"Chamber No. 6" Chekhov: a summary of the chapters

"Chamber No. 6" Chekhov - one of the most famous works of the writer. The story was first published in 1892. It is about this work that will be discussed in this article. More specifically, we will consider a brief summary of this story by Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.

Chamber of 6 Czechs

“Chamber No. 6”, Chekhov: a summary of the chapters. Chapter 1

The story begins with a description of the large courtyard where the outbuilding is located. This is a non-plastered building with a rusted roof, surrounded by numerous bushes of nettles and burdocks. Here is ward number 6 - a place where they are insane.

In the entrance of the outbuilding on an heap of straw is an old soldier Nikita, who serves as a watchman here. Most of all he loves order. And to maintain it hits the crazy.

For the story “Chamber No. 6” by Chekhov, descriptions of this place are very important, since it is with him that the plot development and its denouement will be associated. Right behind the canopy is a room where a terrible stench always reigns. Five insane are lying on the beds here. The very first is Moses, the old restless Jew, who is the only one allowed to go out. His neighbor is Ivan Gromov, a former official who became obsessed with the persecution mania. He often walks around the ward and talks about human meanness, violence and a wonderful life that awaits everyone in the future.

2 chapter. Gromov's story

This chapter tells about how Gromov, one of the main characters in the novel “Ward No. 6”, ended up in this place. Chekhov in his characteristic manner describes in sufficient detail the events that deprived his hero of reason.

It all starts with the fact that Gromov’s father, a rather wealthy official, was put on trial for embezzlement and forgery. And soon he died in custody, and all his property was confiscated. As a result, Ivan Dmitrievich and his mother were left without any means of subsistence. Gromov had to give lessons, and most of the money to give to his mother, until she died. Ivan Dmitrievich by nature was prone to emotional unrest. That is why he complained that it is boring and stuffy to live in the city, and that society has no high interests. Gromov read a lot, which is why he was known in the city as a "walking reference dictionary."

Chamber 6 Summary

3 chapter. Ward â„– 6

However, it is still unknown to us how Chamber No. 6 received the protagonist. The summary describes how Gromov once met prisoners in the alley who were led by convoys with guns. And at this moment the hero for some reason decided that they could just as well take him and take him to prison. Strong anxiety seized Ivan Dmitrievich. He was innocent of nothing, but no one was safe from judicial error or slander.

Gradually, he convinced himself that he could be arrested at any moment. In anticipation of this, Gromov stopped sleeping. And when the stove-makers came to the mistress of the room that he was renting, Gromov decided that it was the police, went out and ran in horror along the street. Soon he was detained and assigned to House No. 6.

Chapter 4. Other inhabitants

We continue to talk about Chekhov's work “Ward No. 6”. The summary returns to the other inhabitants of the outbuilding. To the right of Gromov lies an almost round, greasy man with a completely numb face. From this inhabitant of the chamber is constantly stinking. Nikita, who cleans him, beats him every time, but he doesn’t react at all, only sways like a heavy barrel.

The next inhabitant of the chamber is a tradesman who served in the post office. His main dream is to receive an order. Moreover, he is sure that he is constantly awarded one order or another. He tells Gromov about this in great confidence.

ward number 6 summary

5 chapter. Ragin

The story is finished about those who were sheltered by House No. 6. The summary of the chapters refers to the description of the main character of the story - Andrei Efimich Ragin, doctor. This man is broad in shoulders, tall, but quiet. The doctor dresses very casually, not caring at all about his appearance.

When Andrei Yefimych arrived in the city, he discovered theft and unsanitary conditions in the hospital. Ragin improved the situation a bit, but could not completely correct the situation because of his weak character. He does not yell at anyone and is even embarrassed, talking with his own maid. At first, Ragin honestly tried to help the sick, but seeing that their number was not decreasing, he gradually dropped his hands and began to appear at work every other day.

Chapter 6 Ragin's Views

However, these are not all the main characters in the novel “Chamber Number 6”. A summary of the chapters introduces us to the paramedic of the hospital Sergey Sergeevich. He helps Ragin in his work, but he himself is a man of a near mind and a hypocrite. Nevertheless, Sergey Sergeyevich takes upon himself the performance of all operations, since Ragin is unpleasant with the sight of blood.

Long hours spent at home, Andrei Yefimych spends reading books on philosophy and history. Often, Mikhail Averyanich, the postmaster, comes to visit him. Together, they talk a lot about the fact that there are no people in the city who could have interesting and smart conversations. Ragin regrets that he did not go to humanities, and by the will of his father received a medical education. He believes that a person cannot find the meaning of existence in life, and all his sufferings end only in death.

Chamber of 6 Czechs summary

Chapter 7 Ragin's Activities

Slow and measured life of the heroes of the work “Ward No. 6” (a brief summary of the chapters confirms this). When Ragina leaves the postmaster, he again begins to read, reflecting on the strength of the human mind, upset that no matter how bright the mind is, death awaits him. And this death makes all lifetime achievements completely meaningless. Ragin admires the medical achievements of Koch and Pasteur, but immediately realizes that this disease and deaths did not decrease. Hospitals like the one where he serves, on-site and ward No. 6, have not disappeared anywhere. Doctors are tormented by the thought that he is getting his salary in vain, because he is unable to make anyone's life easier.

