Tomato Pink Bush F1: reviews, photo of the bush, description, productivity, advantages and disadvantages of the variety

With the onset of the summer season, land owners again have to decide which varieties of fruit and vegetable crops to fill the beds on their site. Summer residents who are in search of an unpretentious and at the same time productive variety of pink tomatoes can be recommended to pay attention to the hybrid tomato Pink Bush F1. Reviews, photos of the bush of this excellent early ripe variety are often found today on the forums of farmers or summer residents. Here you can find a lot of debate about what are the disadvantages and advantages of growing this variety in a summer cottage.

tomato pink bush f1 reviews photos of the bush

Grade description

Scientists claim that the use of pink tomatoes specifically reduces the risk of the formation and development of oncology, as well as improves the functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems, and helps fight the depressive state. Tomato Pink Bush F1, reviews, photos of the bush and the qualitative properties of which are given in this article, is a representative of hybrids with pink fruits, which has the following characteristics:

β€’ Hybrid variety of Japanese selection (manufacturer SAKATA).

β€’ Early ripening: the full ripening of the first fruits of this variety occurs within 90-100 days after the formation of seedlings.

β€’ Short.

β€’ Determinant type of growth.

β€’ Stamp.

β€’ Immune to common flora diseases.

β€’ The variety has shown itself well in conditions of a difference in soil moisture, tolerates summer heat without any problems, leaves, and fruits are not prone to sunburn.

What should an adult pink bush F1 tomato bush look like? Description provided by the supplier-manufacturer: undersized, densely leafy bush up to 50 cm tall, with medium-sized fruits of rounded regular shape. The color of ripe tomatoes is deep pink.

Tomato is recommended for greenhouse cultivation and for subsidence in open ground. The number of plants recommended by the manufacturer per 1 m 2 is 4-6 bushes.

tomato pink bush

Bush sizes

To date, undersized varieties of tomatoes are the most common inhabitants of suburban areas. This is due to their unpretentiousness, the ability to withstand the hot summer weather, especially in the regions of southern Russia. Despite the fact that such varietal shrubs boast really large fruits quite rarely, undersized tomatoes often have good or high yields. Pink Bush also belongs to such.

It is worth noting another important quality of this variety. According to the manufacturer's description, Pink Bush tomato is a determinant hybrid. Professional vegetable farmers certainly know what this characteristic means on the packaging. Those who first hear this term will probably be interested to know what this means that the variety is limited in growth by its own flower brush. The shoot of such tomatoes grows until a fruitful ovary appears on its top. The flowering shoot no longer grows, the further development of the tomato bush comes from the most viable stepson, thanks to which the determinant varieties are a real find for small greenhouses or a summer cottage of six hundred parts. This type of tomato is Pink Bush F1. The height of the bush depends on whether these tomatoes are grown in a greenhouse or a tomato planted directly on the site. Greenhouse bushes can reach 70-75 cm in height. Tomatoes in open ground grow no more than 30-35 cm.

outdoor tomatoes

Characterization and description of the fruit

If we talk about the benefits of varieties of pink tomatoes in general, then their flesh is not only more tender than that of their red "colleagues", but also rich in B vitamins, carotene, lycopene. What do they say about the fruits, which with proper care gives the tomato Pink Bush F1, reviews? The photos of the bush presented in this article give a fairly clear idea of ​​the appearance of mature tomatoes of this variety:

β€’ On one shoot there is one fruitful brush, on each of which a bunch of medium-sized tomatoes ripens.

β€’ Ripe Pink Bush Tomato acquires a smooth and vibrant pink color. The surface of the fetus is glossy, without spots and splashes.

β€’ The shape of the very first tomatoes collected from the bush is more flattened than that of the subsequent tomato crop.

β€’ Tomato pulp is juicy, fleshy, without firm veins. The content of dry matter in one tomato does not exceed 7%.

β€’ Ripe tomatoes of this variety are not prone to cracking. Harvested fruits are characterized by increased keeping quality, suitable for fresh storage and transportation.

Tomato Pink Bush is ideal for fresh consumption, as an ingredient for salads, fresh vegetables. It does not lose good taste during heat treatment, is suitable for use in a dried form. It can be used for the preparation of preservation in the form of sauces, lecho.

tomato pink bush f1 merits and demerits of a grade

In what climatic conditions can Pink Bush be grown in open ground?

Despite the fact that this variety is recommended for planting in open ground, it is worth noting that not every regional forum has enthusiastic responses about the yield and taste that Pink Bush F1 tomato has. Reviews, photos of the bush with beautiful fruits ripened in open ground are most often left by summer residents from the central or southern regions of Russia. It is in such climatic conditions that this variety is excellent fruiting, and all tomatoes have time to ripen over the summer period.

