Is the javanese tiger alive? View description

The Javanese tiger is one of the subspecies of the large striped predator living on the island of Java. He was distinguished by a relatively small body size and weight. This subspecies is considered extinct, since it was on the verge of extinction in the mid-twentieth century. The latest data on the three individuals is dated 1979. The estimated extinction time of the subspecies is 1980.

javanese tiger

Catastrophic number of individuals - 25 tigers

For the first time, the possibility of the extinction of the Javanese tiger began to be discussed in the mid-twentieth century. Then the population totaled about 25 individuals. All measures were taken to save the subspecies from extinction, a reserve was established to preserve the population, in which each individual was taken into account. The destruction of the population of Javanese tigers is due to the active extermination of predators and the violation of the natural habitat. Most of the individuals lived in specially created reserves and sanctuaries of the island of Java. But even these measures did not save this subspecies from extinction.

The Javanese tiger is similar in color to the Sumatran tiger. However, there are differences: extinct individuals had a relatively dark color and a more rare arrangement of black stripes. The areas of dark color on wide paws very often had a beautiful curved double loop. Adult males were significantly larger than females. The Javanese tiger was very attracted to poachers. The appearance of the skin was gorgeous.

javanese tiger photo

Animal habitat

Animals lived mainly in the tropics. They hunted for antelopes, bulls, various birds. The lifestyle of this subspecies was no different from the general behavior of tigers.

Female Javanese tigers brought offspring in the amount of two to three kittens. The weight of each tiger cub was up to one and a half kilograms. Already after one and a half to two years, individuals could be mated, since puberty was beginning. Females hatched cubs a little more than a hundred days. Life expectancy ranged from ten to fifteen years.

Background to Extinction

The Javanese tiger very often attacked herds of livestock, as this is the easiest prey. Cattle breeders, protecting their pets, actively hunted for relatively small predators. This was one of the reasons for the extinction of a subspecies of beautiful wild animals.

Farmers in those places always kept a loaded gun in the house. A lot of striped cats fell because of laziness to go hunting. The Javanese tiger, whose appearance was described above, was not always afraid of man. That is why hunters could sneak up close to a predator.

javanese tiger outer

Is the tiger population recovering?

The eastern part of the island of Java is covered with dense tropical forests. More than a third of all forests are untouched by humans. They are impassable, and therefore little studied. Information periodically appears that it was in those forests that eyewitnesses met several individuals of Javanese tigers. But no reliable evidence was provided. Scientists say with some doubt that these messages may be incorrect. From afar, a leopard can be mistaken for a Javanese tiger, since there is a distant external similarity between these representatives of predators.

Of course, local residents do not cease to believe that the Javanese tiger lives in the forests. They tried to provide photos of such evidence, only there was a blurred image on them. Therefore, scientists are in no hurry to resurrect this species of tigers.

The first mention that the predator is alive

But some facts of the attack of predators on humans and domestic animals cast doubt on the complete extinction of Javanese tigers.

javanese tiger appearance

The first evidence that laid the foundations for the resurgence of a population of an extinct subspecies of tigers was recorded in 2008. A corpse of a woman was discovered on the territory of Mount Merbabu, a functioning national park in eastern Java. She was one of the many tourists visiting the island. In the investigation of the causes of death, the fact of an attack by a predatory animal, presumably from a feline family, was established. The villagers who found the woman spoke with one voice that they saw a tiger, similar to a disappeared subspecies, near the site of the attack. But since the animal was seen at a great distance, the scientists did not accept this statement as a documentary fact.

The second evidence of the revival of the tiger population was recorded in 2009. Mentioned is the same eastern part of the island, covered with impenetrable forests. It was here that eyewitnesses from among local residents saw a female Javanese tiger along with two small cubs. The calm tigress did not show any aggression, calmly walked past the rural settlement and disappeared into the forest thicket. It is possible that the Javanese tiger learned to hide from people.

Gold or tigers?

These facts suggest that the population of Javanese tigers is not destroyed and begins to revive. Therefore, on the territory of the island of Java, a special reserve was created, a kind of national park, to preserve all the Javanese tigers that may live on the territory. The idea of ​​the reserve is to ensure that all tigers are concentrated in one protected place. Thus, the entire animal population will be under constant control and protection.

javanese tiger extinction

However, the existence of this reserve is currently under threat of liquidation. On its territory was discovered a fairly large deposit of precious metal - gold. Several companies are now fighting for the right to use these lands and start mining for gold. If industrial development is not stopped, then the Javanese tiger will completely disappear. The extinction of these predators was officially confirmed in 1980, but scientists do not lose hope. But gold mining may be more important than saving a special kind of striped cats.


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