Boiler "Baksi": error E10, troubleshooting instructions. Basic error codes for Baksi boilers

The latest generation boiler equipment has smart automation, which turns off the device in case of a malfunction, and also informs the consumer about possible malfunctions. To this end, the manufacturer supplies the heating equipment with displays, with which the user receives information about the main error codes.

It should be noted that one of the promising areas in the development of utilities is the use of gas for heating apartments and houses. Manufacturers offer their products in a wide range, which allows you to choose the right device for any room. As an example, we can consider the Baksi boiler, the error E10 on the display of which is a fairly common phenomenon. This equipment can be installed in any room, it is suitable not only for residential buildings, but also for industrial organizations. The premises where the device is installed must comply with certain standards. For example, the boiler room should be 15 m 3 in volume, and the ceiling height should not be less than 2.2 m. Using good ventilation, it will be possible to guarantee the intensive air exchange that is necessary for the operation of heating equipment.

Troubleshooting guide

Baxi boiler error e10

If you purchased a Baksi boiler, the E10 error may become a reality for you. Therefore, before starting operation of such equipment, it is necessary to deal with the main types of problems. They are indicated by codes that can be divided into two groups, namely: the transition of the equipment to standby mode or the complete blocking of the operation of the device.

In the latter case, the problem can be solved by simply rebooting the unit. Such an error indicates that serious problems have arisen that can create dangerous situations for human life and health. That is why such a failure should be treated with special attention. Among them, it should be noted the lack of traction, the lack of fuel supply, as well as overheating of the device. If you purchased a Baksi boiler, the E10 error can be fixed on your own. However, without human intervention, such an outcome is unlikely. But if this happens, then it can be argued that the automation turned on the device itself.

Error description E10

Baxi boiler error e10 how to fix

The most common problem is the error code E10, which you can see on the display in some circumstances. The reason may be due to incorrect operation of the sensor, which monitors the circulation of the coolant in the system and the functioning of the pumping equipment.

Automation can work in cases where the coolant pressure has been lowered to a critical level. The lack of contact between the pressure switch and the board can also lead to this. In some cases, consumers who use the Baksi boiler have an E10 error for precisely this reason. A malfunction of the pressure switch or improper operation of the pump equipment sensor can also lead to it. This code may also indicate a malfunction of the pump itself. Occasionally, clogging of a heat exchanger or filter system located in the heating circuit leads to this malfunction.

Solution for error E10

gas boiler baxi error e10

If the above mentioned error appears on the display of your boiler, then it is not always advisable to fix the problem yourself. If the pump is out of order, then as the only sure solution to the problem will be its replacement, this task can be done by the homemaster by calling specialists. If a Baksi gas boiler is installed in your home, error E10 may appear on the display when a system failure of the kind described above occurs. To solve the problem, you can also clean the filter system yourself. If you notice that the problems are associated with other components of the equipment, then it is best to entrust the adjustment of performance to professionals.

Error E01

Baxi boiler error e10 how to fix instructions

A fairly common error code is the designation E01 on the display. It can be taken out by equipment when a flame monitoring sensor is triggered. A data failure may occur when:

  • lack of gas supply;
  • lack of contact with the sensor;
  • lack of correspondence between zero and phase in phase-dependent models;
  • dirt or malfunction of the sensor;
  • when the gas valve fails;
  • upon failure of the electronic board.

Sometimes an E01 error results in a malfunction in the ignition system or insufficient access of air, which must be supplied for normal combustion. If the error E01 appears on the boiler display, this may also indicate insufficient fuel pressure in the system.

Recommendations for resolving the E01 error

error e10 on the baxi boiler how to fix

If the error E10 appeared on the display during operation of the equipment on the Baksi boiler, how to fix it, you could find out by reading the information above. However, this code is far from the only one that can indicate a hardware malfunction. For example, if the device displays the error code E01 on the display, then the consumer needs to check how correctly the sensor is connected. Experts recommend checking the fuel supply, sometimes it happens that the gas supply is stopped, and the reason is only a closed gas valve.

