Beautiful perennial flowers growing in the shade

Everyone on the site, in the garden or in the apartment has a place where the rays of the sun rarely fall and there is always a little overcast. Therefore, picking up perennial flowers growing in the shade, you can create an attractive, slightly mystical corner for relaxing in the hot season. What you should pay attention to when buying plants, which varieties will be appropriate in such unusual conditions, experienced experts advise.

perennial flowers growing in the shade

Find out what flowers grow in the shade

The selection of suitable plants is so great that it would be better to first try to imagine the general silhouette of a future flower bed or a flower bed. It is worth taking a look at different flower groups:

  • tall flowers;
  • compact views;
  • long or short flowering;
  • sprawling or creeping, and many others.

A lot of annuals tolerate half-light well, but their short life span reduces all efforts to grow them to nothing in just one season. Therefore, gardeners are so interested in perennial flowers growing in the shade.

indoor flowers growing in the shade

Choosing the right planting material

Common perennials that feel good in shading include: numerous vibrant varieties of pansies, forget-me-nots, mimulus and poisonous aconites. Lunaria, fragrant tobacco, nemesia, hydrangea and perennial geranium will create a composition in a calm English style. And large representatives of mallow, cineraria, irises and forest bells will transfer the garden owners to the mysterious parks of French kings. Lovers of simple rural style will like Veronica, St. John's wort, aquilegia, nasturtium, bloodthirsty and, of course, lupine with clover. You can create a completely green corner from different types of ferns, asparagus, monarda, decorative sedge and striped hosts. For little princesses, it is worth creating a fabulous clearing with oak anemone, banana, lilies of the valley, primrose and bright phlox. Some indoor flowers growing in the shade can also come in handy - these are time-tested asparagus and tiny varieties of balsam. Most of these plants have similar growing conditions, so putting together beautiful alpine slides and rabatka from them will not be difficult even for beginners.

what flowers grow in the shade

The most successful perennial flowers growing in the shade look good if you collect them in one color scheme or build the whole composition in a contrast of 2-3 shades. You can choose one plant, but of different species and create your own unique collection. For example, it can be numerous varieties of astilbe, with their rich palette and different flowering periods. Having planted this perennial, you can get a fragrant shadow for the entire season. Low-growing balsamins in tandem with begonias will not only decorate the site, but also confirm the view that perennial flowers growing in the shade are always a corner of clean, healing air. For early buds - plant onion plants. These can be unpretentious hyacinths, white flowers, muscari or cyclamen.

It doesn’t matter which color combinations are chosen, the main thing is that they grow well together.


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