Diaper Goon: reviews, prices. Goon - diaper panties

When a woman becomes a mother, she has many questions. Of course, the representative of the fair sex is most interested in the state of health and well-being of the baby. This article will introduce you to the Goon diaper. You will learn the advantages of these baby care products, as well as get acquainted with the prices for them. Separately, it is worth mentioning which Goon diapers receive reviews.

diaper goon

Products of the company "Gun"

The manufacturer offers to purchase several types of goods. On the shelves of stores you can find wet wipes, diapers, panties with an elastic belt, etc. Using these means once, you will never want to return to goods of other brands intended for personal hygiene of the baby.

goon diapers panties

Goon: Japanese diapers. general description

This type of product is presented exclusively for children. Among the diapers of the company "Gun" you can find the ones that are right for your baby. Funds are calculated for babies from the very first day of life. Age of use is unlimited. If we classify these products, we can distinguish the following categories:

  • Goon diaper for babies (suitable for babies weighing from three kilograms);
  • funds from three to six months (suitable for children from five kilograms);
  • diaper panties (available for girls or boys after six months);
  • night diapers-panties (for babies after two years).

Consider in more detail what types of goods has.

Means for newborns

goon diapers reviews

The Goon diaper, designed for young children, will be ideal for first stool and frequent urination. The product has a soft inner layer, which is equipped with a light mesh. It is thanks to this component that infant feces quickly penetrate deep into the diaper without flowing back. The baby's skin remains dry and clean.

The Goon diaper also has reusable clasps that allow you to repeatedly check the condition of the inner layer of panties. In addition, the outer part of the product is equipped with special lines that appear as the diaper is filled.

Means for children of the first year of life

This type of product has three sizes. You can choose the most suitable for your baby. In this case, the weight of the crumbs must be taken into account. So, for kids from 4 to 8 kilograms, the size "Es" is suitable. If the child weighs 6-11 kilograms, then you need to give preference to the size of "Em". With a weight category of crumbs from 9 to 14 kilograms, choose the size "El".

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These diapers have a soft inner surface that quickly absorbs moisture. Thus, the baby’s delicate skin remains dry and does not cause irritation. In addition, this personal care product is equipped with fasteners that hold the diaper firmly on the baby’s belt. Despite this, the baby does not feel any discomfort. His movements are free and easy. At the back, the Gong diaper has an elastic gum that does not put pressure on the baby’s back.

Baby Diaper Panties

When the baby can already sit on its own, Goon offers diapers-panties. This product allows the child to gradually get used to the potty. You can repeatedly take off and put on a product. The shape of the panties is maintained. Depending on the gender of the child, you can buy Goon diapers-panties for girls or boys. Consider the differences between such a product.

goon diapers for girls

Panties for girls

Goon - diapers, panties for girls - have a special reinforced layer, which is mainly located at the back. This is done so that during urination, the liquid is quickly absorbed in the place where it is most needed.

Panties for boys

Goon - diapers, panties for boys - have the same reinforced layer as a means for girls. However, it is located mainly in front of the product. This allows you to quickly absorb moisture where you need it.

goon japanese diapers

Size range of diaper panties

Funds for older children have the same size range as regular Gong diapers.

Large (night) diaper panties

If your baby weighs more than 14 kilograms, then you can purchase a separate type of panties for him. They have a double layer, which reliably and quickly absorbs moisture and liquid feces. Many people buy this product for night sleep.

Also, these products are suitable for children who have a disease associated with urinary incontinence. You can use panties until they fit on the child (on average up to 7-9 years).

Price category of Gong diapers

Depending on where you live, you can purchase Goon diapers cheaply or expensively. It all depends on the supplier and the seller’s cheat. It is also worth recalling that there are large and small packages. So, a small pack has a lower cost, but buying a large one is more profitable.

Regular panties with Velcro for newborn babies cost about 900 rubles in the amount of 36 pieces. The product, which is intended for babies of the first year of life, has a cost of 500 to 800 rubles (small package) and from 1200 to 1600 rubles (large pack). Panties-diapers cost about 1400 rubles.

Quite often, the manufacturer and seller arrange shares, getting on which, you can purchase goods at a reduced price or with some gifts.

goon diapers panties for boys

Product Opinions

Goon diapers reviews are extremely positive. Many mothers who previously used products of other companies that produce personal care products for babies, chose this brand. Most pediatricians also recommend Gong diapers. Using the product in conjunction with wet wipes, you will provide complete care for your baby.

Moisture indicator

Moms who preferred this product report that it is very convenient to use this system. You no longer have to often undo and tape Velcro to check the internal condition of the panties. Just look at the external drawing.

Gum Convenience

Unlike other similar products, Gong brand diapers are equipped with elastic. It is because of this that the liquid does not flow out of the panties. The child can actively move his legs and play. If the baby is in a horizontal position, the back gum fits snugly on the back - the diaper does not leak, and the baby sleeps quietly.

Rear diaper lock

Mommies also indicate that it is very convenient to use a special clasp, which is located on the back of the diaper panties. After removing the product, you just need to roll up the diaper and close it tightly with a latch. Thus, you can discreetly take off your panties anywhere and throw them away.

Reusable use

Parents say that when the child gets older and already walks on the pot independently, diapers can be used as a safety net. So, putting on your child’s panties for the night, you can remove an absolutely clean product in the morning, which is then worn again. The diaper does not lose shape and quality over time. You can take off and put on such panties an unlimited number of times.

Nice stuff

Parents and pediatricians also positively evaluate the fact that Gong diapers have very pleasant material. The outer part of the product feels like a soft cloth. While other companies prefer to use paper or thin oilcloth. The inside consists of a hypoallergenic coating that is odorless. We should also say about Velcro. They are not scratched, but have a fairly strong mount. You can unfasten and fasten them several times.

Convenient packaging

Gong diapers reviews are positive and thanks to the packaging. The dense film does not allow moisture to pass through and compactly holds diapers inside. At the top of the pack there is a convenient handle with which you can easily carry away the packaging.

Japanese Gong Baby Diapers

Summary and short conclusion

Now you know what kind of diapers is represented by the Japanese company Gong. If you still have not used them, then you need to buy this product for a child as soon as possible. It is safe to say that you will never be disappointed in choosing this particular product. Choose among diapers such a product that is ideal for your baby by weight. Only in this case, the elastic bands and fasteners will fit snugly to the right places.

Use the products of the company "Gun" with pleasure. Tell your friends about your product experience. Health to you and your baby!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24657/

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