processed by vacuum drying. Therefore, the latter are spared the above disadvantages.

Groove seal for wooden windows

It allows you to isolate window frames, while maintaining the geometry of the structure. The sealant is installed by milling openings. The use of rubber or silicone fillers contributes to high-quality sealing.

seals for wooden windows

Groove gaskets for wooden windows are installed according to the following sequence of actions:

  1. The nails are removed, the old sealant is removed, the wings are removed from the hinges.
  2. A groove is laid along the perimeter of the sash with a depth of about 5 mm and a width of 2-3 mm.
  3. Sealers for wooden windows are laid in the prepared openings with the tail inward.
  4. The insulator is sealed with a special mounting roller.
  5. The sash returns to its place and is adjusted to achieve easy closing-opening.

Sealant for wooden windows rubber

It is an elastic tape. Installation requires the use of special sealant, which can be purchased complete with a sealant.

After cleaning the window frames from the remnants of the old sealant, crumbling paint and dirt, the structure is glued with an insulator around the entire perimeter, including the windows. It is necessary to glue the tape very carefully, which avoids problems with opening and closing the wings.

groove seal for wooden windows
Finally, rubber seals for wooden windows are blown with sealant. For these purposes, it is desirable to choose a substance of a transparent structure in order to achieve a more accurate appearance.

Film insulation method

Recently, special sealing films made of polyethylene have been popular, which are excellent in the insulation of wooden structures. Transparent base cover the frame or the entire window. The material is fixed using a construction stapler.

The process of installing such insulation is much simpler compared to previous solutions. The main thing is to evenly cover the surface to be sealed with a layer of material of sufficient size.

Certain types of film sealants can be seen in almost any hardware store. The main task of the consumer is the choice of the most frost-resistant insulator. Only in this case, the protection of the double-glazed window does not crack under sharp temperature fluctuations.

If desired, the above methods of sealing wooden windows can be successfully combined. It all depends on the existing working conditions and personal wishes of the owner of the house.


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