Canopy of metal: types, application, design features

A canopy is a simple structure of several supports with a roof fixed on top. The construction is indispensable where protection from the scorching sun or precipitation is necessary. Depending on the purpose, a variety of materials can be used for the manufacture of hinged structures, but if it is necessary to make a building with high aesthetic indicators, appropriate materials are used. One of them is a metal tile.

Design features

Metal canopy
A canopy made of metal is not just practical, but also a beautiful structure that can decorate any site. It is appropriate everywhere - in the country, at a country house, in an urban recreation area, near restaurants, cafes, and many other institutions.

Since metal tiles are available in a wide range of colors and have different profile shapes, you can choose the option for a particular site that will be in harmony with the architecture and color of other structures. For example, if a canopy is being built over the porch - the metal tile should be the same color as on the roof of the building, then the extension will look harmonious.

The advantages of canopies made of metal

Canopy of metal photo
Before starting the construction, everyone asks the question: is it profitable to erect a hinged structure and what will give its appearance, for example, in a suburban area? Attached buildings have many advantages. It:

  1. Good specifications.
  2. Presentable appearance.
  3. Lack of care.
  4. Long service time.
  5. The simplicity of the construction work, due to which you can, if you have the necessary skills, build the structure yourself.
  6. The use of any materials for the manufacture of the frame - wood, metal corners, pipes. But if you want the building to decorate the site, it is best to build a canopy of metal tiles on wooden supports - these materials perfectly complement each other. The only thing you need to take care of is to protect the wood elements, especially those that will go deep into the ground.

Types of hinged structures

Canopy for a car from a metal tile
Facilities vary in several ways. First of all, constructive. And may be:

  1. Open. Such buildings consist of a roof and vertical pillars. Despite the fact that the structure is protected only from above, this option is used most often, since in summer, due to natural ventilation, heat does not accumulate under the roof. If the canopy made of metal is designed to protect the car, then natural ventilation will quickly dry the car that has fallen under the rain.
  2. Closed. The construction is supplemented by walls. Thanks to this, the area under the canopy is reliably protected not only from rain and snow, but also from wind, dust, various debris that the wind can bring. For the walls, any lightweight material can be used - from corrugated board to polycarbonate. One option is forging. But, although such a structure will look beautiful, it will not be able to protect it from the wind.
  3. Visor. This is the same canopy, but attached to the wall of the building on one side, while the other rests on vertical racks. In this case, the side parts can be both open and closed.

Another difference is the type of top. The canopy of metal can have a single-pitched, gable or complex shape: dome-shaped, arched, etc.

Scope of application

Canopy above the porch
Suspended structures with metal-coated coating are used in various fields and can be used as:

  1. Protection for goods and personnel near the outlet.
  2. Entrance group near an office, residential or commercial building.
  3. Parking protection near a shopping center, restaurant, office.
  4. Garage in the country.
  5. Construction over the playground, recreation area.

Wherever protection from sun and rain is needed, as well as to give buildings a finished look, a canopy of metal tiles is appropriate (the photos available in the review perfectly confirm this).

Expert Advice

Since the construction is a fairly simple task, many decide to put it into practice on their own. But in order for the work to really be done perfectly, you need to know some subtleties:

  1. The metal tile almost does not bend at all, so itโ€™s best to choose a simple roof shape for the construction of the hinged structure, otherwise it will be impossible to cope with this matter without proper experience.
  2. Site preparation. From the selected site you need to remove all plants, remove grass and the surface is well compacted. If a carport is being built from a metal tile, then a concrete base must be made on the site. The area intended for pouring concrete should be larger in size than the area of โ€‹โ€‹the canopy and have a slight slope so that the water that gets in can drain and not remain on the surface. When concreting - first or last - everyone decides for himself. If the site is concreted before the installation of the supports, it is necessary to leave places under them.

Construction stages

Do-it-yourself metal canopy
If you decide to build a canopy of metal tiles with your own hands, work begins with the manufacture of supports. Most often, a thick wooden beam is used for this. It needs to be prepared - processed: soak with materials that protect against fungus. Particular attention is paid to the part that will be in the ground: hot tar or tar can be applied to these areas. After the resin has dried, the timber can be installed in the prepared hole and poured with concrete. When installing the supports, it is necessary to ensure that in the finished structure the angle of inclination of the roof is at least 14 degrees.

To make the structure more durable, it is possible to replace that part of the support, which is immersed in the soil, with a metal analog - a corner, a pipe, to which then connect a beam above the surface level.

The next stage is the arrangement of the roofing lathing. You can do the work in any convenient way. The simplest option is to connect the upper parts of the supports with slats or metal corners, to which then you can attach a crate of wooden battens.

Completing the installation of metal. Self-tapping screws are used to fix it. Since the size of the sheets is not always suitable for a particular structure, they must be cut. The easiest way is to cut off the excess with scissors for metal, but this does not guarantee that the cut will turn out beautiful. A grinder will do the job much faster and better, but the use of abrasive wheels No. 6 should be avoided - their use increases the temperature in the work area and the material is destroyed. Installation of the coating begins from the bottom up.


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