Biological product "Novosil": instructions for use, effectiveness and reviews

In modern agriculture, it is not enough to throw seeds into the ground and wait for the harvest. In order to get a good result, you need to use growth regulators, including the Novosil tool.


"Novosil" is produced on the basis of fir needles growing in Siberia. The tool itself is a 5 percent emulsion. The main active ingredient is special triterpene acids. They are relatively recently isolated from gum and have already managed to get widespread use in agriculture. These acids - abiesonic and abiesolic - have anti-inflammatory, healing, regenerative effects.

novosil instructions for use

Novosil was awarded a gold medal at the Farmer-99 World Fair.

Preparations with the same action: Silk, EcoSil.


"Novosil" is a biostimulator of plant growth. At the same time, it is used as a fungicide.

The drug activates the defenses of the plant, mobilizing them to fight diseases. It increases the yield of fruit crops, including remont raspberries and strawberries. It is also used for processing buckwheat, legumes, sunflowers, bulbs, corn, indoor flowers and growing on the street, including perennials. It activates their growth, protects against diseases.

instructions for the use of novosil

Treatment with seedlings before planting improves its survival.

Sold in 30 or 10 gram vials with a pipette or in 1 ml ampoules. How to measure the right amount of the drug "Novosil" in ampoules? Instructions for use indicate that 1-50 ml contains 40-50 drops.

It is estimated that the cost of using this tool pays off in any case, moreover, they give a yield increase of 10 to 60 times the cost of Novosil.

Effect on plants

"Novosil" has a complex effect on plants:

  • Soaking seeds leads to rapid germination and accelerates their growth.
  • The use of Novosil increases the yield of plants by a quarter.
  • It accelerates their growth and helps to mature more quickly.
  • Increases 2-4 times immunity to the main diseases of plants: fungal, viral and bacterial.
  • Increases the amount of nutrients in the resulting product.
  • Allows longer storage of products.
  • Indoor flowers and shrubs after treatment become bright, lush, bloom longer.
  • Accelerates root formation in all types of plant propagation.
  • Increases plant resistance to frost and drought, helps to survive frosts and temperature changes.
  • Increases the mass of the root system by 2 times.
  • Helps damaged plants to reborn to life.

Time of action

"Novosil" begins to increase the immunity of the plant immediately after applying the working solution to the leaves. The real impact begins in half an hour. But the result will be visible in a couple of days.

"Novosil": instructions for use

Before using it, study the table in which the doses of the drug for each plant species are indicated. Shake the bottle thoroughly to mix the product. Measure the right amount of emulsion. Use a dropper bottle or syringe for this. In the second case, the measurement accuracy will be higher.

Instructions for use "Novosil" advises to pour the drug into a small amount of water, heated to 35-60 degrees. Stir thoroughly until completely dissolved. Add water to the desired volume. Fill the sprayer with the finished product and carry out the treatment of the plants.

novosil plant growth biostimulator

Often the drug is used with insecticides and means to combat plant diseases, mixing them in one dish.

Consumption rates for some plants

Tomatoes are first processed several days before planting in the ground, then 3 times during flowering and the formation of a new brush. Consumption - 2 ml or 60 drops per 6 liters of water. The expected result is resistance to late blight, septoria.

novosil biological product instructions for use

Cucumbers are sprayed 4 times after the appearance of the fourth leaf, the subsequent ones - a week after the previous one. Consumption - 0.6 ml (20 drops) per 6 liters of water.

Eggplant is processed 2 times: after the formation of buds and during flowering. Consumption - 2.4 ml or 80 drops per 6 liters of water.

Cabbage is processed 2 times: after the appearance of the sixth leaf and during the formation of heads of cabbage. 1.6 ml (48 drops) are used in 6 liters of water.

Sweet pepper is treated only 1 time a week before planting. Consumption - 1.2 ml (40 drops) per 6 liters of water.

Onions are treated after the appearance of 4 feathers, then 2 weeks after the first spraying. 4 ml (120 drops) are used in 3 l of water.

Also used as a garden drug "Novosil". Instructions for use advises to spray berries (raspberries, currants, gooseberries) during the appearance of buds, then after 2 weeks. Consumption - 1.2 ml (24 drops) per 6 liters of water.

