Governing bodies

The government of each state seeks to determine the most appropriate economic course. In this case, different methods can be used. These include, in particular, passive monitoring, nationalization, control, support, assistance, etc. In Russia in recent years there has been a fairly large-scale restructuring of the economic system.

The regulation of relations forming within the framework of the national economy is carried out at the local, regional, sectoral and intersectoral level. At the same time, government bodies consist of federal, territorial, local departments and ministries, and representatives of constituent entities of the Russian Federation. They also include the government and the president.

Management bodies in the field of economics constitute a special structure. Within its framework, some departments and ministries go beyond the boundaries of their industry in carrying out activities. So, the governing bodies can regulate the activities of objects belonging to various industries. This indicates the “supra-departmental” nature of their functions of coordinating activities through decisions that are binding on other areas.

The management bodies, in addition to coordinating intersectoral influence, can also take measures that have a binding character. These measures are usually associated with supervision and control, the right to impose penalties of administrative value. For example, a government body such as the Ministry of Finance is in charge of money circulation issues, and the State Customs Committee oversees the procedure for the export and import of objects.

Among the intersectoral areas of regulation should be noted:

  1. Loans and finance.
  2. Technology and science.
  3. Security.
  4. Material support.
  5. State accounting and statistics.
  6. Social development and labor.
  7. Metrology and standardization.
  8. Communication and transport.
  9. Forecasting and more.

Management bodies carry out their activities in accordance with various areas. Conventionally, experts divide them into an economic and administrative-political block, including, in turn, other components.

The management bodies of economic relations should include:

  1. Parliament. He determines the development strategy of the country's economy as a whole, approves budget items, listens to the government report on their implementation. Parliament uses the adoption of laws as the main form of government. Control over the spending of budget funds is carried out by the Accounts Chamber.
  2. The president makes decisions on organizational matters. As a rule, these issues are related to the reorganization or formation of departments and ministries. The President exercises his power by issuing orders and decrees. In addition, he hears reports from ministers and several other officials.
  3. The government is engaged in the approval of the provisions of departments and ministries, the general management of various areas of the economy within the framework of federal jurisdiction, takes part in the consideration of bills, draws up and implements the state budget.
  4. Departments and ministries carry out operational regulation in relation to specific economic areas in accordance with the functional area of ​​activity or carry out regulation at the intersectoral level.
  5. The authorities in the constituent entities of the country provide similar leadership and to some extent solve similar problems as structures at the federal level.
  6. Local authorities are involved in the regulation of a specific administrative-territorial object at the intersectoral and functional level.
  7. Representative offices of territorial self-government take part in the leadership at the state level only within the framework of delegated authority or in relation to objects that are transferred to operational management.


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