Statements about travels of great people

What is the meaning of life and where can it be found? For some, the meaning of life is a family, for some itโ€™s a favorite hobby, and for someone itโ€™s travel. Many people do not have enough their whole lives to understand why they came to this world. This article contains 15 comments about traveling. Read and go searching for yourself and new sensations.

About loneliness

a journey of a thousand miles

Traveling is a great remedy for loneliness.

Michelle Williams correctly noted that the best way to get rid of the blues is to move to an unfamiliar city. A person can often feel alone. This happens to everyone from time to time. But do not despair. The best cure for mental illness is travel. If you come to another country or to an unfamiliar city, it may seem that you are in a different world. People dress differently, speak a different language, and the mentality is completely unfamiliar. All this helps a person to escape from his routine problems and solve pressing issues. The traveler always seeks to know the space around him. In search of interesting places and people, it is easy to forget that just a few days ago, depression was rolling and my health left much to be desired.

About the mind

Travel develops the mind, unless, of course, you have one.

The statement by Gilbert Keith Chesterton is not only wise, but also witty. Man was born in order to somehow change the world and leave his mark in it. But not everyone has such an opportunity. Some people seek to know the space around them, while others like to live in ignorance. Therefore, it is not surprising that the way of traveling is different for everyone. Some individuals like to sunbathe on the beach and spend an evening drinking a cocktail, discussing the latest gossip with friends, while others prefer to go on excursions and chat with local residents. To know the world is a hobby that can be perceived as art. Therefore, to develop while traveling is a simple task for smart people and very difficult for narrow-minded people with a narrow horizons.

About the pricelessness of time

George Alexandrov argued that a person can know the beauty of this world only when he travels:

Traveling helps to understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.

Indeed, it is difficult to understand how beautiful the world is if you do not see it. A person who does not travel cannot have an understanding of the essence of his being. Beauty is known by comparison. Traveling to different countries and cities, a person makes an opinion about the population of a particular region, about culture and nature. Based on this information, an individual can know the beauty of each particular area. And realizing this, one can understand that life is too short. Learn all the secrets of the universe and carefully consider every corner of the earth will fail. Therefore, it is not surprising that a person has to choose how to live the next year and what trips to plan. Awareness of actions helps a person to better know himself and understand his interests and preferences.

Traveling with loved ones

happy travel quotes

Travel only with those you love.

Ernest Hemingway argued that you need to know this world not only alone, but also with those people who are dear to the heart. Traveling alone can be boring. Take with you a man who will annoy and whine all the way, does not make sense, because the trip will go down the drain. If you want to relax, learn something new and have a good time, take trusted people to your companions. It is advisable to opt for a person with whom you have similar ideas about pleasures and the worldview is not very different. Such persons will be able to share pleasant impressions and emotions, support in difficult situations or ease difficulties, taking part of the burden of responsibility on their shoulders. Favorite people on the trip are also indispensable for the reason that it is with them that you can enjoy joint memories in old age.

About cities

great remedy for loneliness

Bill Bryson said:

I could spend my whole life walking every day in the new city.

Of course, this phrase cannot be taken seriously. But still the main idea is clear. New impressions and the beauty of peculiar and unique buildings are amazing. I would like to consider architectural monuments, wander through the narrow streets, make new acquaintances. It is very pleasant to fall asleep with the thought that the next day will bring new impressions, a new city and new acquaintances. This format of life will not get boring, because most people like to learn something new and interesting, expand their horizons and social circle. Naturally, the phrase should not be taken seriously. One day is not enough to penetrate the culture of the city, to learn its characteristic difference from neighboring settlements and to penetrate the local culture.

The first step is the most difficult

The phrase Confucius does not lose its relevance to this day:

A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.

It can be considered both literally and figuratively. To start your journey, it is enough for a person to pack his things and take a few steps towards the station or the airport. It is these first steps that seem to be the most difficult, but if you take them, the path no longer seems so far away. Even if you fly to another country, the fear of travel will be dispelled, if you board a plane.

In a figurative sense, the statement is no less relevant. If a person wants to achieve something, he must take the first action. By analogy with the first step, it will be the most difficult. The most difficult thing is to make a decision about something and begin to implement it. Then everything will be easy. At least, a person who begins to do something will have the motivation to complete the plan, and not quit what he started in the middle of the path.

About Speech and Homeland

the only cure for loneliness

George Bernard Shaw believed that a person can become a true patriot only in a foreign country:

We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under the heavens of others.

The distance brightens up the many shortcomings of the motherland. Memory helps a person to forget all the flaws that he noticed in his permanent habitat. And returning home, he will be incredibly happy that he will soon see his compatriots, will have the opportunity to speak with them in their native language. The best travel quotes are always incredibly true. How many people who change their place of residence or go on a long trip, redefine their attitude to the language. If in his native country he seemed rude and ugly, then in a strange country his native speech will sound like a song.

About friends

Tim Cahill had his own opinion on travel:

Traveling is judged by friends found, not by miles traveled.

