Wood burning device: description, specifications, reviews

Complex and exciting art - pyrography - replenishes the ranks of its fans with people of different ages and any gender. Burning wood is quite an exciting activity, but not for everyone. Only purposeful and assiduous people with artistic inclinations can reveal all the facets of pyrography. Gorgeous paintings created with the help of a special device for burning wood, amaze the imagination with their unexpected beauty. But the fact that pyrography is a complex type of creativity does not mean at all that any person and even any child is not able to learn it. You can pick up ornaments and drawings consisting of simple elements to start training. And after some time, perhaps you will become one of the masters of burning wood of the highest class.

The main thing is to start

Tiger pyrography

It’s better to start mastering the art of pyrography with the purchase of a wood burning device. To take a closer look at some characteristics and types of devices of this type, read this article. So, let's start!

Choosing a burning device

A good tool is a big part of success. But how to understand the assortment of burning apparatus? Both the simplest-looking apparatus with a thin heating part, as well as whole sets for burning with many additional replaceable nozzles are offered for purchase. Already at this stage, you can get confused and get the wrong version of the burner.

Burning apparatuses have two types:

  1. Wire feathers.
  2. Hard feathers.

The power supply for the appliance comes standard from a standard 220 V outlet.

Wire feather

Spare feathers thin

The device for burning with a thin wire pen has the adjustment of its heating. It is very convenient during the work with an ornament. And if you hesitate for a second, then your masterpiece will not be spoiled by a darker plot of drawing. The advantages of this apparatus include the fact that it can work on solid wood. Fine-feather burners in a short time are able to process a rather impressive portion of the picture, while minimizing the effort and nerves. The working needle of this type of burner is able to glow and cool in a short time. Although this applies to devices that have the most optimal power for operation - at least 20 watts. A less powerful burner will significantly slow down the entire wood burning process. In case of damage to the burning tip, this part can easily be replaced with a new one. Devices with a thin working nozzle are more suitable for no less delicate, elegant work.

Cons of a thin nozzle

wire device

The negative point is that a set for burning this type can be very expensive. And finding a real professional option in a regular sale will be somewhat more difficult. And since the tips from strong glow often often prematurely terminate their service, then when replacing them, the locking handle is able to become worthless. The pen can just fall off. Although we must pay tribute to foreign manufacturers who began to produce nozzles for a device for burning nichrome from metal, which can last longer than conventional heating elements. In any case, you should not purchase a professional device in stores unknown to you. It may happen that you can not repair this equipment on your own. Especially if you made a purchase on an unknown site.

Soldering Iron

a device for burning

The second category (but not least) of burning devices is solid-feather burners. At the same time, they are able to perform the function of a conventional soldering iron if necessary. The low price speaks in favor of it, and the fact that using this device will not bring additional questions. Another important point: burners with a solid pen are much different and are able to serve their master for a rather long period. Maybe due to these qualities, most of the burning devices for children have a solid pen. Very well, these devices handle large and medium sized jobs. And yet, soldering irons, burners are complemented by different nozzles included in the kit.

And the cons of hard pen

The disadvantages of this apparatus include the duration of the warm-up. It takes at least five minutes to bring the burner to operating temperature. Cooling is also slow. The entire heating element is placed for the most part in the cavity of the handle of the apparatus, which may be the reason for the heating of the handle itself. The impressive design of the pen will not allow you to accurately perform the processing of very small details of the burned ornament. The device does not have temperature heating control, therefore, during prolonged use without systematic disconnection from the network, it can burn out.

What is the best place to start burning?

Once you have selected and purchased the best burning device for you, it's time to start the most exciting process - drawing with fire. To get started, you can buy special boards in the store with a finished frame and a simple drawing. When you burn out this drawing, you will immediately understand whether this interesting art captured you or not. Most likely, you will really like the process. But if you want to realize some of your ideas, you will have to be puzzled by the purchase of blocks, boards and even wood boards. It all depends on your imagination.

How to prepare the foundation?

Surface preparation

The materials on which the burner is used must be well dried and processed. Sanding with sandpaper will remove small nicks and other irregularities from your workpiece. Having some artistic skill, you can draw a future masterpiece first with a simple pencil. If you do not have a talent for drawing, use a carbon paper and transfer the drawing to the wooden surface you need. Plug in the appliance and start the burning process.

Burning device: reviews

Casket pyrography

Users like pyrography devices in that it is a great nerve calming tool. Some models of devices purchased about ten years ago, and now serve perfectly. It is recommended to buy such devices for school-age children. Although the presence of electrical voltage excites parents. The child should be diligent and know safety when using the burner.

When you try to use a wire device to burn through the fabric, most likely, the heating needle will become unusable very quickly. During melting, the fabric adheres to this element and, in addition to the formation of unpleasant smoke, the element must be disconnected and the clogged tip cleaned. And the adjustment temperature timer may break after a week of use. Although the device cost a little money, it’s a pity.

Some had to resort to repairing the wire tip after they pressed hard on the burner during heating to increase, so to speak, productivity. It is necessary to carefully use this type of device for burning.

Fans of pyrography are also dissatisfied with the fact that many, if not all devices, have a very short cord connecting the device to the mains. This drawback creates some inconvenience in the process. You have to constantly interrupt in order to comfortably accommodate with such a short wire.

The solid pen incinerator has found a lot of fans. The set for burning along with the device itself includes a number of replaceable nozzles for convenient drawing of figures and different contours. True, thin nozzles bend over time due to high temperature and no longer give ideal outlines. The stand for the device is inconvenient in the sense that it is too light and bends very much, and it breaks quickly. The terminal of the device is declared as soldering (if necessary), but using this burner instead of a soldering iron was unproductive. Due to the peculiar shape of the nozzle, the soldering iron picks up solder very poorly. The cord length of about one and a half meters for all users of the burner is not enough for convenient use of the device.

burning kit

Some users consider the device with a solid pen to be the best, and they will not exchange it for any, even the most professional! And the temperature of the handle during operation also suits them. They say that it is quite comfortable temperature, the main thing is that you need to use according to the instructions and then the device will serve for years. And in the instructions it is recommended to turn off this type of device from the network every 30 minutes. It is necessary to give rest and cool down the entire device for 10-15 minutes. Tips change only at the burner which has cooled down to a comfortable temperature.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/E24856/

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