The harness is the key to a comfortable walk

The most common pets in the homes of billions of people on the planet are cats and dogs. Someone loves only "purr", someone prefers barking loudly, some fans of the fauna contain both of them.

A small but still dog

For those who do not like long walks in inclement weather and do not have multi-room mansions, it is best to have a small dog. There are a great many such breeds. This is a toy terrier, and a pug, and a Spitz, and a dwarf poodle, as well as a Yorkshire terrier, a lapdog, a liver and a number of other small dogs.

Some of them do not even require daily walking - they only need a special diaper for which they spend their needs. But each owner wants to demonstrate the subject of his pride to others, why not do it in clear sunny weather? Yes, and fresh air has not harmed anyone.

dog harness

This means that a special device will be needed so that the pet does not run away accidentally or accidentally does not fall under the wheels of the car.

The harness is what you need

Here, to the aid of any owner of a medium-sized dog, a leash-band will come. The very first such devices appeared in ancient times when dogs began to be harnessed to teams. Having appreciated the convenience and comfort of such accessories for the animal, the breeders no longer refused them, so the harnesses survived to this day.

A girdle is a device for walking a dog, which is two main belts covering its chest and body in the back, connected to each other in several places by thinner straps. The leash ring is attached to the neck at the withers.

splicing it

This method of attachment is very convenient and does not cause the dog any inconvenience during a walk, especially since any harness can be adjusted by changing the tension of the belts and the distance between them. Even when your dog makes a sharp jerk, he will not get injured if he has a braid. This is known to those owners of animals who already use this device in everyday life.

Collar or harness?

For small dogs, owners unconditionally choose a harness. But the situation with large animals is somewhat different. Shepherd, mastiff, saint bernard in the neck can rarely be seen. For such dogs choose a collar, sometimes strict.

What do vets think about this? The famous Swedish zoopsychologist Hallgren examined hundreds of dogs that constantly wore a collar and concluded that 90% of them were injured in the neck muscles and even had spinal cord injuries, which caused constant pain that worries the animal.


The dog does not understand that when he rushes at an oncoming opponent, or wants to catch up with a cat, sharp jerking from a leash causes him injury. This eliminates the harness for dogs, preserving the health of the pet and creating a comfortable stay for a walk.

How to choose the right harness

It’s easier for small pets to pick up such an appliance; owners of large dogs will have to approach the issue of choice in all seriousness:

  • Pay attention to the material, it must be washable, but at the same time durable and resistant to abrasion.
  • It is better to choose a model with several fasteners. A harness is an item that is used daily and the donning process should not be too tedious or complicated for you or the dog.
  • For large dogs, it is better to give preference to leather belts, it will be more difficult for her to gnaw and tear them.
  • Check that neither the straps nor the fasteners bite into the dog’s body or cause pain. Otherwise, the dog will not receive pleasure from the walk, but will only suffer.
  • The harness must fit snugly against the body, preventing the dog from slipping out, but should not hamper the movement either.

And finally: never leave the harness on the dog at home, this accessory is exclusively for walking. If your dog is show, alternate wearing harnesses with a collar. Indeed, in the ring she will have to act in it, the dog should be familiar with it.


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