The grapes are processed 2 times: in the flowering phase and again after 2 weeks. Use 60 drops in 6 liters of water.

Novosil garden drug

They also use the Novosil biological product for processing indoor flowers. The instruction for use advises to process them for active growth and lush flowering, soaking tubers, and then spraying after the formation of buds and during the flowering period. Consumption - 0.2 ml (10 drops) per 1 liter of water.

Processing these plants reduces the incidence of major diseases.

The seeds are soaked before sowing for 1 hour, using 0.1 ml per 1 liter of water, after which they are washed with clean water.

It is used for processing berry berries "Novosil" (emulsion). Instructions for use say that strawberries are sprayed so that there are more berries, they grow larger and are sweeter. Sprayed 3 times: after fruiting, pruning mustache and spring during flowering. Consumption - 4 drops per 1 liter of water.

Legumes are treated 3 times with an interval of one week, starting with the appearance of the first flowers. Consumption - as for strawberries.

Spray carrots 2 times: after the appearance of 8 leaves and after half a month. Use 5 drops per 1 liter of water.

The frost treatment and immunity are enhanced by the treatment of plants with Novosil.

The instruction for use advises perennial and annual flowers to be watered and sprayed with a solution after the appearance of buds and in the flowering stage. Consumption - 1 ml per 5 liters of water - for irrigation, 1.2 ml per 6 liters of water - for spraying.

Lawn grass is sprayed 3 weeks after sowing. Consumption - as for flowers.

Processing Conditions and Safety

The processing time is not hot, in the early morning or evening. The weather is calm and dry. The best temperature for spraying is 12-25 degrees. "Novosil" can carry a certain danger to bees. Addiction to the drug is not marked. Not phytotoxic.

What else can be said about Novosil? The instructions for use advise spraying in cotton clothes and waterproof gloves. A mask and glasses will protect the mucous membranes from getting the drug.

If drops of the solution get on the skin or mucous membranes, they are quickly washed off with water. If ingested, the stomach is washed. If you inhale a large number of drug vapors, you need to spend some time in the fresh air.

What to do if Novosil accidentally spills? Instructions for use say that the spilled solution does not render harmless. If possible, collect the leftovers in dishes that are not used for food, and treat the surface with water and detergent.

A solution that was not used is stored for 24 hours without access to light. If these conditions are not observed, it becomes cloudy and becomes unusable.

The shelf life of the finished product is 3 years. The product in dry form retains the healing properties of 6 years. You need to keep it in a closed dark room at a temperature of 0 to 30 degrees.

The packaging is burned or thrown away with other garbage. The dishes in which the solution was located are washed with soap, then it can be used for the same purpose or for other household needs.

Environmental impact

Is the drug "Novosil" harmful to health? The instruction for use states that the drug is completely harmless to the plants themselves and the environment. Ten days later, as a result of metabolism (a natural metabolic process), the substance is excreted from the plant organism.

novosil emulsion instructions for use

It is harmless to animals, fish and people. To bees (hazard class 4), the summer time is limited to 12 hours.


Gardeners and gardeners who regularly use the drug "Novosil" report on the results of processing seeds, plants and fruits. They claim that 30 ml packs are enough for them to process a 10 hectare plot 3 times a season.

novosil in ampoules instructions for use

The drug is often purchased at the Organic Farming Club. Indeed, in its composition there are no chemicals harmful to the body. It is there that most often drugs sold based on natural materials are sold.

Users indicate that they noticed a side effect when using Novosil for indoor flowers or seedlings. After processing the drug in the room, a pleasant smell of needles is heard. It is much more pleasant and safer than after processing with chemicals.

Users note that after treatment the plants turn bright green, their appearance improves, they begin to grow faster. The effect is especially noticeable on young plants.

Consumers using the drug indicate that after its use in the middle lane, the fruits of the tomatoes become much sweeter and tastier.

Especially amazing results are obtained on grapes. Gardeners claim that bushes damaged by frost after treatment with Novosil not only grow back in the fall, but also produce a crop. At the same time, it turns out to be even larger than on vines that were not frozen and not processed. Also, the treated bushes are much less affected by oidium, mildew, anthracnose, productivity increases by approximately 14 kg / ha.


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