How to remove rust from white clothes: the most effective ways

In our life, there are frequent cases when it is impossible to wear your favorite clothes due to the fact that it was once stained. In the cabinets of modern people there is probably not one such thing that you don’t want to throw away, and it’s a shame to wear. Stains can be of various origins: grease, coffee, paint, ink, and also rust. It would seem that one can manage to put a rust stain on clothes, but sometimes it’s enough to lean on some rusty object or wash

remove rust from clothes
a thing with numerous rivets adorning it, and you can already begin to think about how to remove rust. It can be removed from white clothing with a mixture of tartaric acid and salt. To do this, take equal parts of both substances and, adding a little water to them, knead the pulp. Then you should pull the contaminated product onto any object, put the mixture on a rusty stain and, placing it in the sun, wait for it to disappear. Then rinse the item in water at a temperature of 18 Β° C or less, wash thoroughly in a warm and rinse well again.

It will not be superfluous to know how to remove rust from white clothes with the help of hyposulfite. To do this, dissolve 15 grams of hyposulfite in 200 grams

How to remove rust from white clothes?
water and warm the resulting mixture to 65 Β° C. Then the soiled fabric should be lowered into the solution and wait until the complete disappearance of contamination. Next, the product will need to be washed with warm and then cold water. In this case, instead of hyposulfite, citric or oxalic acid can be used .

If you do not have hyposulfite or citric acid on hand , and the question of how to remove rust from white clothes is very acute, you can use a mixture of oxalic and acetic acid. 5-7 grams of a mixture of both acids should be dissolved in 200 grams of water and, heating the solution in an enamel bowl, lower the contaminated part of the product into it for several seconds, then rinse with warm water. If the stain persists, repeat the procedure again. As a rule, this happens with old spots.

How to remove rust from the fabric?
There is another way to remove rust from white clothing. To do this, you need a two percent solution of hydrochloric acid. It is necessary to lower the product into it and keep as much as needed until the stain completely disappears. Then rinse the item in water mixed with ammonia in a ratio of 1 liter per 3 tablespoons of alcohol.

There are many ways with which you can remove rust from clothes of bright colors. To do this, mix grated white soap, glycerin and water in equal parts, grate the stain obtained with the gruel and let stand for 24 hours, then wash and rinse thoroughly.

It is worth noting that before removing rust from the fabric using one of the above methods, you should check the effect on the product of a substance on a small shred or in an inconspicuous place, since some mixtures can permanently ruin your favorite thing.

To prevent rust from reappearing, rinse and dry the exposed area on clothing.


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