Crafts from do-it-yourself trash for children in kindergarten or school

Today, many adults are truly concerned that our children are mostly destroyers, not creators. They are trying to solve this problem. And these wise educators offer an interesting solution - do-it-yourself garbage crafts! For children who see this, and then they themselves begin to turn unnecessary trash into amazing beautiful things, the desire for creativity and creativity will probably be characteristic.

Fairytale house made of plastic bottles

As you know, plastic practically does not decompose in the ground. Yes, and during processing emits harmful gases. Therefore, beverage containers are easier to use a second time than to destroy or recycle at a recycling plant. And masters with "golden hands" suggest making such crafts out of the garbage with their own hands for children on playgrounds, such as arbors or houses made of plastic "eggplant". Even the roof of the building can be made of cut bottles by gluing pieces "under the tile" and painting it in a bright color.

Of course, adults must do the bulk of the construction of the bottle building, and children can only act as auxiliary workers or observers. However, even such participation will bring great benefits to the kids.

DIY crafts for children

Original flower beds in the playgrounds

Large things that are often found in landfills, you can also successfully attach, make creative crafts out of garbage. With your own hands for children in the institution, it is appropriate to make flower beds from old toilets, painting them and turning them into funny gnomes, who instead of hair have green grass and bright flowers.

And the iron bed will easily turn into a flower bed, if you conjure a little over it. Although one can’t do without additional material here: the boards will be needed to complete the box, which is fixed where the mattress used to lie. Plants should be planted curly, which will "creep" on the headboards and hang beautifully down.

Very common today are flower beds from old tires. They are used both one at a time and stacked with a pyramid, arranging a "vertical" flower garden.

Students can make such garbage items for the school, such as flower beds from bags. They just need to fill the bags with earth and old leaves, which they will collect in the spring on the site during the cleaning of the territory, make small holes in the bags, where to put the seeds of climbing plants. Care for these flowerbeds is usual: watering and weeding weeds. But the extraordinary beauty of the site is guaranteed!

crafts from school trash

Sculptures from rubbish

DIY do-it-yourself crafts for children can be truly fundamental. Fabulous creators propose to make whole sculptures from used plastic containers. Someone from the bottles is building huge fish, and someone specializes in elephants made from disposable cups or cups.

Very often, you can see such crafts made of rubbish for children, like sculptures from car tires. Moreover, the craftsmen turn them into swans, and into dinosaurs, and into giraffes, and into hares, and into squirrels, in some places cutting rubber and painting the product in the necessary colors.

crafts made of rubbish for children

School needlework competitions

Competitions of masters and needlewomen will help to instill a desire to create in teenagers a contest. A separate item in this competition should be crafts from the garbage. It is very important for the school to educate in the younger generation the desire to do something unique, as if to make a small, but discovery. Children's fantasy, everyone knows, is inexhaustible! And crafts from garbage for children is one of the ways of self-expression.

Surely the kids will bring whole compositions from broken toys, sculptures made of clay or plasticine, pasted over with buttons, scattered details of the Lego, and funny toys made from plastic bottles.

children's garbage crafts

Newspaper weaving

Many crafts from home trash at a children's contest will surprise even adults. For example, charming boxes and vases woven from newspaper tubes can be a real discovery for some. But to make such gizmos is not so difficult.

Old newspapers are cut into strips about 6 cm wide. Then, this part is wound on a knitting needle so as to make a tube. To do this, a knitting needle is applied to the right corner of the strip at 30 degrees to the long base of the rectangle. You need to wind the paper tight. The strip will curl around the knitting needle, partly blocking the finished tube, and partly lengthening it. The tip of the paper source part should be glued.

From finished tubes, the product is woven in the same way as weaving things from a trap and willow twigs. You can lengthen the ending tube by inserting another into its hole. For strength, the tip of the new tube is also recommended to be coated with glue.

crafts from household trash

Amazing things from trash bags

For children's creations, it is appropriate to create an entire exposition. For example, an exhibition can be very original, where crafts from garbage bags will be presented. Creative craftsmen will present to the audience, for example, woven products from cut plastic bags: a variety of baskets, boxes, vases, even bedside tables for dirty linen.

Particularly gifted ones will try to create clothes knitted from this creative “yarn”. Otherwise, you can’t name such crafts from garbage bags as a ball gown with a full skirt from inflated and tied garbage bags, or an elegant crocheted handbag. Using colored bags as the starting material, you can build a charming attribute for a fashionista.

crafts from garbage bags

Knitting from garbage bags

Increasingly, strips of polyethylene are used by craftswomen for knitting. Here it should only be taken into account that it is best to cut packets in a spiral so that the "thread" is as long as possible. Wonderful washcloths and floor mats are made from such “yarn”.

