Litigation. How to find out debt: step by step instructions

As established by Art. 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the deadline for the payment of the fine is 70 days. This period includes 10 days to appeal the decision and 2 months directly to pay. After 10 days, information about fines is transferred to the FSSP.

legal debt

The deadline for paying transport tax is regulated by the Tax Code. On the basis of Article 363 of the Code, it must be listed before 01.12 of the year following the reporting year. The tax for 2016 is thus paid until December 1, 2017. In the event of an untimely transfer of the amount, arrears arise. Information about her is also sent to the Federal Bailiff Service. You can find out debt in many ways. Consider the main ones.

Unified Information System

You can find out the presence of court debt by any of the following documents:

  • Civil passport of the Russian Federation.
  • INN
  • SNILS.

Lawyers recommend a search on each of these documents. In this case, the interested person will receive full information about the presence or absence of court debt .

Appeal to the FSSP

There are several ways to find out arrears at the Federal Bailiff Service .

First of all, you can contact the FSSP in person. If a court debt arises, a citizen receives an information letter. It indicates the contact information of the employee conducting the enforcement proceedings.

federal bailiff service find out debt

How to find out debt by last name?

The bailiff service on the basis of Art. 6.1 Federal Law No. 229 forms and maintains a databank of enforcement proceedings in electronic form. Its public part is published on the FSSP website.

It should be said that it is impossible to know the debt from federal bailiffs only by name . In the appropriate form, you must enter not only the last name, but also the name and patronymic (if any), as well as the region of residence and date of birth. Next, the system will prompt you to enter a verification code.

If there is debt in the Federal Bailiff Service , the citizen should take action to pay it off as soon as possible.

It must be said that the date of birth is not considered mandatory information. However, to exclude data coincidence with other persons, it is recommended to enter it.

If there is a number of enforcement proceedings, you can search for the relevant debt by it. The site has a corresponding section.

federal bailiff debt

How to pay off a debt?

Having learned about the debt from federal bailiffs , a citizen can pay it in various ways. First of all, you can contact any bank.

In addition, a method of payment via the Internet is currently quite common, including on the FSSP website. If the system has information about the presence of court debt , the button "Pay" will be present on the page with the response to the request. You can transfer funds from a credit card, from a cell phone account, from an electronic wallet. Please note that a commission may be charged for the operation.

In addition, you can pay off the debt using the FSSP mobile application through electronic payment systems.

Another option is to pay via your personal account in the Internet bank. In Sberbank online, this can be done by selecting the appropriate service.

Payment can be made through terminals or ATMs. Funds in such cases will be credited to the account instantly.

You can print the receipt for payment from the FSSP website, and then pay it at the bank.

It is also possible to repay the debt directly to the bailiff.

federal bailiff service

Change (in case of partial repayment of the debt) or deletion of the record of the debt is carried out within 3-7 days from the date of payment. During this period, funds are transferred to the account of the FSSP unit, distributed and transferred to the collector.

Features of enforcement proceedings

All measures aimed at collecting debt are enshrined in the Federal Law No. 229. Among them, withholding the fine from the debtor's earnings. If the citizen is officially employed, then the FSSP will easily find him and collect the debt through the banking structure or directly through the employer.

The FSSP can foreclose not only cash, but also securities and other property. The law also provides for an extreme measure - eviction from a dwelling. However, it applies when there is a large amount of debt.

Another way to recover is a ban on traveling abroad. This measure is quite justified: if a person has the means to go abroad, then he must have money to pay off the debt.

Features of restrictions

Previously, the legislation did not say anything about the minimum amount of debt, the presence of which allows the FSSP to prohibit the debtor from traveling abroad. In practice, restrictions were set even for people who had 100-200 rubles. debt. In this case, there were cases that a citizen did not even know that enforcement proceedings were being conducted against him.

federal bailiffs find out debt

At present, paragraph 1 of article 67 of the Federal Law No. 229 is in force. The norm states that in case of non-fulfillment by an individual, individual entrepreneur, including, within the prescribed period of time, voluntarily the requirements present in the IL without a good reason, the amount of debt for which is more than 10 thousand p., an FSSP employee, at his own initiative or at the request of a recoverer, is entitled to issue a resolution temporarily restricting the movement of a person abroad.

Accordingly, if the debt does not reach the specified size, you can not worry about the ban on leaving.


Persons who repaid the debt are interested in the question of when the ban on travel abroad will be lifted. Lawyers recommend that you pay the accumulated amount no later than a month before the proposed trip. Approximately as much time will be required to lift the ban.

It is advisable to visit the FSSP and show the bailiff, leading the production, a receipt for payment. This can speed up the process.

Driver License Limit

This measure has been in effect since January 2016. As with the ban on traveling abroad, FSSP employees can suspend the certificate if the amount of debt is more than 10 thousand rubles.

Restrictions will apply until full payment. After paying off the debt, the receipt should be shown to the FSSP employee.

bailiff service to know the debt by last name

additional information

If funds were deducted from the account of an individual or the bailiff applied other coercive measures against him, and the enforcement proceedings were opened for a surname with the same date of birth, information should be obtained in the information system about the structural unit of the FSSP, the full name of the employee, filed a case. Verification should be carried out in all territorial branches of the service.

After receiving the necessary information from the data bank, you need to contact the appropriate bailiff with a statement about the error in identification. In this case, the applicant must provide documents by which it can be uniquely identified. This may be a copy of a civil passport, TIN, SNILS.


In the process of searching for information on debt in the FSSP, the entity enters personal data (his or her own). It must be said that this information is not stored and is not transmitted to third parties.

The information database on debtors is provided exclusively on the official website of the Federal Service, as well as in sections of its territorial divisions located in the third-level domain zone.

An interested person can also use mobile applications to search for information.

federal bailiffs find out arrears by last name

In the event of additional questions, the entity may contact the FSSP unit directly. To clarify information on the grounds and nature of the decisions regarding the collection of tax debt and administrative fines, the Federal Service of the Joint Venture recommends sending requests to the appropriate authorities. In addition, the subject can obtain the necessary information on the official websites of departments (traffic police, Federal Tax Service).

FSSP employees warn that the occurrence of debt can lead to negative consequences. To avoid problems, it is necessary to make mandatory deductions in a timely manner. If the debt was admitted, it is necessary to quickly repay it.


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