How to plant tomatoes

Planting tomatoes in the ground for residents of rural areas is already an ordinary thing. They are used to doing this, because they prefer to use the resources of a private house in all its glory. Indeed, it would be very unreasonable, having your own home, your own land, to go to the market for vegetables. A villager, once settled in places far from a polluted atmosphere, prefers to eat natural products.

how to plant tomatoes
In recent years, many city dwellers have been fleeing crowds from megalopolises into quiet and calm rural life. With the advent of the opportunity to live outside the city, the idea of ​​owning your own mini-plantations comes to mind over time. Why not? But many of the same number of ex-urban residents are wondering about how to plant tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and other vegetables. On the agenda to get an answer to such a seemingly difficult question.

To begin with, we need to learn more about such a useful vegetable. Tomato, firstly, a self-pollinating vegetable. However, the tomato flower has both male and female reproductive organs. Secondly, it must be remembered that tomatoes are very thermophilic. The optimum temperature for their development and growth is a mark of 22-25 degrees, of course, with a plus. At a temperature of less than 10 degrees below zero, pollen does not ripen and the ovary, which was not fertilized, disappears. How to plant tomatoes?

planting tomatoes in the ground
We are almost at the truth. For everything to go smoothly, the flowers must be fertilized. To do this, you need wind to spread pollen. This is usually done as follows. A wire is stretched along the greenhouse ceiling, parallel to the beds. Next to the seedlings that you just planted, let's say, a wooden peg is stuck. Near each bush. A rope is tied to it and tied to a full-length wire. When the plant begins to grow, it will rise, here the rope serves as an assistant in support, since when the fruits appear, the weight increases and the plant will lie down. Your task is to gently twist the plant onto the rope as it grows. In warm weather, the side windows of the greenhouse are raised and the wind walks freely throughout the area, spreading pollen. Well, at least partially learned how to plant tomatoes?

And before creating the conditions around, the seeds of cherry tomatoes must be carefully selected. They must, of course, not be ill with anything, must have the correct forms. It is necessary to soak them for 24 hours in water at room temperature, after - you need to wrap them in moist gauze and watch every 12 hours to see if they have begun to “wake up”. As soon as the seeds have sprouted, they must be transplanted into the appropriate tray. They need to be planted in a tray at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other. Sprinkle, lay out the sprouted seeds and sprinkle with dry earth a centimeter in 2.

cherry tomato seeds
Place the tray on the windowsill for access to the sun. In a day or two you will see that the question of how to plant tomatoes has been resolved - they will begin to sprout. As soon as small "trees" grow in 15-20 centimeters, they can safely be moved to the territory of a warm greenhouse. Place them at a distance of 25-30 centimeters. After a couple of weeks, you can harvest. The question of how to plant tomatoes has been resolved far and wide, about the same as tomatoes in your greenhouse.


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