Those who are wondering how to make garbage crafts should look at these two photos.

how to make garbage crafts

For strength and stability, an ordinary linen rope or a soft wire in isolation is tied with a packet tape. Knit should be a crochet. By the way, here you can use the trash prepared for throwing away (rope, twine or unnecessary wire).

knitting from garbage bags

After the bottom of the product is tied (round for a box or oval for a bag), the addition of loops in the rows must be completed. And if you knit strictly along the loops of the previous row, the product will “grow” up.

Handles for a handbag or a cover for a box or chest can also be tied.

Elegant and useful gizmos from old fabric

Children's crafts made of garbage may well be quite practical and used in everyday life. Such, for example, will be rugs from strips of old fabric. They are also easy to crochet.

Rugs can also be created using sewing. To do this, on a base cut out of dense fabric, pieces of multicolored matter are laid in rows. You can cut them in the form of triangles or squares, circles or petals. You need to flash a row on the top. Then you should lay the pieces of the second row so that the bottom part they overlap the seam line. A number of flashing again. In this way, you can sew not only a rug, but also a creative handbag-bag for shopping or for storing small items, toilet paper, a newsstand.

Products from old jeans

With a skilled craftsman, any trash will find application. For example, from old jeans, you can cut strips, work on the edges and weave a beautiful panel on the wall. It is best used in the manufacture of fabrics of different colors to highlight the principle of weaving. On the panel should be sewn pockets for small things, decorating them with applique.

It is possible to weave in the described technique a bedspread for an armchair or sofa, a rug, and a handbag. Although stitched patchwork bedspreads look extremely elegant.

By the way, an original accessory can turn out for an extravagant fashionista, if she cuts off the upper part of jeans, which are too small for her, like for shorts, sewn the bottom of her legs, and attached pens to her belt.

children's garbage crafts in the garden

The use of colored covers from plastic utensils in children's art

Making garbage crafts for the garden also plays a huge role. For very young children, you can offer the implementation of simple applications - flowers, bees, butterflies or caterpillars.

Older children can already perform a picture in the form of a mosaic, where the background is also laid out with covers. By the way, in such a technique it is reasonable to decorate arbors and houses on the playground, doors and walls in the room itself.

crafts from the garbage for the garden

Creation of works of children's creativity from cardboard disposable plates

In manual classes, educators can also use unnecessary trash as source material. Crafts from the garbage for the garden, such as applications from disposable plates made of cardboard, are interesting. Using scissors, glue and paints, it is easy to create beautiful wall decorations in the form of cute little animals.

Sometimes to create a panel of cardboard plates do not need glue. You can use a stapler to connect the details of a caterpillar or a charming cat.

crafts from trash for children in kindergarten

Parsley Changeling

The motto of real creators and creators should be: “Give a second chance to everything that you are going to throw away!” Even such a useless at first glance thing, like the inside of a toilet roll, can be used again.

For example, the wonderful Changeling Parsley is easily done with this detail. It is only necessary to prepare a metal ball of slightly smaller diameter than the cylinder itself. After placing the ball inside the part, the ends of the tube should be sealed with a cloth. Now the part should be checked for operability. The tube is placed vertically on an inclined surface and released. The ball, having reached the edge with the fabric, should not drag the entire structure down, but roll over the material, turn its upper end down, simulating the “somersault” process forward.

If the desired cylinder length and ball weight are chosen experimentally correctly, you can proceed to the next step - sewing the top of the toy, that is, Parsley itself. The weight of the ball and its volume can be increased with the help of plasticine and small metal parts placed inside the mass.

master class garbage crafts

Easter egg holders. Master Class

Crafts from garbage can even decorate a festive table. For example, elegant easter egg coasters are easy to make even for little ones out of cardboard cylinders of toilet paper.

  1. A support of the required length is cut from the middle part of the roll.
  2. A strip of glue is smeared in the middle of the cylinder.
  3. Corrugated paper is used to make a decoration for a cylinder, cutting off a rectangle of equal height, but a little wider than the circumference of the tube.
  4. Glue a frill out of corrugated paper so that a magnificent “skirt” is obtained from above and below.
  5. The place of fastening of the frill is decorated with a piece of lace, a "belt" of golden paper, elegant lace or tied with a ribbon with a bow.

You can make a stand in the form of a blossoming flower by gluing petals to the top of the cylinder. You can decorate the stand with an applique by pasting bright pictures cut from old unnecessary magazines onto the crafts.

Making beautiful things out of trash, people show their taste, help realize their creative potential, save money, make the world around them beautiful and bright.


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