As for the regions located in the northern part of the country, it is necessary to grow Pink Bush in a greenhouse in the conditions of a short summer.


The yield of tomatoes of this variety is the topic of most positive reviews on forums for summer residents. For a season with 1 m 2 you can collect up to 10-12 kg of ripe pink tomatoes.

Sprouting, seedling preparation

Sowing seeds for seedlings should be approximately 50 days before transplanting into open ground conditions. Seed material can not be pre-soaked before. The method of germination and seedling preparation proposed by the manufacturer consists of the following steps:

β€’ Seed material is evenly sown in boxes with a slightly compacted soil, sprinkled with thin layers of soil or peat on top.

β€’ Next, the seeds should be carefully watered (it is best to use a strainer) and cover with garden wrap.

β€’ A box with future seedlings is placed in temperature conditions for germination (at least 25-26 Β° C) until the first shoots appear.

β€’ The film should be removed after the seeds have sprouted. After that, the boxes with seedlings are moved to a well-lit cool place (about 15 Β° C), where they are kept for a week. After this period, the seedlings should be kept with an air temperature of about 20-23 Β° C.

β€’ When 1-2 pairs of real foliage appear on tomatoes, seedlings should be dived. During this growth period, it is recommended to fertilize with organic or mineral types of fertilizers for tomatoes.

β€’ At the age of 45-50 days, tomato can be planted in the ground.

pink bush f1 description

Features of cultivation and care

Unlike painstaking labor, which requires Pink Bush F1 tomato at the germination stage, caring for an adult bush in a greenhouse or in a summer cottage does not require much effort.

β€’ Watering and fertilizing tomatoes are not much different from similar care for other varieties. The irrigation regime in open ground should be determined based on climatic conditions. For feeding, conventional complex mineral fertilizers for tomatoes are suitable.

β€’ When tomatoes are planted for open ground, it is recommended that you first introduce well-rotted manure and (or) a complex of mineral fertilizers for tomatoes into the ground.

β€’ As a rule, most varieties of the determinant type are recommended to be tied. Despite belonging to the category of undersized varieties, Pink Bush in the open field is often preferred to tie up due to the high yield on the flower brush. Under greenhouse conditions, Pink Bush will grow best on trellises.

β€’ Low-growing tomatoes, which include the Pink Bush hybrid, do not need constant stepsoning (removal of extra shoots-stepchildren), which is a clear advantage when growing a large number of plants of this variety. It is recommended to carry out this procedure in regions with a short summer period, otherwise, with too many lateral processes, not all fruits will have time to ripen.

tomato pink bush f1 bush height

Plant diseases

Pink Bush F1 - a hybrid with high immunity to Fusarium, tobacco mosaic virus, verticillosis. Due to this quality, a plant needs good prophylactic conditions for good growth and productivity: timely watering, loosening the soil and top dressing.


As for natural pests, tomatoes need to be protected from garden slugs and / or ordinary mites. Proven folk remedies help perfectly in this: bitter pepper or wood ash scattered on the surface of the garden helps from the first pests, and you can remove the mite by watering the soil with a solution of ordinary laundry soap.

Pros and cons of the variety: what do summer residents say?

It is best to talk about the "Japanese guest" can reviews of people already growing tomato Pink Bush F1 at their summer cottage. Advantages and disadvantages of the variety from Japanese breeders do not differ much from those declared in the characteristics of the suppliers.

β€’ The Pink Bush variety has a high yield: the bushes are almost covered with ripening fruits.

β€’ High immunity to plant diseases.

β€’ Good taste.

β€’ The variety is equally well suited for open ground conditions and for greenhouses.

β€’ Compact small bushes.

Of the shortcomings of this hybrid tomato are most often called:

β€’ Not enough bright color sauces during conservation.

β€’ Too complicated process of growing seedlings from seed material.

β€’ The high cost of seeds of this variety.

β€’ Inability to produce seeds from ripened tomatoes.

tomato pink bush f1 care

Taste: reviews

As for specific reviews about the taste characteristics of this variety, it can be noted that many gardeners were satisfied with a delicate sweet taste, lack of rough veins. However, it is worth recognizing that, despite the pleasant taste inherent in these pink tomatoes, many people value the taste of a variety from Japan for a solid "4". For comparison, the well-known, more familiar pink tomatoes for open ground are often given. For example, Bull’s heart, Wild rose, Pink giant and others.

Studying reviews on the forums of farmers or summer residents, we can conclude that Pink Bush, who appeared on Russian sites in the early 2000s, managed to gain an excellent reputation among our compatriots. This variety from Japan is often recommended as a summer culture for food and preservation, and for cultivation for sale. The owners of summer cottages that grow Pink Bush F1 for several years in a row note the consistently excellent quality of tomatoes, each time delighting summer residents with beautiful and juicy fruits.


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