Public Security Police: Key Tasks, Requirements and Principles

The public security police are part of the government system, which is part of the structure of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. The activities of employees are regulated by Federal Law No. 3 published on 02/07/2011 as amended on 08/03/2018. In each region, city and settlement there are independent structural units and corresponding departments.

The composition, creation, reorganization and liquidation of public security police units is the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior. The executive body performs its functions on the basis of the basic law of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, its priority is the safety of the population.

Tourists and police

Structural units

The public security police has a wide range of responsibilities. The overall disclosure of criminal cases, the prevention of administrative offenses and the order in the regions depend on the work of its units. This branched and multi-functional system consists of:

  • duty parts;
  • district commissioners;
  • road safety inspections;
  • pre-trial detention facilities;
  • special reception centers where people are detained for various offenses;
  • departments responsible for the maintenance of juvenile suspects.

Joint operations

The public security police helps investigators in solving incidents, its functions include:

  • performance of special tasks;
  • private security;
  • inquiry;
  • patrol service;
  • escort of detained persons.

Without such an instrument in the law enforcement system it is impossible to establish the effective work of investigators of criminal police, they are a mechanism for a common serious executive body.

criminal detention

What function did the law fulfill?

Legislators, developing legal provisions for the activities of police officers, provided for in the act:

  • comprehensive regulation of their legal status;
  • organizational structure;
  • social role.

Based on the normative act and its legal force, the efficiency of law enforcement agencies has increased, and ensuring public safety by the police has become the norm for citizens. The employees of this body are on guard, protecting the population from encroachments of criminal elements. The law on the police brought democratization into a state that freed officials from political biases; they are obliged to maintain a neutral position in this area. The basis in their work should be the law and the protection of national and state interests.

Goals and aspirations

Successful disclosure, prevention of criminal offenses are the tasks of the public security police. To do this, they need to provide assistance to colleagues working with a criminal element in the bodies of inquiry. Timely revealed criminal intentions will achieve the main goal:

  • to create a safe existence for individuals, the whole society, state structures through the effective protection of property, ensuring order;
  • identify, prevent, suppress crimes, administrative offenses;
  • take part in the search for criminals, establish their location.

Public security police units are created in order to provide timely assistance to citizens, no matter what status they are, to protect their rights and interests at the legislative level.

Intelligence officers

In what order do they act?

Article 12 of Federal Law No. 3 emphasizes that all units of one system should closely interact. In particular, members of the Public Security Police along with the criminal department. The duties include:

  • receiving and registering reports of all criminal acts of any level;
  • verification of information on applications;
  • Arrival is not a scene;
  • suppression of unlawful acts;
  • documenting circumstances;
  • ensuring the safety of traces and instruments of crime;
  • first aid to injured persons;
  • identification of the reasons for the misconduct;
  • search for violators of the law;
  • carrying out preventive measures with offenders;
  • protection of the population from the encroachment of criminals.

Ensuring public security by the police to the population in places of their congestion: at the stadium, shopping center, airport and train station, on the street, in the park and park is the main goal that the Ministry of Internal Affairs is striving for.

Moscow police

The most dangerous places

Law enforcement officers are required to attend public events where:

  • rallies;
  • meetings;
  • demonstrations;
  • processions.

These places, where a lot of people are gathered, are the most vulnerable to terrorist acts. Prevention of attacks, timely elimination of criminal intentions is the main activity of the public security police.

Confrontation with the meeting

What authority is given?

Without decisive measures, it is impossible to fulfill one's professional functions. A police officer is placed in a restrictive framework regarding his behavior. He must be:

  • polite;
  • correct;
  • neat;
  • competent.

During and after work, since they have a non-standardized duty day, a policeman can:

  • demand the cessation of unrest in a residential building, public place;
  • check passport;
  • call a person for a preventive conversation or in a case in production;
  • to detain for committing violations, crimes;
  • initiate proceedings on the basis of suspicion, evidence;
  • initiate before the prosecutor an extension of the detention of a suspected atrocity;
  • block dangerous areas during an emergency.

Employees of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs control the registration at the places of residence, the entry and exit of foreigners.

Road police

What does the division lead to?

Employees who monitor public safety are separated into the unit. But the law unites the whole system, which includes the Hydro-State Duma, criminal police, patrol and other departments of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The search, identification, detention of a criminal is a common goal of the whole structure with a single object of antisocial orientation. Offenders are different, they have common characteristics:

  • dangerous behavior for society;
  • resistance to law enforcement;
  • criminal skills;
  • criminal typicality.

The police protect residents from such entities, while their life and health are in constant danger.

Quality characteristics

Evaluation of any employee is based on the results of his work. The activity of a policeman, who is obliged to observe public safety, depends on his characteristic features, where it is necessary to include:

  • normativeness;
  • organization;
  • preparedness;
  • development;
  • efficiency.

Each step of an employee must not be against the law. Compliance with all statutory provisions and the Code of Honor is a characteristic feature of regulatory compliance that police officers comply with.

Successful activity can only be with careful organization of work, allowing you to connect to a well-structured system and realize professional tasks.

Mounted Police

Employees should be well trained, this is expressed in knowledge of laws, skills and professional skills. Possessing such prerequisites, the full development of the specialty will provide confidence for the performance of specific tasks. The characteristics of the effectiveness of all work are signs:

  • quantitative and qualitative result;
  • speed expressed in fast organized actions;
  • the pace of work without reducing success;
  • the amount that the employee was able to realize during the investigation period.

In order to achieve the safety of residents of the entrusted area, the specialist of the Ministry of Internal Affairs must possess:

  • professional observation;
  • poise and self-control;
  • the ability to position citizens - without trust on their part, success and career growth will not work;
  • fine observation of the life of the contingent;
  • ability to stand on one’s point of view;
  • recreation of verbal portraits;
  • collection of information, separation of important information;
  • remembering appearance, characteristic habits;
  • quick acquaintance, gathering contacts, new people.

You should know what qualities prevent you from quickly mastering the profession of a policeman. This availability:

  • individualism;
  • social exclusion;
  • desire for dominance;
  • leadership attempts;
  • decrease in positive results;
  • anxiety
  • low level of will.

Every police officer needs to understand that he is entrusted with the state of the area in which he works, the life and well-being of people.

The trust of the population must be earned by its impartiality, integrity and many actions with the prefix β€œnot”. Everything that is accessible to ordinary citizens will have to be forgotten by a police officer - an excessive love of alcohol and money, as well as other charms.


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