8 chapter. The appearance of Hobotov

A brief summary of Chekhov (“Chamber No. 6”) tells of how two years ago the zemstvo increased the amount allocated for the maintenance of the hospital annually by 300 rubles. This money was spent on hiring a new doctor to help Ragin. It turned out to be a very young man - Evgeny Fedorych Khobotov. He was not particularly literate, appeared at work quite rarely, and wrote off recommendations to patients from a prescription book, which was very popular. Khobotov was very jealous of Andrei Yefimich, his immediate superior, and wanted to take his place and become the head of the hospital.

Chapter 9 Acquaintance with Gromov

One March evening, Andrei Yefimych met Moses, returning from collecting alms in galoshes on his bare leg. Ragin followed him. Darkness and stench was met by his ward number 6. The summary describes how the hero told Nikita to give Moses new boots. Then the doctor noticed Gromov and called him a reptile, which keeps healthy people locked up.

summary of chamber 6 of Chekhov

Ragin begins to calm the patient. He speaks of a future in which there will be no lunatic asylums and oppression, and now it is necessary to pass the test of suffering. But Gromov only laughs in response - only a person who did not know the deprivation can say this. Ragin decides somehow to come back to talk with Gromov.

10-11 chapters. Philosophical Conversations

Since then, Ragin has been attracted by House No. 6. Chekhov finds a worthy interlocutor for his main character - he turns out to be Gromov. The doctor often goes to the insane. They have long and lively conversations and argue with enthusiasm. Ragin takes great pleasure from these meetings.

Khobotov learns about Ragin’s visit to House No. 6. He overhears the philosophical conversation of the boss with a madman. Nikita is in the same perplexity as the young doctor. Then the next day Khobotov brings Sergey Sergeyevich. Listening to Ragin’s conversations, they conclude that the doctor is crazy.

12-13 chapters. the trip

The events of Chekhov's novel “Ward No. 6” continue to unfold (we provide a summary in the article). Andrey Efimych begins to notice that others are whispering behind him. One day he was invited to the mayor, where other doctors, including Khobotov, gathered. Ragin understands that this is a commission to examine his sanity. At the same time, Mikhail Averyanich invites his friend to go somewhere, and Ragin happily agrees.

summary of Chekhov Chamber number 6

Before leaving, the doctor resigns and leaves for the railway station. Together with him went Mikhail Averyanich, who already in the first days of the journey managed to bother Ragin with his stories about past times. Heroes arrive in Moscow, where they see the sights.

Chapter 14 Return

The heroes of the novel “Ward No. 6” (Chekhov) set off on a journey. The summary describes how Ragin and the postmaster from Moscow leave for St. Petersburg. Then Mikhail Averyanych persuades Andrei Yefimich to visit Warsaw.

Soon the friends returned to their hometown. Ragin learns that Khobotov has already taken his place. The hero has to look for a new apartment as well, since the new head of the hospital has taken his big one.

15-16 chapters. Retired life

Ragin hired rooms in a small house belonging to the bourgeois Belova. He read a lot here. Sometimes I went to the hospital, but they drove him out. Pensions were not assigned to the former head physician. Occasionally Khobotov and Mikhail Averyanych came to him. Ragin increasingly indulged in philosophical reflection.

The story of thinking people and narrow-minded inhabitants - this is what lies at the basis of the work "Ward No. 6". Chekhov (a brief summary confirms this) elects a hero-philosopher and places him in a county town populated by bourgeois, preoccupied only with base problems.

So, when Khobotov and Mikhail Averyanych came to Ragin, chatting about all sorts of nonsense, the former doctor, tired of their conversations, started yelling at them and eventually drove them out. However, in the morning, Ragin, tormented all night, went to apologize to the postmaster.

And then the former doctor finds himself in ward number 6.

chamber number 6 chapter summary

17-18 chapters. New patient

The summary of Chekhov’s “Chamber No. 6” continues with the fact that Nikita comes to Ragin, brings him a hospital gown and points to his bed. Andrei Efimych sits down and begins to convince himself that this place is no different from Belova’s rooms. Gromov wakes up and maliciously comments on the situation of the former doctor.

Despair takes hold of Ragin. A summary of Chekhov’s “Chamber No. 6” describes how Andrei Yefimych confesses to Gromov that he has finally lost heart. Now he understood the truth of the madman - to philosophize behind bars is not as wonderful as in the wild. Ragin decides to leave the room and starts knocking on the door. But Nikita appears and severely beats the former doctor. Lying on his bed, the hero realizes that all patients of ward No. 6 suffered this for many years, and he did not even want to notice it.

Chapter 19 Denouement

The summary of Chekhov (“Chamber No. 6”) concludes with the fact that the next day Khobotov, Mikhail Averyanych, and his maid Daryushka came to Ragin. However, this did not please the hero at all, and in the evening he died from an apoplexy blow. His body was taken out of the chamber by two peasants by the arms and legs, without even closing their eyes.

At the funeral of Ragin in the local small chapel were only Daryushka and Mikhail Averyanych.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24845/

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