The art of creating crocheted toys

Crochet is a favorite pastime of many needlewomen around the world for several centuries. Knitted clothes and home decoration are in great demand today.

More recently, knitted toys that are created both with knitting needles and with a hook have gained wide popularity. Let's dwell on crochet toys.

The art of amigurumi originates from Japan. Initially, these are small cute animals or small pupae. Now, toys of medium size and a little less often very large ones are more common.

How to start: where to find the description?

Today there are many sites, various groups and public pages on social networks devoted to knitting toys. On the Internet there is an infinite number of videos, the authors of which show the process from beginning to end, especially for beginners, dwelling in detail on every detail. Also, if desired, you can easily find crochet toys with a description or a detailed knitting pattern.

Product creation process

First of all, when starting to work, it should be borne in mind that amigurumi knit in a circle, without connecting posts at the end of each row. Just in a spiral. Crochet toys are created in detail: separately the body, head, arms, legs (paws), tail and, if necessary, the rest of the body. Also, quite often clothes are created separately for products.

First, an amigurumi ring is knitted: two air loops are drawn, and then the required number of single crochet columns are knitted into the second loop from the hook - usually this figure is six. Thus, the first row is knitted. By the way, a single crochet column is the main element in crochet toys. Further, following the description, either increases or knitting in a circle continues.

Single crochet

Symbols and their interpretation

The following abbreviations may be useful to the craftswomen:

  • Ka is the amigurumi ring.
  • Bp is an air loop.
  • Sbn - single crochet.
  • Ssn / sn - double crochet.
  • Ss2n - a column with two crochets.
  • Ps - a half-column.
  • SS - connecting column.
  • Increase - knit two single crochet in one loop.
  • Decrease - combine two loops into one.

How to stuff toys?

In the process of knitting, parts must be filled so that in the final version the toy is voluminous and soft. But how to determine the filler?

In various forums where they write about crochet toys for beginners, this topic is very relevant.

The simplest thing that many inexperienced knitters begin with is ordinary cotton wool. The choice is not the best for several reasons. Firstly, cotton wool is knocked down and rolled up, as a result of which the product acquires a completely incomprehensible shape. In addition, a crochet-filled toy cannot be washed if necessary.

Another option is a synthetic winterizer. Many craftswomen use it when crocheting toys. This is a good choice, but it should be borne in mind that this type of filler can also stray into lumps - mainly during washing.

The following is a natural filler: wool, feathers and down. Like cotton wool, it can stray and change shape, which is a drawback. But the biggest drawback is its allergenicity. Due to the fact that crochet toys are often purchased for children, it is not recommended to use this type of filler.

And finally, the final and most ideal filler for crocheted amigurumi toys is holofiber. It is hypoallergenic, environmentally friendly, which is already superior to all of the above types. Also, the holofiber does not roll, does not stray, does not retain moisture, as a result of which the toy retains its original shape.

How to photograph a knitted toy?

First of all, in order to sell a toy, you need to be confident in your knitting skills. An unsuccessfully connected toy with sloppy sewn parts, with differently set eyes, with a badly embroidered muzzle can push the buyer away from cooperation with the seller. First you need to exercise, create some toys just like that, for yourself, or present them to family members, friends, ask their opinions on the quality of the product.

If everything is in order with the crocheted toy, it is ready for sale, the next step is to take a high-quality selling photo. For this, it is not necessary to have a fancy camera, just a smartphone camera and a good imagination.

The first step is to create a suitable background. It can also be boards clad together, painted in a beautiful color.

The product on the background of painted boards

Or textured wall. Ordinary fabric can also be used.

Products on fabric background

Some craftsmen like to photograph their products in the fresh air. You can put the toy on a tree branch, on a bench or a stump.

Product on the nature

Or capture it among the flowers. Very picturesque picture.

Product among flowers

Next is processing. It is believed that any unsuccessful photo can be transformed using an application for processing. Fortunately, on the Internet their number is growing every day.

Product sale

The next step is to create accounts for your creations on social networks. There are also specialized sites selling hand-made products. You can try your hand at various fairs that take place in every city. The main thing is to believe in yourself and love your miracle work.

The process of crocheting a toy calms the nerves and distracts from everyday problems. This is not just work: in addition to the filler, a piece of the creatorโ€™s soul is invested in the product, its warmth. When the master sees the sincere smiles of the happy owners of his creations, his soul is again filled with warmth. Thus, the heat cycle on the planet occurs - and this is a real miracle.


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