Description of Sobakevich, the hero of Gogol’s poem “Dead Souls”

characteristic of dogevich

The idea of ​​the poem Dead Souls, which became immortal, was presented to Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol by the poet Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. Creation of a work is the main mission that Gogol had to fulfill. So the writer himself believed. Gogol’s plans included the composition of three volumes of the poem (in the likeness of Hell, Purgatory, Paradise). Only the first volume of the work was written and published. Only he reached the reader. The sad fate of the second volume and the reasons that gave rise to it remain a mystery to this day. Modern philologists in their works are trying to unravel the secrets associated with writing a work. For this purpose, the images created in the poem are carefully studied and analyzed, the characteristics of Sobakevich, Manilov, Korobochka and other main characters are given.

Gallery of poem images

In the poem "Adventures of Chichikov, or Dead Souls", namely under such a title the work was published for the first time, a whole gallery of images is presented - different types of people and even inanimate objects. Using this technique, Gogol masterfully depicts the lifestyle of Russia in the 19th century.

It shows common features - the ignorance of officials, the arbitrariness of the authorities, the plight of the people. At the same time, the poem clearly presents the characters of individual characters, their individual characteristics.

image of dogevich

For example, the image of Sobakevich, Plyushkin, Korobochka, Nozdrev, Manilov, Chichikov gives the reader the opportunity to understand that the characters are typical representatives of a certain era, although each carries something different, individual, different from the others. The appearances of the characters of the poem by Gogol are not random moments. Their presentation to the reader is subject to a certain order, which is very important for revealing the general idea of ​​the work.

Sobakevich’s possessions

Mikhail Semenovich Sobakevich in the poem "Dead Souls" in the gallery of images appears to readers as the fourth character in a row. Acquaintance with him begins long before the appearance of the hero himself.

Chichikov’s gaze opens to a large village with strong and solid buildings. It was as if the landowner's house was determined to be "eternal." Buildings owned by peasants also surprised Chichikov with their reliability and quality factor.

It is immediately clear that the external side of the buildings, their aesthetics, do not excite the owner at all. The only important thing is the functionality, the practical benefit of what surrounds it.

In the description of the landscape, you need to pay attention to the forests that surround the village. On one side was a birch forest, and on the other a pine forest. This also indicates the thrift of the owner of the estate. Gogol compares the forest with the wings of the same bird, but one of them is light and the other is dark. Perhaps this is an indication of the character's character. So Gogol prepares the reader for the perception of the difficult image of the landowner Sobakevich.

image of the landowner dogevich

The appearance of the hero

Gogol gives a description of Sobakevich, his external characteristics in comparison with animals and inanimate objects.

This is an average clumsy bear. He moves, stepping on someone's legs. His tailcoat is bearish. Even the name, Mikhailo Semenovich, evokes an association with the animal in the reader.

Gogol did this completely by accident. Characteristics of Sobakevich, a description of his inner world begins precisely with the perception of the character’s appearance. After all, we primarily pay attention to precisely such features.

Sobakevich’s complexion, which was hot, hot, like a copper nickel, also indicates some kind of strength, firmness of character.

Description of the interior and the image of the hero of the poem

The interior of the rooms where Sobakevich lived is unusually similar to the image of the owner. Here the armchairs, the table, the chairs were as clumsy, bulky, heavy as he was.

The reader, having familiarized himself with the description of the appearance of the hero, his surroundings, can assume that his spiritual interests are limited, that he is too close to the world of material life.

What distinguishes Sobakevich from other landowners

An attentive reader is sure to notice this difference. The image of the landowner Sobakevich, having many similarities with other characters in the poem, at the same time is very different from them. It brings a certain variety.

The landowner Sobakevich not only loves reliability and fortress in everything, but also gives his serfs the opportunity to live thoroughly and firmly on their feet. This shows the practical grip and efficiency of this character.

dogevich in the poem dead souls

When the deal with Chichikov for the sale of dead souls took place, Sobakevich personally wrote a list of his dead peasants. At the same time, he remembered not only their names, but also the crafts owned by his subordinates. He could describe each of them - name the attractive and negative aspects of a person’s character.

This indicates that the landowner is not indifferent to who lives in his village, who he owns. At the right time, he will take advantage of the qualities of his people, of course, for the benefit of himself.

He does not accept excessive stinginess and condemns his neighbors for it. So Sobakevich speaks of Plyushkin, who, having eight hundred souls of serfs, eats worse than a shepherd. Mikhailo Semenovich himself is very pleased to please his stomach. Gluttony, perhaps, is his main business in life.

Make a deal

This is an interesting point in the poem. The moment of the conclusion of the transaction related to the purchase of dead souls tells a lot about Sobakevich. The reader notices that the landowner is smart - he understands perfectly what Chichikov wants. Again, traits such as practicality and the desire to do everything for the benefit of yourself come to the fore.

In addition, in this situation, the straightforwardness of Sobakevich is manifested. Sometimes it turns into rudeness, ignorance, cynicism, which is the real essence of the character.

description of dogevich

What is alarming in the description of the hero’s image

The characterization of Sobakevich, some of his actions, statements make the reader wary. Although much of what the landowner does, at first glance, seems worthy of respect. For example, the desire for peasants to stand firmly on their feet does not at all indicate Sobakevich’s high spirituality. This is done only for the benefit of oneself - there is always something to take from a strong economy of subjects.

About city officials, Sobakevich says that they are scammers, “Christ sellers”. And this is most likely true. But all that has been said does not prevent him from having any profitable business and relationships with these scammers.

The reader is also alarmed by the fact that he did not say a single good word about a single person with whom Sobakevich is familiar, with whom he is friends, if you can call it that.

His attitude to science, education is sharply negative. And the people who do this, Mikhailo Semenovich would outweigh - so they hate him. This is probably due to the fact that Sobakevich understands: education can shake the prevailing foundations, and this is disadvantageous to the landowner. From here follows his heaviness and stability of views.

Sobakevich’s mortality

The characterization of Sobakevich, with all its positive and negative points, allows us to make the main conclusion: the landowner Mikhailo Semenovich is dead just like his neighbors, city officials, and the adventurer Chichikov. The reader clearly understands this.

Having a developed character, lifestyle, Sobakevich and his neighbors will not allow any changes around him. Why do they need it? To change, a person needs a soul, but these people do not have a soul. Gogol never managed to look into the eyes of Sobakevich and other characters of the poem (except Plyushkin). This technique once again indicates the absence of a soul.

landowner dogovich

The character’s mortality is also evidenced by the fact that the author speaks very little about the family ties of the heroes. One gets the impression that they all came from nowhere, they have no roots, which means there is no life.


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