Books by Ilya Stogov: novels that are known throughout the world

Today, the books of Ilya Stogov are widely known in modern readership. Many of the writer's works are known not only in Russia, but also in many foreign countries. The author’s books are popular all over the world, because Stogov managed to convey his ideas so interestingly that it is almost impossible to break away from reading his masterpieces.

about the author

Ilya Stogov is a famous Russian prose writer. He achieved success in the career of a journalist. In addition, for some time Ilya worked as a translator. Today, he is engaged in writing and works on the radio as a presenter.

Ilya Stogov was born on December 15, 1970 in Leningrad. As a ten-year-old boy, Ilya had already begun to engage in journalism. His first work was in a small music magazine called Peer. Having established himself as a good worker, Stogov continued his development as a journalist in several weekly newspapers.

books by ilya stogov

Stogov began his writing career in 1997, when he took over as editor-in-chief in the magazine Petersburg World. Already in 1999, Ilya received the title of best Petersburg journalist.

The first books of the writer began to be published in 1997. Ilya almost immediately came to fame and fame. Stogov invariably linked his first works with politics, expressing his opinion on one or another account. The novel of the writer "Macho Do Not Cry" rose to the highest places in the ratings, his book began to be called a world bestseller. The author himself was awarded the high title of writer of the year.

Since 2006, a new project of the writer has been published, where he talks about the books of young authors. Stogov selects only the best works, thus helping truly talented people to succeed. Stogov himself practically doesn’t write fiction, his life views have changed a lot over the years. The name of the writer is known not only throughout Russia, but also in many countries of the world.

Books by Ilya Stogov

To date, the author has a large stock of works of his own writing. This suggests that the writer really has talent and ideas that he enthusiastically embodies on paper. Books by Ilya Stogov are issued in a large print run and sell well. In addition, on any reader portal there are several works of the writer. This is already an indicator that Ilya Stogov’s books are worth reading.

worth reading books

Despite the fact that readers are unlikely to see new works of the writer on the shelves and shelves of bookstores, his previous works are very successful today. The reading makes us think a lot, rethink some things, take a different look at the values ​​that are now accepted in society.


It should also be noted that there are worthwhile books to read. Stogov has many such works, but we will talk about the three most famous. Finding worthwhile books to read is the problem of every person who likes to learn new things. Now you will have several more options for books with which you can spend the evening.

13 months

It is worth mentioning that the author is a truly outstanding writer of our time. All his books have features inherent in this creator. In addition, the world that describes Stogov actually exists, it is hidden from people by the forces of government in order to protect many from the horror that is saturated with money and death.

The first book of the writer

So, the first book on this list was the work of Stogov "Machos do not cry." As the author himself says, the book is completely autobiographical. The plot focuses on a young man who tries to climb the career ladder as a journalist in 1990. The author colorfully and in detail describes all the adventures of the protagonist living in St. Petersburg. Since everyone knows such a dark time as the 90s, it can be said that the protagonist is a typical representative of this time. He has fun with drugs, sex, meetings with wealthy residents of the city, various visits to bars and restaurants.

skinheads one gang story

In addition, in Stogov’s novel there is another storyline that tells the reader about the relationship of the protagonist with the girl. This relationship lasted for two years. How will the romance of lovers end and will it end at all?

The second book of the writer

The second book on this list will be the novel "13 months." The author tells readers about the events that occurred in 2002, December 22. The story that the writer tells us lasted exactly one year: a terrible life, where lust and money came first in human life, no understanding and mutual help, only fear and bile. In the life of the protagonist, this year has changed a lot, in which he himself has repeatedly admitted. The eternal struggle for life, the eternal battle against death - all this went on for a whole year. And to be more precise - 13 months, which became the most important in the life of the protagonist.

The third book of the writer

The third and final book on this list will be Skinheads. The story of one gang. " Here the writer tells the reader about one of the most dangerous and famous gangs in modern Russia.

macho stacks don't cry

The main action of the novel takes place also in St. Petersburg. Outside 2003, it would seem that peacetime has come, but no matter how! One of the most notorious gangs in Russian history goes out to get even with its offenders. Strongly unlucky is the one who gets in their way!


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