Pets of the head of Russia. Putin dogs

We are accustomed to consider actors, singers, presidents, prime ministers and other famous personalities as special, not like everyone else, almost robots who are alien to simple human joys. Although they are ordinary people with their characters, abilities, hobbies. Each person has a hobby, as well as pets. Russian President Vladimir Putin also has them. This largely talented person is fond of martial arts, prefers active sports, and also loves animals.

dogs of Putin
Putin’s dogs are known all over the world because he does not hide his love for our younger brothers, often takes them to important meetings, takes pictures on joint walks. Labrador Connie, who was presented to President Sergei Shoigu in 2000, became a universal favorite . She was born in 1999 and initially lived in the rescue center of the Ministry of Emergencies. The Labrador became not just a pet at home, but also a character in children's books published in English, as well as a comic book hero.

Putin’s dogs have always been popular, so the President gave the late Austrian president Thomas Kleistil two of Connie’s puppies, which are now being watched by his wife. The remaining dogs fell into simple families, and one works as a lifeguard in North Ossetia. For 10 years, Connie was the only favorite of Vladimir Vladimirovich. Today she is already a grandmother, because the Labrador was 14 years old.

dog breed Putin
In November 2010, during an official visit to Bulgaria, at that time, Russian Prime Minister Putin received another pet, which was presented to him by a colleague, Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borisov. Vladimir Vladimirovich liked the gift so much that he, without embarrassing the cameras, kissed the dog. Two dogs of Putin quickly became friends, many were worried that the Bulgarian Shepherd Dog would push the Labrador into the background, but the President loves his pets equally.

Initially, the Karakachan dog was called Yorgo, but the new owner did not like this name, so Putin announced a contest for the best nickname on the Internet. The winner was a 5-year-old boy Dima, who proposed to name the animal Buffy. But this is not all the president’s pets. In July 2012, the home zoo of Vladimir Vladimirovich replenished again, this time the Japanese colleagues gave him a puppy as a token of gratitude for the assistance provided to the areas affected by the strong tsunami in 2011.

The breed of Putin’s dog is called Akita Inu, the owner himself chose the nickname for the puppy and settled on the name Yume, which means Dream. The President is having a great time with his pets. Putin’s dogs are living proof that the head of Russia treats our smaller brothers well and respects traditions, because it has been customary to give Russian rulers animals from time immemorial.

dogs Putin photo
Not only Putin's dogs gained popularity, whose photos flew around all the known print media. At one time, the president received a living crocodile, an Ussuri tiger cub as a gift. The home zoo also has Arabian horses, ponies, white goats, the smallest horses in the world. Such love for animals did not go unnoticed: the world-famous protector of the four-legged Brigitte Bardot called Vladimir Vladimirovich the president of her heart.


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