Dendrobium - orchids that cheer up

Dendrobium (orchids) is a genus of perennial herbaceous plants from the Orchid family. In the literal translation from Greek, this name means "tree of life."

dendrobium orchids

About a thousand species of these flowers are known. In addition to them, there are also many hybrids that are grown in garden conditions on personal plots. The most common dendrobium (orchids) are in Polynesia, Southeast Asia, as well as in New Guinea. The appearance of these plants is quite diverse. They can have both thin long stems and swollen. The same situation is with leaves, which are both grassy and durable, leathery. As for the flowers, some species have several in number, while others form whole inflorescences. In general, this plant is quite finicky and requires careful care. The easiest species for growing at home is considered to be the noble Denrobium - Dendrobium nobile. He grows to a height of 60 centimeters and lives for two and a half years. Flowers here are arranged on the shoot from above in two or three.

Dendrobium Orchid Reproduction


Not every flower can please the eye like an orchid. At home, dendrobium must be grown with the knowledge that the plant comes from regions that are characterized by a monsoon climate. Moreover, it is characterized by pronounced resting time. It must be kept in wet conditions at an air temperature of 22 to 24 degrees in the summer and about 12 degrees in the winter. Regardless of the variety, these flowers are very fond of when they have access to a lot of light. It is desirable that he be absent-minded. In this regard, at home, dendrobium (orchids) is recommended to be placed near the windows. Best if it is the western or eastern side. If this is not possible, then it is better to install the plant near the south window, while organizing a small shadow for it. In the northern part of the apartment, orchids are unlikely to grow.

orchid at home dendrobium

Watering in spring and summer should be plentiful, and the soil should always be in a wet state. In winter, the amount of water should be limited as much as possible, while occasionally just spraying the plant. Once every two weeks, orchids need to be fed. For this, the best option would be liquid fertilizers, which are sold in specialized flower shops.

Transplantation and reproduction

Every two to three years, it is necessary to transplant the dendrobium. Orchids are grown on a variety of substrates, ranging from standard polystyrene balls and bark from wood to complex and multi-component types of soil. The main thing is that they have sufficient aeration. The plant is able to adapt to almost any type of soil. Moreover, only such conditions as the level of drying from one watering to another, the frequency of humidification of air and soil, and also the degree of illumination are important for him. Reproduction of the dendrobium orchid is carried out by several methods - cuttings, aerial offspring, as well as dividing the bush.


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