As you can see, he believed that a person travels to other cities and countries in order to find like-minded and congenial people there. Today, such an option for a big trip seems a little absurd. On trips, people communicate less with the local population. Travelers go on excursions more, and in the evenings they communicate with their compatriots in the hotel or communicate with friends via the Internet. But before people studied the world, communicating with each other. Thanks to such emotional conversations, one could learn a lot of interesting things. The local population of the country can help travelers better socialize, penetrate the culture and learn the features of their language.

About fantasy

travel only with loved ones

A person who has traveled a lot is often confused in his memories. But this is not so important. Anyone who looked at the world from different angles and was able to appreciate the true beauty of the earth can tell many people around. Benjamin Disraeli said that a big trip for him is like a kaleidoscope in which people, events and attractions merge. Judge for yourself:

Like all great travelers, I saw more than I remember, and I remember more than I saw.

If you talk today with a person who travels at least 4 times a year, you will notice the same symptoms. He will not be able to tell you exactly what a funny incident happened in which country. But is it really that important? The main person will not forget, and the brain will not hold on to the indirect information for a long time. Therefore, do not worry if over time some memories overlap others.

How to understand that itโ€™s time to travel?

Boris Krieger believed that monotony harms a person. This condition makes a person plunge into the routine of everyday problems and not see the main thing. A criterion for how much you are sitting up can be a simple test:

If you can, at random in complete darkness, get into your own bed without ever hurt yourself, then it's time to travel.

This Krieger phrase makes you think. Monotony, as it were, freezes a person in development, and he cannot move forward. Statements about the journeys of great people help to find motivation. Sometimes itโ€™s enough to read one aphorism, which will shed light on the meaninglessness of existence. A person who has fallen into the abyss of everyday life needs help from the outside to get out of this "quicksand".

The difference between a tourist and a traveler

about travel and life

Paul Bowles saw a clear boundary that lies between two types of people:

A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want back. A traveler ... He may not return ...

Some people like to travel and do it for their own pleasure, while others ride around the world from idleness, boredom, or because you can travel. A person who loves to travel will enthusiastically learn new languages, try to learn culture and make friends. Such a person will not be annoyed at all by the thought that friends and business are waiting at home. People of a similar character are dreamers, they know how to live here and now. It is about them that most statements about travel have been written. But there is another category of people. Such individuals, falling into unfamiliar conditions, begin to miss home. They are not happy with the change of scenery, they do not want to spend their energy on something to learn. Persons like to be entertained. People of such a warehouse cannot travel for long. Having examined the most famous sights, they leave without thinking that a lot of unknown and unknown remains in the country.

About borders

Once I realized that it was impossible to go far: travels expand the boundaries of our world.

The writer Lilian Smith, in her travel statement, argued that the boundaries of peace and thinking are expanding with each new trip. Unknown countries become familiar, frightening megacities become native. People who travel the world often can safely say that it is not as big as it seems to many. Traveling to different countries, you can learn the culture and mentality of citizens. And these people you meet will no longer be strangers. Accordingly, you will perceive them differently, not in the same way as the inhabitants of countries still unknown. Thanks to travel, the way of thinking is changing. A person becomes easier to climb, more curious and spontaneous. And most importantly, the traveler will no longer perceive his next goal as something incredibly distant. A new adventure will be seen as an exciting tour of such a familiar globe.

About regrets

We will regret only two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little.

Mark Twain has many beautiful sayings about travel. This man of great intelligence understood what the main joys of life were. People can spend their time on different things, but not all of them will bring true pleasure. Love helps a person to find the meaning of life, and travel helps to determine the goal. Much is not needed for happiness. It is enough to take a ticket and leave with a loved one to unknown countries. Many people say that they do not have time to travel. They lie, a person will always find time for what he wants. Yes, and the opportunity will always be if you set a goal and go to it. People manage to find time to watch soap operas every night, so if they wish, they will find time to go explore the world.

About the meaning of travel

Personally, I do not travel to be somewhere, I travel for the sake of movement and fellow travelers. Movement is the most beautiful thing in life.

According to Robert Lewis Stevenson, a person must understand one thing in life: he needs to learn to enjoy not a specific goal, but the process of achieving it. The joy of the trip will be small if you enjoy only by checking the box next to the next city you visited. It will be much more interesting the path that you will pass, the sights that you will see, and the acquaintances that you will make. Enjoy every moment of your journey. Try unfamiliar food, drink local drinks, learn an unfamiliar language, try to join the culture. It is in the process of such small discoveries that you will be able to know the true purpose of the journey.

Friendship test

big Adventure

I realized that the surest way to find out if you like a person or not is to go on a trip with him.

Mark Twain, like many other prominent personalities, believed that a friend is always known in trouble. If you want to know how close a person is to you, take him with you on a trip. In an extreme situation, your friend will be able to show his true face. This was still mentioned by Vysotsky, remember? Traveling has a lot of trouble. To be able to overcome them is a whole art. A true friend can always help his friend. A person who pretends to be your friend will not be able to give you due attention, and you cannot count on his mutual assistance. Therefore, if you want to find out if there is a prospect in your relationship, buy a ticket and go travel.


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