Polish apples: varieties, photos and description

Apples are a valuable, healthy and at the same time very tasty product. We all know about the beneficial properties of these fruits. In addition, it is from them that we prepare a wide variety of delicious dishes, make juices and jams.

Do you know what Polish apples are? Varieties are loved by everyone, but let's learn more about apples. You might want to try something new.

Grade Idared

polish apples

The apple tree Idared was obtained by crossing varieties Wagner and Jonathan. According to the fruit ripening period, this tree is referred to late winter.

The plants on which these Polish apples grow have a spherical, rare crown. The trees are vigorous. The main branches of the apple tree are large and strong. They are located at an angle of 45 degrees from the trunk. The bark of this tree variety is smooth, gray-brown in color. Apples are located at uniform distances without forming bare zones and spaces. The leaves of the apple tree are oval, slightly elongated and pointed, dark green in color.

The main feature of this variety is the cluster arrangement of fruits (two or three pieces each). In a good year, the fruits form whole garlands on the trees, and sometimes you can collect several kilograms of apples from one branch.

The fruits of the apple tree are quite large, clean and glossy due to wax coating. The peel of the apple is smooth and thin. Most often they have a light green color and a bright red blush.

Grade Breburn

polish apples varieties

Another Polish apple that belongs to the winter varieties is Breburn. Its main difference is an unusual wine sweet taste. It is thanks to this that the fruits are very much appreciated in the countries of Western Europe. The year this variety was born is 1952.

The apple tree itself belongs to medium-sized trees. This variety is distinguished by high productivity. Her crown is compact, with a slight thickening.

The fruit has a slightly elongated shape. Near the calyx, longitudinal ribs are often found. The peel of the apple is yellow, it is covered with small dots of purple. The general background of the fetus is dark red.

This is a very juicy and beautiful apple (photo above). Its flesh is sweet and sour, crunchy, cream-colored, has high taste and pleasant aroma.

Most often, these fruits are eaten fresh. Therefore, it is worth noting the fact that they can be stored easily and for a long time.

Grade Jonagold

apple photo

This variety is late ripening. It was obtained by crossing varieties Golden Delishes and Jonotan. Since 1943, he began to successfully conquer world markets. By the eighties, it was already popular among the population of the USSR.

Sustainable growth and good development are what distinguishes these Polish apples. Varieties that have such characteristics can be counted on the fingers.

In a young tree, the crown is most often oval, but eventually becomes more spherical. Another difference of the Jonagold variety is early maturity. Already in the third year, you can harvest a plentiful crop from the trees. A young apple tree (5-7 years old) brings about fifteen kilograms of fruit. A more mature tree (10-12 years old) will bring 40-55 kilograms. They begin to collect fruits in early autumn, but they finally ripen only in the middle of winter. Apple trees are not very resistant to frost.

Fruits are conical, red-orange or golden yellow. The pulp is white-pink, sweet and juicy.

Grade Gala

polish apples gala

This variety was obtained in 1957 when crossing the Golden Delishes and Kids Orange Red varieties. Its main feature is early entry into fruiting, regular and large harvest.

At first, Polish Gala apples did not attract gardeners too much. Fear was inspired by the appearance of the fruit - not too large, pale colors with a spotty-striped red-orange blush. Producers were afraid that people, accustomed to large bright red glossy apples, would ignore the plain-looking fruits. But the situation was quickly resolved by introducing mutants with a bright color.

The apple trees are medium-sized, have a not very thickened wide crown of oval shape. Trees begin to bear fruit already 6-7 years after planting. From young trees a moderate yield is removed annually. Adults bring from 55 to 80 kilograms.

In shape, these Polish apples are most often rounded, have a weak ribbing at the top of the fruit. The color is yellow with a red-orange blush. The pulp is juicy, dense, sweet and sour.

Variety Champion

kilogram of apples

This variety was obtained in 1960 when crossing Renet Orange Coke and Golden Delicious.

The apple trees are weak-growing, have a small oval crown created by skeletal, medium-developed branches. Fruiting is stable and plentiful, begins in the third year of life. From a five-year-old tree, you can collect from 17 to 25 kilograms of apples.

Nice looking and the apple itself. The photo perfectly demonstrates this. The weight of the fetus reaches 0.16-0.19 kg. Its shape is round-oval, and the color is yellowish-green. Almost the entire surface of the apple has a blurry striped red-orange blush. On dense, dry, elastic and thin skin, gray-yellow lenticular lentils are clearly visible.

The flesh of the apple has a light color with a creamy tint. It is quite dense, fragrant and very juicy. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour.

Variety Ligol

polish apples reviews

This variety was obtained in 1972 when crossing Golden Delicious and Linda. Refers to winter ripening apple trees. In collectible Ukrainian orchards, these Polish apples began to grow since 1995. It was at this time that gardeners noted that apple trees are winter-hardy, medium resistant to bacterial burns, and highly resistant to common diseases such as powdery mildew and scab. Large yields and high taste and marketability of apples were also noted.

This variety is self-infertile. The best pollinators for it are the Champion, Spartan, Gloucester and Idared varieties.

Apple is rounded cone-shaped. The surface of the fruit is ribbed, for the most part there is an intense blurred carmine-red blush. These apples have dense, juicy and fine-grained flesh. It is distinguished by cream color, sweet and sour pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Harvest begins in late September. Apples are stored in the refrigerator, then they can not lose their taste for six months.

Grade Golden Delicious

polish apples

This variety is very popular among European gardeners.

Its fruits most often have a yellowish skin with brownish spots of greenish color. Goden Delicious apples are classified as sweet and sour, but the sweet flavor still prevails. They are easy to store in the winter and, if done correctly, they can retain their palatability until April.

The apple tree itself is stunted (does not grow above three meters). She begins to bear the first fruits as early as 2-3 years of age. Last year's growths (even on young trees) bear already 3-4 fruits. The tree, which is already 6-7 years old, brings from 15 to 17 kilograms of apples.

It is not difficult to grow an apple tree, but nevertheless it likes the mild, warm climate more. If it is too cold in winter, the tree may freeze, even if it is well insulated.


In this article we have described the most popular varieties of Polish apples. These are delicious and juicy fruits that have long and firmly won the hearts of people around the world. Many apples really appreciate the Polish apples, reviews about them are always only positive, and the usefulness and taste are at their best. You got acquainted with the main characteristics of these varieties. You may now want to find out more about them, and the next time you go shopping, you decide to purchase and try them.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E2483/

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