Jewish men: prejudice, type, appearance, character traits, personal relationships and rules of conduct

The roots of the Jewish nation go back to the ancient kingdoms of Israel and Israel. This is a people that for more than 2000 years existed without their own state, and now many of them are scattered around the world.

What amazing and distinctive features do Jewish men have? What are the character traits of this mysterious ancient nation? What are their preferences and customs? What kind of Jewish men they are will be discussed in the article.

Many girls dream of marrying a Jew. Before deciding to take this step, you should learn more about the strong half of the ancient people. We have developed a huge number of stereotypes about them, for example, it is believed that they are good husbands and wonderful fathers, respect their wife, hold sacred family values, they know how to save money and are always financially secure. Is it really? So, Jewish men and their features. Let's consider in more detail.

Facial features

What are the characteristic features of the Jewish face in men? The first thing everyone pays attention to is the nose. Many believe that this is enough to consider a man a Jew. But this is completely wrong, for example, in Caucasian men, the noses are also not quite small. The Jewish nose has its own characteristics:

  • It bends from the very base, that is, the tip of the nose bends down and resembles a hook.
  • The wings of the nose are raised.

These features of the nose highlighted the Israeli anthropologist Jacobs. He believed that this is a characteristic feature of the face of the people. In his opinion, if you look at the Jewish nose from the side, it resembles the figure “6” elongated upward.

Jewish men

It should be noted that in Israeli men the noses are actually the most diverse: straight, with a hump, narrow, snub-nosed. Therefore, only this facial feature is not a sign of belonging to the Jewish people.

It is believed that the characteristic features of the Jewish appearance of men are: a large nose, black eyes, puffy lips. The nose, as we have found, is not a characteristic feature.

As for puffy lips and dark eyes, these are characteristic features of the Negroid race. And it is peculiar not only to Jews, but also to other nationalities. For example, black eyes and full lips are found among Greeks, Portuguese, Spaniards, Italians, Georgians, Arabs, Armenians.

Another misconception that all Jewish men have dark curly hair. This is also a myth, of course, black blood is present, but this is not a characteristic feature of the whole people. For example, biblical David was blond.

However, there are typical signs by which one can absolutely say that a man is a Jew.

Firstly, these are Mediterranean features: a very long and narrow face that does not expand upward. For example, a typical Jewish person with Louis de Funes. Secondly, Jews always have a narrow forehead. These two signs are characteristic of the people. The head of the Jews does not expand upward, and visually it seems that the forehead is clamped.

Character traits

The main character traits of all Jewish men are self-confidence, self-esteem. They have a kind of pride for belonging to the ancient people. They act without fear of being unprepared or unable to do something. This self-confidence is on the verge of risk and excessive self-confidence.

A character trait of Jewish men is courage, a willingness to change their destiny, and the ability to deal with unpredictability. All Jews are very fond of learning, reading, and self-development.

Jewish appearance of a man

Men always have plans for the future. They plan what they will do tomorrow, in a month, in five years.

Many Jewish men do not like monotonous work, but they can do it in order to obtain profit (profit), as well as if such a need arose. But at the same time, they will seek to invent something in order to eradicate such monotonous routine work in their field of activity.

Jewish men are very economical. Sometimes they get the impression of their extravagance, but in fact they seek to buy something of high quality, and always and everywhere they want to get a discount.

Men respect their roots, respect the older generation, know their ancestors, honor the dead.

Jewish men are very fond of talking, they like the process itself, but they do not know how to listen to the interlocutor. They are interested in everything and express their opinion on any topic. They consider themselves competent in everything, even in the area that they first hear about.

Attitude to mom

Jewish men: photo

Jewish men at any age honor and respect their mother, they listen to her opinion and follow her advice. Mom always comes first, even if he already has his own family and children. Many men marry only with the blessing of their mother.

Requirement for a woman

First of all, a woman should be able to housekeeping, be able to cook deliciously, maintain order in everything. Most Jewish men in love prefer to obey their chosen one, that is, they love to be a little "henpecked." The ideal woman in the view of the Jewish man should be strong-willed, with a slightly bitchy character. She must have an extraordinary mind, understand art, follow the news, be superbly educated and educated. Jewish men have a great sense of humor and appreciate this quality in a woman.

Jewish faces of men


From early childhood, men are convinced of their perfection (they are brought up by mothers). Even if he is short, with crooked teeth and bald patches, he is still confident that he is the standard of beauty. Such self-confidence and self-love is the result of “proper upbringing” of mothers. It is impossible to eradicate this quality, so the chosen ones have to put up with it and maintain this self-confidence or part.


