The best repairing varieties of strawberries. Strawberry Growing

The difference between the strawberry and the regular one is that after the first fruiting it again lays shoots and sets the berries, which give a good harvest. The average appearance of fruits occurs much later than in traditional culture, and the requirements for irrigation frequency and land fertility are higher. However, the desire to have juicy berries on the table throughout the season does not stop gardeners from facing obstacles. The best repairing varieties of strawberries yield their crops from mid-spring to late autumn.

the best repairing varieties of strawberries

How to choose a grade

There are many varieties of repair strawberries of domestic as well as foreign selection. Each variety has its pros and cons. The first place should be taken by the taste qualities of the fruit, but if the site is located far from the main place of residence, such features as disease resistance and transportability are important. There are many foreign varieties of culture that have adapted to our climate.

Strawberry variety Queen Elizabeth

The best repairing varieties of strawberries

Below are the most popular and productive plants. They are tested by experienced gardeners and have been recognized.


A durable bush is distinguished by a peduncle that never bends. Large dark red fruits with a smooth sheen have an oval-elongated shape. High-yield strawberries that are resistant to temperature changes. This exceptional variety bears fruit for a long time, numbering many peaks of fruiting from May to September.


This variety appeared thanks to American breeders. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that the duration of daylight hours does not affect yield and flowering . Strawberry Brighton is adapted to bear fruit continuously for 10 months. The bush itself is dense, powerful and large. The berries of this plant are large, with a bright red color, a shiny surface and a sweet and sour taste. If you follow the rules of care, then you can get fruits weighing up to 50 g. This variety is winter-resistant, tolerates any disease. The most generous harvest can be expected in the fall or in the cool summer. During this period, the berries grow much longer and larger.

garden strawberry


The berries of such a beauty ripen both on the uterine bushes and on outlets. Crops are given from the beginning of summer to frost. Fruits of red color with the smell of wild strawberries and weighing 25-30 g have a rounded-rhombic shape. Rapid ripening of berries, endurance of diseases, good transportability, unpretentiousness to soils, winter tolerance, abundant fruiting - all this is endowed with strawberry remontant.

Variety description Gigantella Maxi

Belongs to the Dutch varieties of large remontant strawberries. It has dark red flesh, strong, sweet and large fruits weighing more than 100 g. The bush perfectly withstands berries that do not even touch the soil. In one place, such strawberries can be bred up to 8 years.

strawberries san andreas

Variety Mount Everest

It was created in the UK and belongs to the class of neutral daylight varieties. The fruits themselves are rather big, of a straight conical shape, of a bright red hue. The pulp is deep scarlet, fragrant, with acidity. Strawberry Garden Mount Everest is characterized by good transportability. It can be used for cultivation in open land, as well as in pots.

San andreas

Strawberry San Andreas bred by American breeders. Here are the qualities she possesses:

  • productivity totals 2-2.5 kg per bush (annually - up to 6 crops);
  • the size of the fruits reaches 30-35 g, sometimes even 50 g, the shape of the berries is uniformly conical (with an oval end), strong shiny flesh, the variety seems to be somewhat similar to Albion;
  • the peculiarity of the bush lies in its thickening, compactness and spherical shape; it has leaves of a light green hue;
  • strawberries have a very pleasant taste with a pronounced sweetness and slight acidity;
  • red berries, flesh of an orange tone, with a wonderful aroma;
  • begins to bear fruit in the early days of June and before the first frost;
  • for this variety requires constant watering (as the crop does not tolerate drought), regular removal of weeds and loosening of the soil;
  • Removable strawberry San Andreas is resistant to various diseases and spotting, but the plant is susceptible to damage to aphids;
  • according to climatic conditions it is a grade of neutral daylight hours;
  • the variety is distinguished by good transportability and high commercial suitability.

strawberry seedlings

Strawberry variety Queen Elizabeth

A very popular variety of culture, which has its own characteristics:

