Skarb high-yielding potatoes: variety description

Potatoes are deservedly the leader in popularity around the world among vegetable crops. It is hard to imagine a daily diet without this tasty tuber. When choosing a particular variety for planting, you should consider in what form the potatoes will be used. It is distinguished by the ripening time and the quality of the tubers. For summer use, ripe varieties are suitable. For long-term storage, other planting material will be required. In this case, mid-ripening and late varieties with excellent yields and a long dormant period, which will provide excellent storage, will be most suitable. Among these varieties, Scarb potatoes deserve attention.

Grade description

Selecting planting material, preference is given to those varieties that are zoned. Potato Scarb is a medium-ripening variety. It was created by Belarusian breeders. Since 2002, he has been included in the State Register of the Russian Federation. The period from planting to harvesting is from 90 to 110 days. Tubers have a good taste, do not boil when cooked. The tuber pulp is uniform, yellow.

potatoes belongings grade description
The table variety has a salad purpose. The starch content of tubers ranges from ten to seventeen percent. Oval tubers have a smooth yellow peel. Small enough eyes are evenly distributed throughout the tuber. Scarb potatoes are distinguished by high productivity. Reviews of gardeners suggest that one bush of the plant gives up to 20 pieces of large tubers, the mass of which reaches from 150 to 200 grams. The total yield can reach up to 650 centners per hectare. The tubers are suitable for long-term storage, which is provided by a period of physiological dormancy from 115 to 120 days.

Grade Features

A powerful bush of this potato of medium height. It is characterized by an oval and slightly elongated leaf shape without wavy edges. The leaves are dark green.

potatoes belongings grade description
White medium-sized flowers has Scarb potatoes. The reviews of those who cultivated this variety indicate that after planting the tubers give seedlings rather slowly. To obtain uniform seedlings, it is recommended to germinate or warm the planting material. You can’t cut the tubers. Such seed is unsuitable for cultivation. Shallow tuber closure is also used, followed by high hilling of the bush. The variety is medium drought tolerant. When forming a bush, overmoistening is undesirable. Well-stored Scarb potatoes. The description of the variety confirms a long dormant period, ensuring the storage of potatoes without loss.


Landing dates depend on weather conditions. Mostly this event falls on the month of May. When choosing a site for potatoes there will be no difficulties. Any type of soil is suitable for cultivation. Scarb potatoes are characterized by high productivity. Description of the variety marks a high yield. One bush under favorable weather conditions gives up to twenty tubers. When landing, this should be considered. Potatoes are planted according to the scheme of 60 x 35 cm. Given the characteristics of the variety, the holes are made shallow, from eight to ten centimeters. Good predecessors are perennial herbs, as well as cereals and legumes.


During cultivation, regular loosening of the soil and removal of weeds will be required . After emergence, the potatoes are spudded.

potato belongings reviews
Re-hilling is carried out several weeks before flowering. Scarb has good resistance to various diseases. Potatoes, the characteristics of which are given in the description, are moderately susceptible to viruses Y and A and scab. This variety is not affected by potato cancer , potato nematode. However, the tops and tubers are affected by late blight. One of the ways to prevent the disease is high hilling of bushes. In addition, systemic fungicides or a weak solution of copper sulfate are used. Preventive treatments are carried out before flowering potatoes.


High yields are characterized by Scarb potatoes. Description of the variety marks a record yield. From ten square meters you can collect at least 65 kg of tubers. Timely harvesting is the key to good storage. Tuber readiness is often determined by drying the bush.

Harvest potatoes characteristic
In order not to make a mistake, you should dig one plant and assess the degree of maturation. Cleaning is planned on a sunny day. The harvest is kept for several weeks indoors without access to light. Before laying for storage, tubers are sorted, removing damaged and diseased diseases. Storage requires a temperature of two to five degrees Celsius.


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