The most important of them is excessive suspiciousness. Yesterday, he radiated optimism and a sense of humor, and today he can moan and die in bed. And the reason is fever and cough. They love it when they take care, when they look after them, as if they were children.

Food attitude

Jewish man character

Jewish men are very demanding on food. For many of them, food is a sacred rite. It should be tasty and kosher. You can not cook pork dishes, combine meat and dairy. In general, many of the men are very fond of traditional national dishes: mincemeat, hummus, falafel, challah, matzo, stuffed carp.

Interesting Facts

Some more interesting facts:

  • Jewish men are flexible. It is easy to resolve conflicts with them and agree on something; they easily compromise.
  • Many men are religious, even if they do not demonstrate it.
  • Most Jewish men are intellectuals.
  • Jewish men are very sexy, and with age, their sex appeal only increases.
  • They are good family people, they love children, they protect their wives and are sensitive to them, and they can quite easily commit treason.
Jewish men - what are they

Stereotypes about Jews

There are a number of stereotypes about male Jews. Here are the most common ones:

  • Jewish men are greedy. This statement is only 50% true. There are both greedy and mean representatives of the stronger sex, and very generous. Therefore, the myth of "Jewish greed" is just a fiction.
  • They love women, but marry only Jewish women. This is often the case. There are many reasons for this, especially the purity of the nation, which they carefully observe or try to observe. However, in reality, there are many mixed marriages in the world, the creation of which was not prevented by either religious or national prohibitions.
  • Love the benefits. Partly the way it is. If there is an opportunity to make a profit or profit from the enterprise, then men will take advantage of this opportunity. And this applies not only to the material side, but also to the sphere of pleasure.

The most charismatic Jewish men: photos

These days, not classic handsome men, but charismatic personalities are very popular. It is they who become leaders and achieve incredible success in society.

Thanks to the rich and eventful history of the Jewish people, the appearance of men is very diverse. But there is one thing in common - they are very charismatic. Here, for example, is a list of 15 talented men whose Jewish blood flows in their veins:

  • Harrison Ford. His grandmother, Anna Lifshutz, lived with her family on the territory of the Russian Empire. At the beginning of the 20th century, they emigrated to the United States and settled in Brooklyn, where Anna married Niedelman. They had a daughter, Dora, the mother of the future world famous actor.
Harrison ford
  • Vladimir Pozner is a Russian and Soviet television journalist and presenter. Born in the family of a migrant from Russia and French.
  • Dustin Hoffman was born in Los Angeles. Parents are descendants of Jewish migrants from Russia and Romania.
Dustin Hoffman
  • Steven Spielberg - screenwriter, film director, producer. Born into a Jewish family of engineer and pianist.
  • Adrien Brody was born into a Jewish family in New York. The actor became world famous for the role of a Jewish musician in the film “Pianist” by Roman Polanski. For this role, the actor lost 13 kilograms.
Adrien Brody
  • Sean Penn is an American filmmaker and actor. Father's parents were Jewish migrants from Russia and Lithuania.
  • Woody Allen is an American writer and film director born in New York. Grandparents were migrants whose native languages ​​were German and Yiddish.
Woody Allen
  • Arkady Raikin - Soviet actor, entertainer, comedian, director. Born into a Jewish family in Riga, he attended a Jewish school for boys as a child.
  • Joseph Gordon-Levitt is an American filmmaker and actor born in Los Angeles into a Jewish family.
Joseph Gordon-Levitt
  • Sylvester Stallone - American actor, producer, screenwriter, director. His father is a migrant from Sicily, his mother is a French Jew. The great-grandmother and great-grandfather of the actor are Jewish migrants from Odessa.
  • Robert Downey Jr. is a well-known American producer, actor and musician. His father is of Irish-Russian-Jewish descent, his mother is German-Scottish.
Robert Downey Jr
  • Mark Bernes is a Soviet songwriter and actor, born in a Jewish family in the city of Nizhyn.
  • James Franco - born in California. The ancestors of the mother are Jews who migrated from Russia.
James Franco
  • David Dukhovny - American actor, producer, screenwriter, director. His father is a descendant of Jewish migrants.
  • Adam Sandler is an American musician, actor, film director, screenwriter.
  • Ben Kingsley is a British actor, his mother is of Jewish descent.
  • David Dukhovny - American actor, producer, screenwriter, director. His father is a descendant of Jewish migrants.
  • Adam Sandler is an American musician, actor, film director, screenwriter.
  • Ben Kingsley is a British actor, his mother is of Jewish descent.
Ben kingsley

Here they are - Jewish men with their pros and cons. But it should be remembered that stereotypes are stereotypes, and each person is individual and can cross out all ideas about Jewish men. There are no axioms in this case ...


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