How to become a “Shararam” moderator in 5 minutes without programs

Computer games in recent years have received tremendous development, and it is largely expressed in the abundance of various branches. There were computer games for the whole family, for boys and girls, as well as for the smallest. What is most surprising is the fact that for children there are even multiplayer games that allow you to have fun at the same time, learn something new, and also communicate with your peers from other cities. In general, this gives solid advantages, but it is worth noting that many are eager for moderators, as this title is incredibly prestigious. Therefore, it is worth considering separately how to become a moderator in Shararama, as well as what this will entail.

How to become a moderator?

how to become a moderator in shararama

Many children who play this multiplayer project are wondering how to become a moderator in Shararama. It may seem to some that this is a very simple process, but in reality everything is quite different. The fact is that you need to constantly be active, participate in the life of the game, communicate with other little gamers, help them learn something new about the game, and so on. Then you will be noticed by either the administrator, or the main moderator, or one of the current moderators, or perhaps you yourself will turn to the manual with a request to raise you. And if the management, having considered your candidacy, decides that you are suitable for the position in question, then you will be quickly accepted and approved. Most often you will have to go through a probationary period to prove that you are worthy of this position and are ready to bear serious responsibility. If not, you can become a volunteer who helps newcomers, but so far has no title. This is the best way to earn confidence in yourself and learn how to become a moderator in "Shararam".

other methods

how to become a moderator shararam

Naturally, not everyone is satisfied with such a long waiting time and such harsh conditions, so they begin to look for other methods of how to become a moderator. Shararam is a game in which not much attention is paid to technical protection. The fact is that the game is designed for small children who are unlikely to try to hack the game to get certain advantages. Much more attention is paid directly to the control of the gameplay, so you can take advantage of this. With the help of special programs you can become a full-fledged moderator in just five minutes. However, there is a small feature.

The fact is that the community of project managers is pretty cohesive, so you will most likely be quickly calculated when you see a stranger in your team. And then you can even get a ban for your dishonest attempts to figure out how to become a moderator. "Shararam" is a game in which the administration closely monitors what is happening in the game world and reacts very quickly, and judges fairly.

What are the moderators?

moderators of shararama

Now you have an idea of ​​how to become a moderator in "Shararam". However, this is far from all you need to know. And if you are now asking such questions, then, most likely, it is too early for you to become a moderator. The ideal role for such players has already been described - a volunteer. But if you are ready, you should understand that the Shararama has its own hierarchy of power. Above all, there is an administrator who completely controls the entire resource. He is subordinate to the main moderator, who manages all other gamers who have served as moderators. Naturally, you will join the lowest class, but you should understand that over time, everything can change. Moderators of "Shararama" come and go, and if you are faithful to your job and will show a good result, then you will quickly achieve an increase.

Moderator Responsibility

how to become a moderator in shararama

If you want to learn how to become a moderator at Shararama, then you should definitely get acquainted with what you have to do in this role. First of all, you need to maintain order in the game world and help players when they need it. You must be able to communicate with people, explain to them even the simplest and most primitive things, and so on. You are also a guardian of order, that is, you will need to not only encourage, but also punish for violations, so be prepared for the fact that you will be dissatisfied, that you will have to defend your point of view and always maintain justice. Well, of course, you will need to follow the technical component of the game. If one of the players has technical problems , the game itself is buggy, or something went wrong and the textures or something like that disappeared, you should always be on the lookout. Naturally, you yourself will not solve the problem, but how quickly you report it to the administrators depends on how quickly it is fixed. As you can see, it’s not enough for you to know how to become a moderator in “Shararam” in 5 minutes without programs. This is not just a position, it is a huge responsibility, which not everyone copes with.

Moderator does not solve everything

how to become a moderator in shararama in 5 minutes without programs

Often gamers confuse moderators with all other types of administration, which makes this work very difficult. The moderators are accused of substandard content that they do not write, technical errors that they do not solve, and, of course, unfair bans. The moderator is not responsible for all this , so it makes no sense to try to blame him for something, since you are unlikely to achieve something worthy, but at the same time spoil the mood of both the moderator and yourself, as well as many others in the game.

Moderator Benefits

All this represents the post of a moderator as very complex, and it is. However, he also has advantages, such as the inscription "Moderator" in the profile, a unique headset, painted in black and having additional functions, as well as much more. For example, the administrator and the main moderator may decide to reward especially dedicated and diligent moderators with unique clothes of unique colors.


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