Red Scottish fold: description with photos, breeding, features of the content, rules of care and feeding

Scottish fold cats come in a wide variety of colors. But, since it is believed that the nature of the pet depends, including on the color, the future owners who decide to get a pet are very interested in choosing the color: they want to know what character their pet will have. Red Scottish fold cats are very popular, as this color is considered a symbol of joy and prosperity. It is no coincidence that many future owners seek to acquire a pet of precisely a red color. The features of their nature and conditions of detention will be discussed in more detail.

Breed standard

Red Scottish fold cats, as well as their counterparts of a different color, are distinguished by well-developed musculature. They have straight, powerful limbs, oval paws. Scottish folds have a strong and prominent sternum and shoulder girdle. Their fur is quite dense, short, not pressed to the body. The most characteristic feature of Scottish Folds is pinned ears. All representatives of this breed are distinguished by a well-built, proportional body. They are furry and look very attractive.

Scottish fold redhead photo

Scottish fold kittens are born with ears sticking up. Only after 3 weeks in some of them, the auricles become broken in shape. In case the ears are left hanging around, these kittens are called straight Scottish or Scottish Straight.

Color features

Red hair in folds with pressed ears differs in the uniformity of fiery colors. They do not have any patterns. However, whitish hairs are commonly found in wool, which is considered a flaw in color. The color of the eyes of these cats is amazing: gold or amber. The paw pads and noses of these pets also have an unusual brick color.


Red Scottish fold cats are very sociable, but, at the same time, loyal to their owners. They love children and play with them willingly. Representatives of this breed easily get along in the house with other pets.

These animals are distinguished by intelligence, easily remember everything new, very curious. They are easy to train, thanks to their mental abilities. However, starting to train, it is important to let your pet understand that these skills will be beneficial and interesting to him.

The red-haired Scottish fold cat is very fond of cleanliness, therefore, throughout the day she repeatedly cleans her fur and sharpens her claws.

These pets are moderately active, unpretentious and do not require professional care from the owner.

scottish fold cat ginger photo

Such cats do not like to lie on the lap of their owners, for them it is enough to be just next to them. For them, the location of their master is very important. They are unobtrusive, but may be intolerant of the society of people and other pets, in whose society they are uncomfortable.

Red Scottish fold family pets easily adapt to new conditions and strangers. They patiently participate in cat shows, while behaving quite relaxed, surprising others with their endurance.

Cats of this breed are distinguished by dignity. If they are offended, they simply walk away from the offender without harming him in return. They are very balanced, they are difficult to anger.

They are wayward. Scottish folds especially do not tolerate when their freedom is limited. And if you do not feed them in time, they will loudly inform their owners about this.

Red kids

red scottish fold

The red Scottish fold kitten loves communication, he definitely needs to be near people. However, at the same time, he is unobtrusive.

In the case of a long absence of the owner, the kittens are very homesick. They are characterized by a strong attachment to a person, which they gladly demonstrate at every opportunity.

How to prepare for the appearance of a kitten in the house

As early as 2 months, lop-eared babies can part with their mother and move to a new home. Naturally, future owners should prepare for the appearance of a fluffy baby in their home.

Crockery made of porcelain, stainless steel or food grade plastic is perfect for eating and drinking a little Scot.

The kitten will need a tray with a filler. Toys and a house can be purchased a little later.

To transport red Scottish fold you will need a spacious carry. Also, the kitten will need a scratching post, but it is not necessary to buy it, because you can do it yourself from a simple board. The board must be wrapped with a rope, and then fasten the rope in a circle.

What to feed

Scottish fold redhead photo

The owner must approach the nutrition of red Scottish fold cats seriously. When acquiring a red-haired fold Scot, it is necessary to find out what food the breeder fed. This is one of the most important issues, as changing the feed can have unpleasant consequences for the ginger baby. Usually these kittens are fed 4-5 times a day. As you grow older, food is limited to 3 meals. After reaching the age of 8 months, such pets are fed twice a day.

A cat should not give cold food from the refrigerator. You should wait until it warms up to room temperature.

At first, the kitten has a poor appetite. Because of this, you should not worry, because in most cases this is a consequence of stress caused by a change in the usual environment and separation from the cat mother.

Care Features

Caring for Scottish fold red cats, photos of which are presented in the article, is simple. If the eyes are inflamed and festering, they should be wiped several times a day with a special solution, some kind of therapeutic agent or a weak infusion of chamomile. If inflammation persists, consult a veterinarian.

Particular attention should be paid to ear care, which should be wiped at least twice a month with a special liquid. At the same time, the cat should not be able to pull and twist the ears strongly, as he will be afraid of this procedure. Cotton swabs should not be used, but cotton swabs will do. Naturally, the procedure requires utmost care from the owner so as not to damage the ear’s apex. If the cat has healthy ears and no discharge, then the fleece will have only a little ear wax. If the cat has a brown crust in the ears, this indicates an ear mite. You should immediately contact your veterinarian, because if you contact a specialist in a timely manner, serious problems can be avoided.

To cut the claws of such a cat as the Scottish fold redhead, the photos of which are presented in this article, you need special nippers for the claws of small animals. You can cut off only the very tips of the claws! Otherwise, you may damage the blood vessels, which will cause the kitten severe pain and lead to adverse consequences.

How to care for wool

In order for the Scottish fold red cat, the photo of which is in this article, to be well-groomed and looking good, you need to brush it with a special brush at least once every 2 weeks, also using a silicone glove. During the period when the animal sheds, it needs to be combed out once a week.

Bathing red cat

ginger scottish fold kitten

You need to learn to bathe red Scottish fold at an early age. First, you should wipe them with a wet towel, and then give his favorite treat so that the kitten understands that water procedures are not scary and not dangerous for his life. After some time, the kitten can be bathed. It is recommended during bathing to protect the baby’s ears from water getting into them, covering them with cotton swabs or hands. Eyes before bathing can be dripped with special protective oil, but this procedure is optional.

The water temperature should be at least 36 degrees, because bathing in cool water can lead to illness of the animal, and bathing in hot water will increase the heart rate of the red Scots and make it difficult to breathe. In addition, the cat will not endure uncomfortable conditions and simply run away from the bath.

scottish fold cat red

Shampoo must be a special cat, a human hair wash will cause dermatitis in the pet and worsen the quality of the coat.


Fold scotch mating should be done no earlier than 18 months after their birth. It must be remembered that it is impossible for both parents to be fold, as this leads to the birth of sick offspring. Ideal for mating - fold mother and father Scottish Straight (straight). Cat and cat must be the same color. It is also one of the main requirements to get healthy offspring.


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