Lips of a monkey. Lips Monkey

Monkeys ... Many love these funny and cute animals. Often in zoos you can see a crowd of visitors precisely near the aviaries with monkeys. You can watch them for hours, their habits are so much different from the behavior of other animals that they involuntarily attract a lot of attention to them. There are many species of monkeys, each of which can be very different from each other. The growth, color of coat, muzzle and even lips of a monkey depend on its breed. It is worth considering in more detail what species of monkey exists and how much they differ in their appearance.

monkey lips

Lips of a monkey and its breed

One of the very different features of monkeys of different breeds is the lips. Oddly enough, this gives the impression of the whole breed. Of course, such a conclusion cannot be drawn immediately about all types of these animals. However, there are many signs, for example, the size and color of the lips, according to which it can be understood that this individual belongs to a certain species.

Interestingly, monkeys have completely different lips, even a monkey with large lips is found in nature. Also, monkeys can noticeably vary in size. There are very small monkeys that in adulthood do not reach the size of more than a human hand. But at the same time, there are very large representatives of primates, which can be much larger than humans. We will talk about the name of such breeds a little later. First you should consider the characteristic features of these cute animals and their other qualities.

A bit about monkeys

As already mentioned, many people love these cute creatures, so you should learn more about them. If you follow a scientific definition, then a monkey is a four-armed mammal. Interestingly, of the entire variety of animals, the monkey is closest to humans. This is expressed not only in the structure of the body and the characteristics of the body, but also in origin.

monkey with big lips

There is an interesting fact: in a large number of monkeys, the whites of the eyes are black in color, as are the pupils, which makes their appearance unusual. Monkeys are mostly active during the day, they have a rather complicated behavior, unlike other representatives of the animal kingdom. They are almost omnivorous, but food of plant origin is often chosen as the preferred food. All this is connected with the features of their brain activity; it is rather complicated in comparison with other representatives of the animal world. It is also important to note that this animal belongs to the order of primates.

Monkey tongue

Another interesting fact about monkeys in general is that they have their own system of transmitting information to each other. This occurs through various sound signals that can mean specific things. Scientists believe that in the set of sounds that exist in monkeys, there is a signal indicating the start of rain. Several experiments were conducted on this topic. Their results showed that monkeys respond to these sounds even in the absence of objects that the sound designates. This is direct evidence that the signals themselves contain a certain set of information. It can be transmitted from one individual to another. This state of affairs opens up extensive material for further research.

Species of monkeys

After talking about the general features of primates, it is worth gradually moving on to considering their breeds. As you know, each breed has its own characteristics and features. The appearance of the monkey also directly depends on its belonging to a particular breed. In fact, it is sometimes quite difficult to determine the species of an individual; so many of them exist. It is worth listing the main and most popular breeds that can most often be seen.

Of course, in the first place you can safely put forward a chimpanzee. This is one of the most famous monkeys, it weighs about 40-50 kg. The body of the animal is covered with rare hair. This is one of the closest to humans in the structure of monkeys. Of particular interest are the facial features and facial expressions of this animal. If you look closely at them, then to some extent you can understand the emotions of the animal. It also shows its definite resemblance to a person.

The second known breed of monkey is the orangutan. It is also a humanoid monkey, but it is huge in size. Her coat has a red-red tint, sometimes it is brown. The orangutan has rather weak legs, but the arms, shoulders and the entire upper body are well developed.

monkey with red lips

Monkey with long lips - what is the name of this breed?

As mentioned above, there are many different breeds. The monkey’s lips directly depend on its belonging to a particular species. Sometimes there are breeds of monkeys that have very unusual features. One of these features is large and long lips.

Such an unusual appearance, for example, is possessed by individuals belonging to a breed called the Burmese snub-nosed monkey. It was discovered recently, only 6 years ago, in 2010. These monkeys are distinguished by a very fine structure of the body and body. This species was discovered in northern Burma, later it turned out that such a monkey lives only in these places. The main feature of this breed is not only that the monkey’s lips are large. In addition, there is another characteristic feature - because of the peculiar structure of the nose, these monkeys often sneeze during rain.

extended lips monkey

Red lips in monkeys

In addition to individuals with large and elongated lips, a monkey with red lips is also sometimes found. We have already talked about the reddish-red color of one species of primates - chimpanzees. However, a red-lip monkey is less common. This breed is called bonobo or pygmy chimpanzee. These monkeys live in Central Africa, most often they can be found in dense tropical forests. Their number is very small, it is about 10 thousand individuals. This species is still little studied, it was discovered relatively recently, in 1929, and already in the 1960s it became known to the general public.

monkey with lips

These monkeys in size do not differ much from ordinary chimpanzees, however, they have a significantly smaller physique in density. Their skin is usually black. Bonobo monkeys are distinguished by red lips. The body weight of an adult is 43 kg in males and 33 kg in females.


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