Aranian knitting patterns with patterns, photo and description of knitting a men's sweater

Craftswomen, who know how the front and back loops are made, will be able to cope with the Aranian patterns with knitting needles. With diagrams and a detailed description, things will go pretty quickly, it’s enough to understand the main principle.

aranian patterns with knitting needles with patterns

How does braid formation occur?

Do not be afraid of differences in terminology, since Aranes are also called tows and braids. Interlocking strands are a key component of Aranian knitting patterns. The schemes that confirm this can be found below.

Each braid consists of at least two strands that can be formed by any number of loops (from one to several dozen). In the process of knitting, the craftswoman transfers the loops of the first strand to the auxiliary knitting needle or knitting pin, then works with the loops of the second strand. After that, she returns the loops of the first lock to the left knitting needle and knits them. Depending on which side of the web (at work or before work) the removed loops of the first lock will remain, the tourniquet will be tilted to the right or left.

Traditionally, the stitch loops are knitted with the front ones, and the background loops are purl, but there are exceptions.

Of the two strands, the simplest Aranian patterns consist of knitting needles, with patterns that include a relatively small number of loops. More complex ornaments can be formed by a much larger number of locks: from three to several dozen.

Knitting men's sweaters with a volumetric pattern

For such a product you will need yarn of medium thickness and the corresponding knitting needles. The drawing shows patterns for sweaters of different sizes.

aranian patterns with knitting needles with diagrams and description

Work begins with the details of the back, then perform in front and sleeves. To determine the number of loops for the first row, knit and then measure the control sample. Knowing how many loops per 10 cm, you can calculate all the necessary parameters.

Aranian knitting patterns with diagrams and description: the sequence of knitting sweater parts

The figures below show the diagrams that must be checked when working on a sweater.

aranian patterns with knitting patterns for men

The back can not be decorated with braids, it will be enough to complete the pattern A.1. After the loops are dialed, you should knit 7-10 cm with a 2: 2 elastic band. Then proceed to knitting a pattern.

When the fabric is tied to the armhole line, on each side it is necessary to close so many loops so that 3 cm protrusions are formed. Next, to form raglan lines in each second row (for example, in the front), cut two loops. For a neat edge, you need to knit together the second and third loops, as well as the two penultimate ones.

This way you get bevels located at the right angle.

Knitting details

The front fits in the same way as the back. That is, the number of loops and rows to the armhole remains the same. The only difference is that Aran patterns with knitting needles will be placed on the parts. The execution pattern of the basic pattern and the main braids is located in the previous paragraph.

The remaining harnesses are shown in the diagram below.

knitting pattern

The craftswoman can use the designer’s development, implementing it without changes, or place the Arana in her own way. For example, you can supplement the existing model with braids in the center of the front part. For this, the largest braid (Scheme A.3b) with small braids on both sides (Scheme A.2b or A.6b) is suitable.

Having reached the armhole line, the craftswoman should reduce on each side the number of loops that corresponds to 5-7 cm. The depth of the armhole on the front part will be greater than on the back. Raglan lines are formed in the same way as when knitting the back: in each second row, two loops are cut.

Due to the fact that the armhole is deeper, the raglan lines will be shorter, and the entire part is smaller. Due to this, the neck on the front part will be deeper than on the back.

Knitting sleeves

For cuffs, they knit 5 cm with an elastic band, then proceed to the execution of patterns. Here you can also take advantage of the designer’s offer or place the Arani pattern with knitting needles as you wish.

In order for the sleeve detail to expand to the armhole, two loops should be added at equal intervals - at the beginning and at the end of the row.

To form raglan lines, you should cut two loops in every second row.

At the last stage, all parts of the sweater are sewn with a knitted seam. Then, on the circular knitting needles, loops of the neck are gathered and the elastic is knitted to the desired height. If you perform only a few rows, and then loosely close the loops, you will get a pullover.

In the case when the neck is equal to 15-20 cm, the product will be called a sweater.

In order for the loops to settle down and the fabric to level, the product is washed in warm water or poured with steam from an iron. When wet-heat treatment, the cloth with braids should be steamed from the wrong side. Otherwise, the bundles may lose volume and become flat.

Harnesses and braids are very often used when knitting clothes for men. Aranian patterns with knitting needles with schemes, photos and descriptions are easily absorbed by the craftswomen. Their implementation does not require much experience or dexterity, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the order of weaving of the strands.


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