How to grout joints on tiles: practical tips

The most difficult repair areas in most cases are the bathroom and the kitchen. It takes a lot of expensive materials, as well as time to carry out the entire list of necessary works.

how to wipe seams on a tile
In addition, beginners often have questions about how to wipe seams on the tiles, since the attractive aesthetic appearance of the room largely depends on the accuracy of this operation.

What you need to do before you get started

Keep in mind that you do not need to rush before this important event. Fresh tiles should โ€œstickโ€ to the wall for at least a week. Yes, modern types of glue allow grouting already on the fifth day, but it is still better to wait longer. And even more so, you should not do this the very next day after laying. This, by the way, is famous for many โ€œcovensโ€.

We clean

Before wiping the seams on the tile, you need to carefully clean its edges. Gently remove dried pieces of glue as much as possible, remove dirt and the entire collection of fingerprints. It is more convenient to do this with a sharp clerical knife, immediately removing all dirt with a vacuum cleaner. After this, the seams are thoroughly wiped with a soft sponge.

what overwrite seams between tiles
Cooking grout

Following the instructions on the packaging, prepare the mixture. Most often, about 300 ml of water is taken per kilogram of grouting composition.

For this, a container of sufficient volume is taken, water is poured into it and stirred with a wooden stick until a funnel forms. A mixture is poured into it in a thin stream. It is necessary to knead until it acquires the density of good sour cream. After that, we leave her alone for five minutes, after which we interfere again.

We are working!

Since you need to wipe the joints on the tile with the utmost care, use a rubber spatula. The excess is erased from the edges, again pressing into the seams. When they are completely filled, we again remove the excess material, moving on to the next section of the work. If this is your first time doing this, itโ€™s best to try your hand at a small section of the wall.

We wait about 20 minutes, after which we proceed to the closure. By the way, before wiping the seams on the tiles, do not forget to buy enough soft sponges for washing dishes, as they will be needed repeatedly!

how much does it cost to grout tile joints
After wetting and carefully squeezing one of them, gently wash off the rest of the grout from the seams. It is very important not to rush and squeeze the sponge as thoroughly as possible, as otherwise the dried water will form incredible patterns on the tile.

So we learned how and how to wipe the seams between the tiles. Many workers stop at this, but we will go to the bitter end, having done our job perfectly!


To do this, you need to pick up a small length of hose from a dropper or something similar that will fit perfectly into the seam. By pushing the selected tool into it, you will form the perfect pattern of all the seams on the tile. This work is somewhat tedious, but the result is extremely beautiful!

By the way, how much does it cost to grout tile joints? It all depends on the composition you use and your aesthetic preferences. So, the cheapest grout costs about a hundred rubles per couple of kilograms, while a kilogram of the finished mixture can have a cost five times higher.


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