Gasoline generators: reviews, advantages and disadvantages

One cannot dream of a high-quality power supply today, power surges and power outages are quite frequent in the network. Accidents happen on power lines, all of this has already become the cost of the domestic power grid, which was laid back in the 1920s. last century.


gasoline generators reviews

The only right decision is the creation of an autonomous power supply for the garden plot, a generator that acts as an emergency or permanent energy source will help. However, the modern consumer does not know how to choose such a unit.

If you have already decided that you need a gasoline version of the generator, then you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, as well as read the reviews of consumers who have already managed to experience the qualitative characteristics of such devices.

Consumer Reviews of Fuel Generators

bison gasoline generator reviews

If you are interested in gasoline generators, it is recommended to read reviews about them before visiting the store. From them, you can understand that such equipment is a mini-power station that can operate autonomously.

For work, gasoline is required, which is consumed in a volume of 0.5 liters per 1 kW per hour. The specific value will depend on the power. Consumers say that for the unit to work, it will only be necessary to pour the mixture into the tank, from where gasoline will enter the internal combustion chamber. A spark will allow you to set fire to fuel, so the thermal energy released during combustion will begin to be generated, and it will be converted into electricity.

Advantages and disadvantages of gasoline generators

petubub generator reviews

If you decide that gasoline generators are still better than the rest, it is recommended to read reviews about them. Consumers emphasize that such equipment is suitable for a summer resident who is used to using a suburban area seasonally. Quite often, gasoline generators are selected in the case when the suburban housing is connected to the central electricity network, but from time to time requires a backup supply of electricity. In this case, the most rational method of organizing autonomous power supply will be a gas generator, which is inexpensive and is able to cope with small loads in a small cottage.

Pay, according to customers, for such a device will have from 3,000 to 50,000 rubles. By purchasing such an aggregate, you should not rely on the fact that it will be able to ensure the operability of a huge number of electrical appliances. Quite often, consumers prefer gasoline generators. Reviews of them indicate that the cost of such units depends on the characteristics of the engine, power, as well as the level of gasoline consumption. The manufacturing company also plays an important role in the issue of pricing. Many buyers refuse diesel generators in favor of gasoline analogues for the reason that the first are 2 times more expensive, while the power remains the same.

Another important advantage of gasoline generators is mobility. You can move such a device to any place on the site; this is also facilitated by the insignificant mass of the device, as well as its compactness. The operation of the equipment is not accompanied by a high noise level, so it can be placed in a room that does not have sound insulation. This cannot be said of diesel generators. For comparison: the noise level of a gasoline model can be approximately 50 dB, while the operation of diesel units is accompanied by noise in the range from 80 to 100 dB. Petrol generators are quite accessible today , reviews about them will allow you to understand which model to prefer.

Reviews on the gasoline generator brand "Bison ZESB-3500"

boar gasoline generator reviews

This gas generator "Bison", reviews of which you can read below, costs 22,000 rubles. It is suitable for operation outside the city and acts as a backup power source. The total power is 3 kW. According to consumer reviews, the model is perfect for powering welding equipment. If the load does not exceed 75%, then the equipment will be able to work continuously for 7.5 hours.

Consumers like that the frame is made of a high-strength metal profile. Therefore, the model is often chosen for traveling out of town. An additional plus, according to buyers, is the presence of an oil sensor, as well as a fuel level indicator, which simplifies operation. You must take into account that there is no control automation in the device, as well as a 12V output.

Fubag BS 5500 Generator Reviews

huter gasoline generator reviews

Gasoline generator "Fubag", reviews of which should help you make the right choice, costs 36,400 rubles. According to users, this model is most convenient to operate on construction sites, in private houses and summer cottages, using the device as an additional power source.

The model has an electronic control unit that allows you to control and configure the basic parameters. During operation, according to users, vibration is significantly reduced, which is provided by special engine racks. Buyers also like the presence of protection against mechanical influences, as well as convenient load connection. As practice shows, this model is characterized by a long service life, the unit operates due to a four-stroke engine with an upper valve arrangement. Protection against external influences is guaranteed by a metal power frame and a closed case.

Reviews of the generator "Boar ABP 10-230 VX-BSG9"

gasoline generators dde reviews

This Vepr gasoline generator, reviews of which will be presented below, has a rather high cost of 208,900 rubles. Customers like the fact that the unit is equipped with a high-performance engine, whose power is 11 kW. The fuel tank has an increased capacity, the equipment generates energy for 5.9 hours, while refueling is not required.

The station, according to customers, effectively ensures the operation of power tools and household appliances, the total power consumption of which corresponds to the value mentioned above. The power plant is productive, guarantees ease of transportation and has anti-vibration mounts.

Huter and DDE Generator Reviews

petrol generator patriot reviews

Having familiarized with the presented opinions, you can choose a model for yourself. For example, a Huter gasoline generator, the reviews of which are the most positive, has a low cost of 15,300 rubles. According to customers, this electricity supplier has high power and is able to provide electricity to a whole cottage, warehouse or house. The rated power is 2.5 kW, but the maximum power is 2.7 kW. The device weighs 43 kg, which, according to customers, allows you to easily transfer equipment to anywhere in the site.

Recently, gasoline-powered DDE generators are also quite common, reviews of which you can read below. For example, the model DDE GG3300 has, according to customers, an acceptable cost, which is 15,000 rubles. The equipment has a concise control panel, and the vibration level is minimal. The manufacturer achieved the best cooling due to its open design. Consumers quite often choose this model for the reason that it provides performance for 10 hours at one gas station. Fuel consumption, according to customers, is quite economical and can vary at different load levels.

Patriot Generator Reviews

Another gasoline generator is the Patriot, which reviews are worth considering. An example is the model GP 3510E for 20 300 rubles. Consumers like the simplicity of operation, the reliability of the design, the optimal ratio of power of the generator and engine, which ensures stable operation.

Buyers choose this generator option also for the reason that it works due to the engine with the upper valve arrangement, this increases the resource, reduces the noise level and exhaust. This device can be used as an autonomous or emergency source of electricity; power tools, as well as low-power household appliances, can be powered from the device.

Hyundai Generator Reviews

Hyundai gasoline generators, reviews of which you should definitely read before visiting the store, are today one of the most popular. The Hyundai HHY3000FE model costs 24,000 rubles. and is suitable, according to buyers, for use on a personal plot and construction sites. The power station sockets are protected from dust and dirt by lids with a self-returning mechanism.

Consumers consider a combined launch to be a special plus, which can be carried out with the help of an electric start or manually. You can control the model with the help of intuitive symbols, and the oil level sensor can be used to eliminate the likelihood of the engine running in starvation mode. This can significantly increase the service life. Buyers emphasize that the manufacturer also took care of protecting the device from damage, because the model has a solid frame that eliminates mechanical damage to the organs of the installation.

Kolner Generator Reviews

The Kolner gasoline generator, reviews of which force many users to make a choice in his direction, can also be an excellent acquisition. You can buy the KGEG 3000 model for 16 000 rubles. A continuous working time of 10 hours, according to customers, is quite enough to solve problems at the cottage or at the construction site. Customers like the fact that the device also has an emergency oil level system. Dimensions are quite compact and are 605 x 440 x 440 mm.


The only right decision is the creation of an autonomous power supply for the garden plot, a generator that serves as an emergency or permanent source of energy will help. However, the modern consumer does not know how to choose such a unit.

If you have already decided that you need a gasoline version of the generator, then you should familiarize yourself with the advantages and disadvantages of this technique, as well as read the reviews of consumers who have already managed to experience the qualitative characteristics of such devices.


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