What is ethics? How is it different from morality?

What is ethics? This question at a certain stage of life is asked, perhaps, by every person. The concept has several meanings, but in general, ethics refers to the individual’s correct attitude to his own life path, to other people and living beings, to God.

what is ethics
The subject of ethics are specific norms of behavior, intangible values ​​accepted in any society. By the way, in each separately taken society these values ​​and norms are purely individual. If some peoples shake hands at a meeting is a sign of good taste and a benevolent attitude towards the interlocutor, then others may take such a personal touch as an insult.

The norms even in one particular society at different periods of time can vary significantly. At its core, morality is always and everywhere the same, but in its specific content it can have variations. For example, canons such as “being truthful and well-meaning towards each other” or “not doing evil to others” remain unchanged for everyone and always. Take, for example, the biblical commandments that are familiar to everyone - what is not an option for ethical postulates? But the opposite example: if a few centuries ago a short skirt or shorts on a woman were considered the height of indecency, then modern ethics is very loyal in this matter.

modern ethics
Ethical values ​​also vary depending on certain social groups. Any ethics dictionary will tell you that the norms of behavior between close friends or relatives are significantly different from those adopted between work employees or unfamiliar people.

Often in our minds, the concept of "ethics" is confused with the concept of "morality." But in fact, they are fundamentally different. Simplified morality can be called a clear idea of ​​what is “good” and “bad”. These manifestations can be different even in the same national group in different eras, to say nothing about different continents. The principles of ethics are objective, they constitute an understanding of the whole human path. What is ethics? This is the core of the spiritual development of each of us. Attached to it are skills, moral principles, character traits, abilities and other aspects of the human inner world.

ethics dictionary
Speaking of what ethics is, one cannot but mention the religious aspect. In accordance with the main commandment of the Old Testament, the main moral value is a person’s love for God. In relation to all living beings without exception, the main role in ethics is played by compassion. It means care and respect for people, animals and plants.

You can still talk about ethics as one of the areas of philosophy, the subject of which is the study of the customs and values ​​of a particular human group. Within its framework, several sections are separately considered. Among them, metaethics as the study of all concepts of science, normative ethics - methods for determining norms and rules, their study and interpretation, as well as applied ethics - the use of the above norms in practice.

Of course, the subject of this article is wide and ambiguous. But now you can answer the question of what is ethics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24838/

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