  • blooms almost continuously from May to October;
  • this variety bears fruit quite early, since it already hibernates buds, the fruiting itself is in waves, the first berries appear in early June, the last in late August, and end in October;
  • fruits of rather large sizes (40 g, even 100 g were found), red in color with hard flesh, very neat in shape, with a wonderful radiant surface;
  • to taste the pulp is juicy, sweet, has a dessert aftertaste and a wonderful aroma;
  • bushes richly bear fruit and have several peaks of productivity;
  • Strawberry variety Queen Elizabeth prefers moderately moist loamy fertile neutral soil;
  • the plant is very resistant to winter cold and is not inferior to ordinary varieties (but for the very first spring crop to appear, it is better to secure the flower stalks formed in the fall with a dry shelter);
  • resistance to pests and various diseases in this culture is high;
  • strawberry seedlings are planted at any time of the year, reproduction is vegetative and young rosettes that form on the antennae can be planted in all regions in open and protected soil;
  • a repairing plant generously rewards its gifts if conscientious care is taken (harvesting can be done all season), but the variety needs regular intake of potassium and nitrogen (phosphate fertilizers are added when preparing the land);
  • constant watering is needed (if the soil has swum, then it should be mulched with straw, humus or sawdust), loosening and landing on a black film;
  • for the entire season, the bush can give up to 10 solid mustaches, and over the summer 3-4 shrubs form a large bed that can supply up to 10 kg of berries with a crop.

refurbished strawberry reviews

Growing plants

Seedlings of repair strawberries are usually planted in the soil on which the vegetable crop had previously grown. Humidity of the earth should correspond to 70-80%. To achieve this, it is necessary to pour 750 ml of water into 1 kg of dry substrate, after which everything should be mixed properly, being careful not to form lumps.

Planting seedlings is carried out in a tray of solid material, the diameter of which should be approximately 10-15 cm. This capacity must be filled with pre-prepared soil. Above you need to leave about 3 cm of free space. Then you need to scatter strawberry seeds and sprinkle a little with dry earth. After that, soak the soil with a spray gun.

To engage in the cultivation of a variety of beardless remontant strawberries, you must adhere to certain rules. Under natural conditions, the seeds must be in the sun to grow. If they are open, then many processes appear. This applies not only to repairing varieties of culture, but also ordinary ones.

When the strawberry seed has already been planted, you can cover the tray with a transparent plastic wrap and then put it in a warm place. After three weeks, it will show the first seedlings that need to be watered from time to time.

Planting seedlings in open ground

The territory of further vegetation of strawberry bushes should be covered from the winds and sufficiently lit.

The best repairing varieties of strawberries are required to be planted in early May. Previously, beds should be freed from weeds. It is also necessary to loosen the soil and add compost. The most favorable lands for planting crops are fertile medium loamy, which in their structure are more close to neutral.

varieties of bezos restorative strawberries

On the prepared bed, you need to dig a hole and pour it with water. The seedlings of the repairing strawberries are carefully removed from the vessel where they grew, and they are planted in this hole with a piece of land. The root system before planting can be bombarded with "Kornevin." Then it is required to compact the soil near each planted young plant.

Disembarkation Principles

There are some simple planting rules for productive crop cultivation.

  1. The best repairing varieties of strawberries should be planted in May.
  2. The bed should be completely treated from weeds.
  3. Somewhere a month before the seedlings are planted, fertilizers or manure should be applied to the soil at the rate of 5 kg / square meter.
  4. Just before the seedlings are planted, the earth is fertilized with ammonium nitrate, superphosphate and potassium salt.
  5. Too deep seedlings should not be planted.
  6. The spaces between the plants should be approximately 70 cm, and between the rows 40 cm.
  7. Garden strawberries are planted only on a cool day, preferably in rainy weather.
  8. Watering the pits is carried out with a small volume of water.
  9. The use of growth solutions for the root system of the culture is recommended.
  10. Soil after planting the plant must be compacted to the maximum so that there are no voids.

Whichever method you choose to get an excellent harvest, you must adhere to all conditions of agricultural technology. Just repairing varieties, due to the specifics of their physiology, are considered the most whimsical in care and seating requirements. In one locality, the culture can grow for about 2-3 seasons, and with appropriate care - 5-7 years.

Fast ripening, high yield, sweet taste, unusual aroma, lots of vitamins - these are the things that a strawberry with a remontant can boast. Reviews about her are very different. Someone believes that such plants can not take root in our regions, give far from generous crops and require careful care, and someone has planted repairing strawberries for a long time and does not even want to recall the traditional culture.


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