If you make sure that all the elements are normal, it is recommended to press the “R” button and hold it for 3 seconds. If the operation happened by accident, then the operation of the device should be normalized. Sometimes the operation occurs repeatedly, in which case it is recommended to contact the specialists of the service center. Sometimes the E01 code is indicated by problems with the electronics, and interference with it can be fatal to the boiler.

Additional error codes

Baxi boiler error e10 what to do

If you purchased a Baksi Mine For boiler, the E10 error is not the only code that is one of the most common during the operation of such equipment. It should also be noted that the additional error codes encountered in the operation of such devices are: E03, 25, 26 and 35. Each of these errors will also indicate that the operation of the boiler was blocked.

Error 03

Baxi boiler gives an error e10

This error code may appear after a rather long time when the user is actively using the boiler. Some consumers note that these symbols appear on the display from time to time, and then disappear by themselves.

To correct this situation, it is necessary to clean the blades well, because a lot of dust can simply collect on them. Sometimes the grease of the sleeve wears out, as do the radiator axles, which are located on the rear of the engine. This causes the fan to slow down. If it was not possible to correct the situation even after cleaning, in this case it is necessary to consult a specialist. Do not worry ahead of time if an E03 error appears on the display, first you need to check all the equipment settings.

Error with code E35

Quite a common equipment for heating in recent years is the gas boiler "Baksi". Error E10 (how to eliminate it, was mentioned above) is not the only malfunction that sometimes accompanies the operation of such devices. If you encounter error code E35, then the problem can be expressed in the flame monitoring sensor. This assembly is required to signal the presence of a flame before opening the valves.

The reasons why the control sensor did not work can be very diverse, but the most probable of them are moisture and condensation getting on the electronic board; the problem may also be a parasitic flame. If we are talking about an electronic board, then it is necessary to look for it in the boiler itself. But if these assumptions were not confirmed, then the reason should be sought in the undamped flame that remains after the equipment is turned off. The manufacturer emphasizes that this problem may be due to insufficient tightness of the valve. But most often this error is eliminated by itself, for this it is only necessary to try to restart the boiler.

Errors E25 and 26

In some cases, the Baksi boiler gives an E10 error, however if you notice a different code on the display, then you need to consider the causes of the problem more seriously. For example, an error E25 may indicate an excess of the maximum temperature. This is indicated by the manufacturer himself. In this case, you need to pay attention to the temperature sensor of the heating circuit. But first you need to check the pump, as well as the cleanliness of the filters, the clogging of which in the heating system can lead to insufficient circulation of the coolant.

If error E25 occurs, the pumping equipment may simply be blocked. But there is also the possibility that the heating system is partially or completely aired. The last step, when all of the above assumptions are excluded, is to check the temperature sensor. It may fail. If you also chose a Baksi boiler, error E10 (what to do to eliminate it, was described above), of course, can occur. However, not only this code indicates some problems in the operation of the device. Sometimes error E26 also occurs. True, it is much less common in comparison with all the others. This code is associated with a temperature sensor failure. If the device issued this designation, then you can be sure that the temperature has risen above 20 ° C.

The rarest mistake

On the positive side, the Baksi boiler has established itself among consumers. Error E10 (how to fix it, was mentioned above), unfortunately, sometimes occurs. She is one of the most common. In contrast, you can give an example error code E00, which you may not encounter during the entire life of the equipment.

There is such a code when the stabilizer breaks. The easiest way out of this situation is to replace this node. Some consumers, however, point out that a failed board indicates this alphanumeric designation. The manufacturer himself denies this claim.


Do not assume that failures quite often accompany the Baksi boiler. Error E10 (how to fix, instructions for carrying out these works - all of this was presented above) occurs very rarely, as well as other malfunctions. However, for the effective use of the equipment, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the information about the main malfunctions, in which case you will know whether you can solve the problem yourself or have to call a specialist.


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