Arms phrases: quotes with sarcasm

Sarcasm is something we rarely do without in the modern world. Sometimes it’s just impossible to express your opinion on any account otherwise. Sometimes, so that no one understands anything, and sometimes so that just everyone understands and understands very precisely. What interesting quotes with sarcasm can be adopted?


Sarcasm is a type of satire, a caustic mockery. Sarcasm is the highest manifestation of irony. The basis of sarcasm is not only the contrast of the implied and expressed, but also the display of the implied. Often phrases with sarcasm can begin very positively, while more often they carry a negative connotation.

Meme sarcasm

Quotes with sarcasm

Often statements of this kind, based on sarcasm, are aimed at the shortcomings of society. Such quotes are most often the most open and at the same time somewhat aggressively express the opinion of the speaker.

Black humor and cynical behavior - what else remains an intelligent person in a society of idiots?

Only those who have it go crazy.

Anyone who does not understand anything can take on anything.

I knew a man so little read that he himself had to compose quotes from the classics.

Take care of yourself - what if I need you?

Sarcasm is a natural defensive reaction of the psyche against the dullness of others.

“Do you mind if I smoke?”

“You know, I don't care, even if you shoot yourself.”

Sometimes the statements are quite elegant, their quality is much higher.

For a man to find something in the refrigerator, it should be at eye level and it is advisable to run around the shelf, attracting attention to himself.

I don’t know about you, but my nerve cells are not only being restored, but they are also trying to avenge the perpetrators of their death.

I will give you a manual entitled "How to answer a phone call" or "Oh, this mysterious green button!"

I am often wrong, sorry, ideal people!

It’s not enough to have wit, you still need to be able to avoid its consequences.

Life experience is a lot of valuable knowledge about how to not behave in situations that will never happen again.

Makeup is an attempt to draw on the face of another, much more beautiful woman.

Lord, we broke up, but I will lose my mind and lose my chair.

Faina Ranevskaya

Sarcasm Quotes

The skill of some people in a sarcastic utterance leads to the fact that such quotes appear that become aphorisms. For example, these are quotes from Faina Ranevskaya:

Optimism is a lack of information.

There are people in whom God lives; There are people in whom the devil lives; And there are people that live only worms.

Loneliness is a condition about which there is no one to tell.

Many complain about their appearance, and no one - at the brains.

The woman, of course, is smarter. Have you ever heard of a woman who would lose her head just because a man has beautiful legs?

Do you know what it is to act in films? Imagine that you are washing in a bathhouse, and there they will lead a tour.

Health is when you have a pain every day in another place.

If the patient really wants to live, doctors are powerless.

The most difficult thing I do before breakfast. I get out of bed.

There are no fat women, there are little clothes.

I noticed that if you do not eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, do not drink beer with fish - the face becomes smaller, but sadder.

Sarcasm in music

Interestingly, sarcasm is sometimes found even in music. And not just in popular songs or in the text of some rapper, but in real operas. Of course, the master of ridicule, the master of irony was the brilliant composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. The most diverse facets of humor from mild irony (in the playful Frisky aria - video # 1 from 45:00) to real sarcasm in the duet of Suzanne and Marcelina, in which they openly scandal, bringing each other to white heat (No. 1 from 22 : 00). Anyway, the whole opera based on the Beaumarchais story is aimed at ridiculing the vices and stupidity of aristocrats and emphasizing the quick wisdom of the third estate. But the plot of one day in the life of Figaro only leaves to think, how could it be invented in general and twist it all up?

The opera in Italian is presented below, there are Russian subtitles, they can be turned on in the settings.

We present to your attention another opera. She is full of sarcastic remarks.

Among the Russian composers was also an outstanding master of sarcasm, Alexander Sergeyevich Dargomyzhsky - the younger contemporary of Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka and one of the founders of the Russian national school. Probably even Mozart would envy the skill of Dargomyzhsky’s sarcasm. The difficult fate of the composer-innovator led to the fact that he often resorted to irony, including evil irony. But what role does expressive intonation play in transmitting sarcasm, which the great and mighty Russian language is so rich in. Dargomyzhsky enriched the musical language with speech intonations, both in his romances and in operas. A visual aid to this is “The Stone Guest” based on “The Little Tragedy” by Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin. The opera is written on the poet's unchanged text, and expressive speech turns are complemented by musical intonation.

Sarcasm has been in the opera since the appearance of the main characters Don Juan and Leporello, especially in the replicas of the latter.

Sarcasm is an integral part of language and worldview. Probably, if this phenomenon were not, life would be a little boring.


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