Sumatransky barbus: how to distinguish a female from a male, breeding description, photo

Many aquarists believe that this cute fish has an unbearable character. She is often, and sometimes quite deservedly, called a real striped robber. Sumatransky barbus, whose photo is posted in the article, is bred by both experienced connoisseurs of the beauty of the underwater world, and novice lovers. This popularity is explained by the fact that it is very interesting to watch these restless fish that rush about the aquarium and, at the slightest opportunity, cling to their neighbors.

The Sumatran barbus is a flock of beautiful fish that lives in freshwater bodies in southeast Asia. As a rule, they are bought in flocks of up to 20 individuals. Later, couples are selected from them and fry are bred. How does this happen? How to distinguish a female from a male Sumatran barbus? More on this later in the article.

Description of Sumatran Barbus

Distribution and history

Sumatran is widespread in reservoirs of Indonesia, Malaysia and on the island of Sumatra, from which the name of the fish came. It was first mentioned and described by ichthyologist P. Blecker in 1855. However, the final, existing today name, as well as a full description of the species received only in the first half of the XX century.

From that moment, the distribution of barbs began on the aquariums of fish lovers in Europe, and after 15 years in the Soviet Union. Today, it has been possible to obtain several subspecies that differ in color variations: scarlet, green, black mutant, mossy, albino, glowing. In addition to color, they have no other differences in feeding, reproduction and conditions.

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These schooling flocks have a memorable color and appearance: a golden yellow or silver body with adjacent gills tightly intersect black vertical stripes of medium width. The body of the adder is quite high, slightly flattened from the sides.

The back of the fish is painted in a darker color, having a reddish tint, the abdomen is yellow-white. A characteristic feature of this species can be considered four vertical stripes in black. The first passes through the fish’s eye, the second behind the pectoral fin, the third behind the dorsal fin, and the fourth at the base of the tail.

Sumatran barbus

The triangular shape of the dorsal fin is quite high, it is painted black with a thin red border. Other fins are red or pink. Medium-sized barbs, which with an aquarium content of up to seven centimeters, with proper maintenance and proper nutrition live about four years, although there have been cases of higher rates. To maintain a group of barbs, you need an aquarium with a volume of at least 30 liters.

How to distinguish a female from a male Sumatran barbus?

The first sexual characteristics of this fish appear at the age of three months. Maturity occurs at 8 - 10 months, until this age, you need to keep all young growth together. How to distinguish a female from a male Sumatran barbus by its tail fin and color? The extreme rays of the tail of the male are colored red. With age, the fish acquires pronounced sexual differences.

The body of the male is painted more brightly. During spawning, it becomes even brighter, and fins are painted. A faded color of the scales in females. The abdomen is round and full, the size of the body is much larger.

Aquarists with experience know how to distinguish a female from a male Sumatran barbus in behavior - the male is much more active. Here, perhaps, are all the main differences.


Breeding Sumatran barbs is not particularly difficult. Studying and conducting the whole process, from the selection of a couple to the cultivation of offspring, will certainly interest not only a novice, but also a more experienced aquarist. To determine the pair, a suitable female and male are selected from the general flock. For spawning, fish are intensely fed for two weeks.

Propagation of barbs

After that, the formed “married couple” is transplanted into a separate container (spawning). The female lays from 300 to 700 eggs at a time. This variation depends on a number of factors:

  • adequate nutrition in preparation for spawning;
  • female health;
  • compliance with the temperature regime.

Since the “parents” will not refuse to eat their own caviar, after the end of spawning a couple of spawning is removed. If there is a possibility that the spawning process of the fish will be completed in the absence of the owner, it makes sense to place the grate at the bottom of the spawning ground. Unfortunately, barbs can not be attributed to aquarium fish, conscientiously fulfilling their "parental duty" to offspring. After the emergence of juveniles, standard fry cultivation is carried out.


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