Euphorbia: home care. The most popular types for indoor cultivation

Plants from the genus Euphorbia in nature grow in the form of shrubs, trees, garden grass or indoor flowers. They are annual and perennial. Their appearance is so diverse that you won’t immediately understand whether they belong to the same genus or not. Euphorbia: types, home care - these are the issues that will be considered in this article.

Historical reference

Euphorbia got its name thanks to the milky juice, which is secreted by an incision. It is also called euphorbia in honor of the ancient healer from Rome. In the old days, plant poisonous fluids were used to lubricate arrowheads. Currently, people in Africa moisten them with grass, which is thrown into the water. So they jam the fish.

Euphorbia home care

Euphorbia is widespread in Africa, America, Asia, the Mediterranean and in the south of our country. It is difficult for plants from the genus Euphorbia to give a general description, since the species differs markedly from the species. Some plants have stems without thorns, but leafy. For others, everything is exactly the opposite. Different euphorbia and stems vary. One very important symptom remains common - poisonous milky juice.

Description of milkweed triangular

The birthplace of this perennial plant is South America. This euphorbia blooms only in the natural environment. But, despite this, it is very popular as a room culture due to its voluminous trihedral stems. Euphorbia triangular, home care which is carried out correctly, reaches 3 meters in height. This is a very hardy plant with an exotic look. A remarkable feature is that with this growth, the plant has a small root system. Therefore, to plant it you need a pot higher and with a stable bottom.

Euphorbia triangular home care

Attention should be paid to the presence of toxic substances in the milky sap, which, if it comes into contact with the skin, causes burns and inflammation. Therefore, you need to work with milkweed in protective gloves. If the house has children and pets, the flower must be placed in a place where it is impossible to reach.


Triangular euphorbia is perfectly propagated by shoots. They are harvested in advance, with the onset of spring. Slices are dried by placing the stems in a well-ventilated, shaded area for several days. This plant does not like acidic soil, so it is better to plant it in the finished mixture or ordinary soil with the addition of sand. Earth needs to be constantly moistened. The newly planted euphorbia needs adaptation. Home care at this stage is to ensure a comfortable growth. To do this, after planting, the flower must be put in the shade. Direct rays of the sun during this period are harmful.

Euphorbia room care at home

But when the roots get stronger and gain strength, the plant can be identified on the sunny windowsill. This euphorbia should be gradually accustomed to direct sunlight, otherwise the stems and leaves may get burned.


Euphorbia, home care which involves transplantation, grows better after this procedure. Young plants are transplanted every year, and adults - as needed. You need to monitor the root system. If it goes beyond the pot, it's time to transplant. The best time for this procedure is spring. It is with the awakening of the earth that the active growth of plants begins. The soil should be loose, airy. When transplanting, you need to take into account that the root system of the flower is superficial, and the height is rather big. Therefore, the pot should be selected appropriate sizes. It is recommended to lay a drainage layer at the bottom of the tank, so the water will not stagnate and the roots will not begin to rot. Under comfortable growing conditions, euphorbia will quickly grow.

Home care (photo)

Euphorbia is a drought-tolerant plant, but this is not a reason for waterlogging the soil. The ground should be moist, but not flooded with water. During the growing season, watering should be carried out regularly, avoiding the drying out of the soil. Otherwise, an earthen lump is formed. It is recommended to defend water before watering for several days. It should be soft and warm so that the plant does not experience stress. In the cold period, the frequency of irrigation is reduced. And if the euphorbia will spend the winter in a cool room, home care will become even easier: watering is completely canceled. This is necessary so that the roots do not rot.

Euphorbia home care photo

In the interval between wetting, the soil should dry well. Euphorbia does not impose special requirements on the humidity of indoor air. Home care using a hygienic shower or spraying the plant will be gratefully accepted. This procedure will give the flower a healthy look. Although many housewives are limited to watering the soil in a pot. It will be easier to systematize the irrigation procedure while observing the temperature conditions in the room. Twenty-five degrees is enough in summer, and eighteen in winter.

An unpretentious plant is a triangular euphorbia. Home care does not take much time, since the plant does not require special attention. But this is not the only virtue. Euphorbia is resistant to pests and diseases. This plant feels good in office rooms and residential buildings. He is loved by flower growers and landscapers.

