How to sew a bag of old jeans (several new models)

Many people wonder: how to make a fashionable bag from old jeans? This topic is so popular, firstly, because jeans are sewn from durable and practical material. Secondly, they already have ready-made decor - pockets, volumetric seams and rivets that can be used in the new product. In order to sew a bag of old jeans, you will not need much material. The main thing is your desire to create. Let's look at the manufacturing process of this product in more detail.

Workshop on making bags for everyday wear

We will need:

sew a bag of old jeans

- worn jeans;

- belt;

- sewing needles;

- crayon;

- scissors;

- threads.

How to sew a bag of jeans

The pattern of the product is extremely simple, it can be done "by eye". We proceed to the cutting. Put jeans on the table with your back pockets up. Chalk the cut line so that it passes through the seam of the perineum. Be careful! When opening the legs, make sure that the back pockets remain intact. From the remaining parts we will make strips for pens, but for now put them aside, they will come in handy later. Now let's start sewing. We turn the jeans inside out and sew the two halves of the resulting pattern together along the bottom edge. Getting to the manufacture of pens. We add the strips prepared in advance and sew them along. Sew the resulting pens to the bag. Their length and width depends on your preference. They can be made in another way: from prepared jeans stripes, you can weave braids. Decorate the bag. Pass the belt in the loops. It can be bright in color, with rhinestones or with rivets. The most interesting thing is that you can change the belt by selecting it for shoes. Sewing a bag of old jeans is not at all difficult. If you fantasize a little, you can independently create a beautiful and unique thing.

sew a bag of jeans

Youth models

Models of bags for young people are distinguished by the fact that they are often decorated with funny applications, interesting embroideries, voluminous buttons and shiny accessories (rhinestones, beads, beads). If you like this model, a teenage girl will be able to sew a bag of jeans herself . The pattern can be taken from the previous master class. When decorating a product, you can rely on your taste and fashion.

sew a bag of jeans pattern

Denim clutch

We already talked about how to sew a bag. Jeans can make an unusual clutch! It is perfect for summer walks in the city or beach parties. To make such a clutch is quite simple. Cut the bottom of one leg from old jeans. The length should be twenty centimeters. Turn the trouser leg inside out and sew the trimmed edge on the typewriter. It turned out the bottom of the future clutch. The other edge can be trimmed with lace braid. Show your imagination! Next, we fold the clutch and decorate the front side. You can use rhinestones and flowers. Also, for decoration, you can use jeans of a different color or make an applique of them. As a handle, use, for example, a chain, long beads or braid a braid of multi-colored laces. How to sew a bag of old jeans - choose for yourself. From their shabby, but still durable material, not only a new bag can be obtained, but also an apron, an organizer (from pockets), slippers, pillows, pencil cases, rugs and much more. Flight of fancy is unlimited.

sew a bag of old jeans

We wish you success in translating your creative ideas! After all, now you know how you can sew a bag of old jeans with your own hands at home. Perhaps our recommendations will be useful and interesting to you.


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