Cones Compositions: Interesting Ideas

Christmas tree and pine cones are often used to make children's crafts. Even adult hand made masters use them in their work. They decorate the room, make unique paintings, Christmas decorations, figures of animals and birds. Of course, compositions from cones with their own hands are made with the addition of other natural or waste materials.

To keep the work longer, all the details are carefully processed. Let us consider in more detail how to prepare cones for the manufacture of crafts.

Preparation of natural material

  1. It is necessary to collect dry cones under the tree or pine.

  2. At home they are thoroughly washed with water and dried well. You can not dry them in the oven or on a battery, they will deteriorate. Drying occurs on a cotton napkin naturally.

  3. If there is a lot of earth on the cone, and it has not been washed off by tap water, then you can rub it with a stiff brush.

  4. It is better to collect ripe and dry cones, but if there are none, then cut the immature from the tree, you need to thoroughly dry it. Then they put it in a preheated oven without fire and open the door.

  5. If a closed part is needed to make a composition from cones, then it must be lowered into the carpentry glue and held there for half a minute. Then it will remain tight and will never open.

  6. When a bump of some deformed shape is required for the picture, it needs to be wetted in water and tied with a strong thread in the right place. It also bends at an angle. To do this, a wet cone must be tied at the top and bottom for the ends and so hold until dry. These transformations can only be done with spruce long cones. With the fruits of pine, this will not work.

Mouse family

To make such a fun composition from cones, you need to prepare several fir details, seeds for ears and paws, and walnuts. The tail can be made from natural packaging rope.

cone compositions

The sharp tip is cut off, and a walnut is glued to the formed cavity with a blunt side. The sharp edge sticks out - this is the nose of the mouse. Feet can also be made from pieces of tree bark by gluing them in different places. The location depends on the pose of the animal. You can also change the position of the head by sticking the ears a little to the side. In this case, it will seem that the mouse turned its head.

All animals can be done in different ways, the picture will be more dynamic, as if they are running in all directions.

A pineapple

To make crafts from cones on the theme "Autumn", children can make different vegetables and fruits, animals and add wood from painted pine details. It is easy to make pineapple, as in the photo below. To do this, grease each flake with yellow gouache. A bunch of leaves is attached to the top. They are cut separately from double-sided printer paper.

crafts from cones on the theme of autumn

They are fastened first among themselves or around the base, for example, a pencil. Then they remove it from him and put it on the upper scale, tightly pressing it to the center. So the autumn composition is ready!

Hedgehog in a clearing of cones

Such funny hedgehogs can be made from pine cones with the addition of plasticine details. Also, the muzzle and paws of animals can be created from salt dough. Consider two possible options for making crafts. The pine cone is taken as a basis. Separately, a large ball for the head rolls from plasticine. Then, by pulling, a sharp nose is made. They roll out a small ball from black plasticine with their fingers and put it on the very tip. In place where the eyes are located, you can insert acacia seeds. These are small round hard balls. They can be replaced with any natural or waste material.

autumn composition of cones

You can tear sticks from matches, and insert the brown heads of sulfur with the back into the eye holes. It will turn out very beautifully. The mouth can be squeezed out with a fingernail. Ears are also made separately, and then dents are pressed into them with a pencil.

When the faces of the hedgehogs are attached to the bump, you can begin work on the legs. To do this, four identical cylinders are rolled out and claws are drawn on the lower part of them by pressing the knife. When the blanks are made, they cling to the bottom of the shape of the animals. Such work is suitable as a crafts from cones on the theme of autumn. It can be brought to the fair to school, which are often organized at the beginning of the school year.

Salt Dough Analog

The same parts can be made not from plasticine, but from salt dough. To make it simple, you just need to mix a glass of fine salt with a glass of white wheat flour. Then add half a cup of cold water and mix well. Put in the cold for half an hour.

To make the dough colored, during the kneading you can add food coloring of the desired color and mix well to evenly distribute the paint. This material has the same plasticity as plasticine, only this craft is stored for a very long time. The material becomes hard when dried.


To make such an owl, you need to have a large pine cone, several autumn leaves of any color - yellow, red or orange. While walking with the child in the park, pick up acorns to make the eyes of the future composition. It is better to make them out of hats, as in an owl they are round and large. In the photo, pupils from finished fittings are glued inside. Do not be discouraged if you do not have one. You can make them from plasticine. First, blind a white ball and flatten it, and place a black round pupil on top. That's the whole replacement.

do-it-yourself cones compositions

Eyes are glued to a good and solid glue. It’s either carpentry or “Moment”. Beak and legs are cut out of double-sided colored paper, and wings are cut from leaflets. Such an autumn composition of cones can also be presented at the school exhibition.

Peacock or turkey

In this photo there is a bird crafts made of cones, feathers, paper and felt. It looks like a peacock and a domestic turkey. You can name it in different ways, at the request of the child. The pine cone is taken as a basis. To make such a magnificent and multi-colored tail, you need to collect or buy ready-made and already painted feathers in a sewing accessories store. In extreme cases, if you don’t find it, you can pull out a couple of feathers from the pillow and paint with food coloring, keeping them in solution for 15 minutes.

composition of cones for the new year

You can install them on the back of the cone in several ways. Firstly, they can be bundled and glued to the flake. Secondly, you can stick a ball of plasticine from behind and stick all the feathers into it. They are light, so they won’t fall. Beak is cut out of colored paper and glued in front. Eyes can be made from plasticine or glued ready-made. A turkey beard is cut from felt. The beak can also be made from this soft and bright material. Composition of pine cones is ready!


Such bright and cute chickens are made from pine cones. They are wider and rounded in shape resembling small and fluffy birds. For a head, buy foam light balls in a sewing accessories store. They can be replaced with plastic beads. The main thing is that the head is made of light material, otherwise it will fall and poorly fasten.

If the balls are made of polystyrene, then in them from below you need to punch a hole with an awl. First, the head and the cone itself are completely painted in bright yellow color with gouache paints. With a brush, you need to cover the entire scale so that a natural shade is not visible.

pine cones compositions

The ball, after drying, is simply pulled onto the upper flake. First you need to glue eyes and mouth on the head. Feet can be made of paper, or you can use felt. It glues well and looks larger than paper. Such a composition of cones with their own hands can make even a three-year-old child. Mom or kindergarten teacher must prepare all the necessary details and cut out elements from paper or felt. And the baby will collect and paint everything himself.

Christmas tree

As a crafts for the New Year's exhibition, you can make decorated Christmas trees. For their manufacture, pine big cones and waste material are used. For a tree trunk, you can take spools of thread, saw cut branches, wide strips of quilling, twisted into a cylinder. The cone itself can be painted green with gouache using a brush, or you can not paint, leaving it natural.

composition hedgehog on a clearing of cones

Such a composition of cones for the New Year can be dusted with snow. These are small foam polystyrene balls that are poured onto glued scales. The result is Christmas trees covered with snow. You can also decorate the New Year's beauty with colorful balls. The simplest option for their manufacture is modeling from plasticine. You can twist them from multi-colored napkins or pieces of colored cotton wool. You can glue an asterisk cut out of yellow paper onto the top of the tree.

At the end of the work, the composition must be put together. First, cylinder trunks are glued to a solid base (cardboard, plywood or a plastic molding board). Then cones cling to them. To fill the empty space of the base, you can fill it with "snow". To do this, the surface is coated with PVA glue and filled with semolina. Under the Christmas tree you can put a bag of gifts sewn from felt, tied with a ribbon on a bow.

Creating such interesting compositions, the child learns to fantasize and work with his hands. And this develops both motor skills and thinking.


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