Euphorbia Mile

This species of plants from the genus Euphorbia is most popular in floriculture. Euphorbia Mile is often called brilliant. It is a medium-sized shrub with grayish shoots, the thickness of which reaches one centimeter. The stems are covered with thick thorns. Elongated leaves with bright veins have an obovate shape. They are smooth to the touch and painted in a light green color. Their length reaches 1-7 centimeters. Usually in winter Euphorbia Mily drops leaves that are sessile or on short petioles. Propagated by both cuttings and seeds. The best time for this is March-April.

Euphorbia mile home care

Currently, breeders have bred a huge number of varieties of this variety of milkweed. They are different from each other. In varieties similar to the natural form, four nondescript small yellow flowers are collected in inflorescences in the form of umbrellas. The plant is made attractive by pink-red bracts, which after rapid flowering remain on the stem. Thanks to this, the decorativeness of the bush is not lost. Blooms from early spring to late autumn, Milkweed euphorbia. Home care in compliance with all requirements may extend this period.


After flowering, in July, at the shoots of brilliant milkweed that have grown over the winter, the tops are cut off. Thus, the crown of the bush is formed. The plant is thoroughly cleaned of dry stems. Strong shoots are not cut off, as they will bloom next year. But in order for the bush to be thicker in the future, at the end of winter or with the onset of spring, all shoots are cut off: old and young. The plant will not bloom next summer, but in a year it will be possible to admire a beautiful, dense, abundantly flowering bush.

White-eared Euphorbia

This flower is often called a small palm, as the leaves on its top are gathered together, which resembles a rosette. And thanks to the fleshy faceted stem, on which traces of white spots from fallen leaves are visible, many call it a cactus. If you look at the bush of milkweed at least once, it is easy to guess why it is called white-veined.

Euphorbia white-veined care at home

The fact is that its leaves are penetrated by white veins, because of which the plant received this name. White-veined euphorbia is similar to comb. The difference is visible only during flowering. The white-haired representative of this plant species does not have long peduncles. Its flowers are located in the axils of the leaves. This plant is a true breeding champion.

Cultivation and care

The white-veined euphorbia does not need special care and quickly grows with an abundance of light. But the direct rays of the sun adversely affect its leaves and stems. They may get burns. Therefore, in spring and summer, the flower should be hidden from them. In summer, white-veined euphorbia needs abundant hydration. Home care is impossible without this, because in the warm season, moisture evaporates quickly and a dry lump of soil forms. The soil cracks and the roots die from drying out. In winter, watering is carried out infrequently, only in order to prevent the soil from drying out. Excessive moisture at this time can lead to rotting of the roots.

Like other plants of this genus, white-veined euphorbia needs a transplant . Home care involves performing this procedure annually if the plant is young. Adult milkwort transplanted after two to three years. To do this, a wide, but shallow pot with a hole in the bottom is selected. Drainage is poured. An earthen mixture is prepared with the addition of decayed foliage, peat and sand. The plant propagates by shoots and seeds. They are collected when the ripe box crack. Small seeds scatter in all directions and often fall into pots with other flowers. There they sprout quickly.

Usually young plants are dug up and transplanted into separate containers. The heat-loving plant is the white-veined euphorbia. Home care does not take much time, since the euphorbia does not even need to be sprayed. This flower easily tolerates drying of the soil and does not die. But it does not tolerate low temperatures. In winter, the room should be at least fifteen degrees warm. Starting in autumn, the flower sheds its leaves. Whether something stays on the stems or not depends on the lighting and watering. No need to be afraid, so nature ordered. In the spring, the leaves grow back.

Why is euphorbia dangerous?

It is associated with milky juice. It tastes very hot, odorless. If you cut a stalk or leaf, a white liquid will ooze, which when hardened with air immediately hardens. Euphorbia juice is called euphorbium. In nature, there are more than two thousand varieties of euphorbia, and all of them are poisonous, but to varying degrees. It depends on the content of the toxic substance euphorin in them.

Euphorbia whitened home care

It is no accident that euphorbia is considered a plant dangerous to human and animal life. If it comes into contact with the skin, the juice causes burns and allergies. And if he accidentally finds himself inside the body, immediately there are problems with the stomach. In the most severe cases, a person may fall into a coma. Why, then, are drugs prepared from milkweed? The fact is that a plant gains healing properties only after proper treatment: all dangerous substances are excluded from it.

Remember! Self-preparation of drugs based on milkweed is strictly prohibited. When growing plants, precautions should be taken, especially if there are children in the house. Kids love to touch the leaves, chew them. This must not be allowed. The flower grower must also maintain personal safety. After caring for a flower, be sure to wash your hands with soap.


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