Groundcover roses (planting and care)

Until recently, few people knew about these beautiful flowering shrubs , and now more and more often in the parks, gardens and home gardens you can find ground cover roses. Planting and caring for these plants is practically no different from the agricultural technology of other species of this plant. That is why they are so popular.

Groundcover roses, photos of which simply amaze the imagination with their beauty, belong to a relatively new group of this species of plants. It was bred by breeders for decorating large tracts of land and landscaping parks. Ground cover roses are best for decorating gardens, green urban areas, squares and decorating grottoes, slopes, slopes.

Groundcover roses (planting and care)

Planting and caring for these shrubs as hedges and ampel flower beds will make it possible to give a unique flavor to any homestead.

Groundcover roses (photo)

The main distinguishing feature of this group of roses is that their shoots do not grow upward, but spread in different directions on the ground. Thus, ground cover roses cover a large area of ​​land around them with a thick and dense carpet. There are many varieties of these plants.

Flowers of various colors (pink, red, cream, white, orange) are collected in bunch-shaped inflorescences. This species has sharp spikes on its flexible shoots. Its flowers have a faint aroma, and some varieties are completely deprived of it. There are semi-double and terry ground cover roses. Planting and caring for all varieties of these shrubs are reduced to several actions, since they are unpretentious, characterized by abundant long-term flowering (June-October). These roses are distinguished by high cold resistance and good health, so the grower should not worry too much about shelters for the winter and pest control. In colder areas, wintering of these shrubs will require light shelter from the spruce branches.

Planting Ground Cover Rose

If there are other types of plants on the site, ground cover roses will harmoniously combine with them. Planting and caring for a beautiful flower garden, including these shrubs, give endless scope for the imagination of a flower grower. This kind of roses can be planted in groups and singly. They are suitable for creating borders, mixborders, flower beds. Compact varieties of groundcover roses look perfect in containers and on alpine slides. Numerous group plantings on the lawn create amazing picturesque carpets. Ground cover roses are ideal for multi-level landscape planning, as they develop well on retaining walls. Some florists in this group include certain types of scrubs and floribundas with a creeping bush form and flexible branches. This species is classified by shoot length and bush height.

When a ground cover rose is planted, it is important to consider the shape and length of the shoots of an adult plant. It is best to plant seedlings in April or September-October. A good planting material has 3-4 healthy shoots with kidneys and a developed root system. Ground-cover roses bloom in the year of planting, therefore, for the good development of the bush, buds in the first year should be removed until July. This plant needs loosening the soil, regular watering, fertilizing fertilizers. In early spring, damaged and old shoots are removed from roses, and in the summer - wilted flowers. Bushes need systematic thinning by cutting thin vertical shoots.


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