Plum Greenclod: description, cultivation and care. Plum Greengage Altana

Everyone knows about the usefulness and high taste of products such as apples, pears, cherries, etc. Plums are on the same row with them. There are a lot of varieties of plums . One of them is the Greengage plum, which has several varieties. In this article, we will tell you about one of them - the Renclod Altana plum.

Grade description

plum greengage

This variety was bred in the Czech Republic for a long time. Meanwhile, the Renklod Altana plum was introduced into the State Register (Lower Volga and North Caucasus regions) only in 1947.

Fruits are formed mainly on the growing branches. The tree itself is classified as vigorous. Its medium-thick crown has a rounded oval shape.

By flowering period, this plant belongs to the middle. Self-infertile plum begins to bloom in April, closer to the middle of the month. The fruits ripen in August. The plant begins to bear fruit in the fourth or fifth year of life. On winter hardiness and drought tolerance is not particularly different. These figures are average.

This variety is resistant to diseases such as sharka, kleasterosporriosis and polystigmosis. Unfortunately, it is not resistant to moniliosis. Its productivity is high, but the regularity is insufficient.

Plum Greencod Altana is perfect for preparing marinade, dried fruits, juice and compote. They also use it fresh.

The advantages of this variety include excellent taste qualities of fruits and high productivity. The disadvantages are self-fertility, too pale, dull color of plums and overgrown.


plum greengage altana

Fruits are round in shape, large, with equal sides. Their weight reaches 38-40 grams, and in thickness and width the berry has about 3.7 centimeters. The plum peel is light, greenish in color, with a pinkish-red integument covering the entire surface. It is dense, but very thin, and without much effort is removed from the plum. The fruits are not pubescent. The subcutaneous points are brown in color, but there are few of them. There are no strokes on the berries, but there is a plentiful coating of wax. At its base, the fruits are rounded, and the tops are slightly depressed. Plum Greenclod has a mild abdominal suture that does not crack.

The flesh of the fruit is yellow and practically does not darken in the air. By its consistency, it is very juicy, quite dense and fine-fibrous. The cavity has the same color as the flesh. Bones can be separated without difficulty.

Choose a place to land

greengage plum

Any greenhouse plum is a very photophilous plant. It is necessary to choose a site that will be well lit and at the same time protected from cold air flows. In cases where the trees are grown along the garden fence, it is necessary to plant them on the sunny side. The distance between plants should be at least three meters. Other garden trees should not obscure the plum, which is why it is planted on the south side.

Greengage plum is growing on any land. However, there are still some conditions - you need to plant it on drained and airtight soils that have a light mechanical composition. The tree also grows beautifully on chestnut and chernozem soils.

A tree is planted in early autumn or spring. At this time, the plant is said to "fall asleep." After planting, seedlings must be watered abundantly. Do not transplant plants that are more than five years old. They do not tolerate this process very well and can subsequently be constantly ill.

Watering and care

plum greengage description

What other effort will the Greenclod drain require? The description of this variety indicates the fact that trees need constant and plentiful watering. Water heated by the sun is poured directly under the roots. Experienced gardeners are advised to evenly distribute moisture during irrigation along the root system of the plant. A tree that bears fruit needs to increase the amount of moisture it receives.

In addition, the discharge of Greenclod requires top dressing. The first time it is produced only in the second year of plant life. They feed the plant at the beginning and end of June. It is necessary to use nitrogen-containing fertilizers. After a year, top dressing is carried out in May, June and August, at the beginning of the month.

In order for your tree to bring abundant crops, you need to monitor the fertility of the soil. It is necessary to add dolomite flour, compost or peat throughout the summer.

Cut plums in the summer, in June or in the month of July. This is a very important process, especially for the fruit tree. Each type of plum is pruned in its own way.

Plum is propagated using green cuttings, root shoots or vaccinations.

Propagation by root shoots

plum greengage early

This is one of the easiest ways that the greengage plum propagates. The plant gives a sufficient amount of shoots, which must be removed, as it can greatly weaken the tree.

First of all, you need to carefully examine the tree trunks of the trees that you liked. Choose the right escape. It is desirable that it is located as far as possible from the main trunk of the plant. Such offspring usually have a very well developed root system. So we want our strong and healthy greengage plum to grow. An early period of digging out the shoot and planting it (in spring - before the leaves bloom, or in autumn - at the very beginning of September) is necessary so that the young, still weak plant, takes root well and has time to take root before winter frosts. Do not choose too long shoots. They take root much worse than short ones, and much more attention is required. It is best to dig a specimen no longer than half a meter.

How to dig

greengage soviet plum

After you choose your offspring, you need to carefully and carefully scoop up the earth around it and find a place where it connects to the main trunk. At this point, the shoot must be separated from the parent plant along with a lump of soil and immediately planted in a container. Even a cropped plastic bottle will do. So that the roots do not dry out, the earth is abundantly moistened. After this, the process can be in a temporary place of landing for up to 7 days.

The roots of the mother tree must be glossed over using a garden var, or gently sprinkled (it is better to use ash). This will prevent infection in an injured area.

We plant an escape

plum greengage

The seedling must first be grown. To do this, he is planted on a pre-prepared bed. The soil in this place must be very fertile. Choose a site that receives as little direct sunlight as possible during the day. It is very important to prevent the soil on the bed from drying out. After acclimatization (approximately 30 days), the first leaves will appear on the shoot, and it will begin to grow.

Other varieties of plum greenhouse

greengage soviet plum

There are many varieties of this variety. For example, one of the most popular is the Sankovskiy Renklod - a plum obtained by crossing two varieties at the Rososhanskaya Experimental Station. These are undersized trees - their height, even at a respectable age, does not exceed three meters. This variety is distinguished by its large beautiful fruits, which can reach a mass of forty to eighty grams. This plum gained its popularity due to the juicy, dense, slightly sour flesh.

For those who want to enjoy delicious fruits at the end of July, the Greengage Early plum is suitable. Round beautiful fruits with juicy and delicious pulp will grow on this tree. Also popular in Russia are the varieties Renklod Kolkhozny, Renklod Karbysheva, Renklod Zeleny, Renklod Zhelny, Renklod Michurinsky and others.


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