The psychology of dogs. Animal Training Basics

Many thousands of years ago, a man tamed a dog, making a friend of his once fierce enemy - the wolf. Pithecanthropus managed to take the place of the owner, the leader of the dog tribe. And for a long time living together, the friendships of man and dog have developed. Pithecanthropus saw in his animal, first of all, a servant, a watchman, and sometimes a hunter and hunter. Watching pets, people learned to understand the psychology of the dog, and human behavior has changed markedly. But centuries-old traditions of the wolf kind still live in the descendants of primitive dogs.

dog psychology

The psychology of dog behavior is based on conditioned and unconditioned reflexes. The fight for leadership is also inherent in dogs. These remnants of flocking life are alive in modern dogs. A person who is inexperienced in raising a dog, acquiring an animal, does not think about the fact that, perhaps, it is his pet who will bring him up “for himself and his interests”.

Right attitude

Here, for example, the wrong behavior of a person and a dog. The dog in the house has its own litter, but sleeps and rests everywhere, but not in its place. Perhaps she does not like the part of the apartment chosen by the person, then she needs to transfer the litter to her favorite corner of the room. And always the team "place" to see the dog to the litter. Otherwise, the dog will begin to impose its conditions of cohabitation on the owner. Some owners are moved by the fact that their pets sleep with them in the same bed. This is a big mistake on the part of man. Soon it may turn out that the owner does not have enough space in his own bed, because the spoiled dog will in every way prevent the owner from enjoying the rest (there are cases when large dogs simply pushed the owners out of bed). The "place" team is not in vain considered important in the course of general training. Do not let the dog fall asleep wherever she wants. According to the relationships in the pack, only the leader is allowed to sleep in the most convenient place, and fellow tribesmen are forbidden to encroach on his dream. Owner of his careful behavior in relation to the sleep of the animal makes it clear that the dog is the leader in the family. If the dog realizes that he is stronger than his master, he can become a tyrant.

dog psychology basics

Fight for leadership

Dog psychology is different (with respect to leadership) in animals of different sexes. Males in a wild pack always conflict over the right to be a leader. The same applies to domestic dogs. During the ripening period, starting from the age of seven months, the male dog will show its leadership qualities. Be it pulling the leash and the desire to be the first to run into the apartment or the usual disobedience to orders. The pet will always look for slack in the character of the owner. It is important during this period to strictly suppress disobedience and disobedience. That is, it is necessary to suppress the desire for dominance in the dog, thereby establishing his primacy in the family.
Female dogs also have a struggle for leadership, only with less pressure and aggression.

How to determine the degree of trust?

To find out the degree of trust and obedience to the owner, you can put the animal on its back. A humble and confident dog will allow you to lay yourself on your shoulder blades. The obstinate dog will jump up, growl and resist.

dog psychology book
It is necessary to suppress disobedience, but in no case should one resort to brute force. A person in a relationship with his pet should play a dominant role.

Special literature

In an effort to teach people to understand their dog, many books and articles have been written. They detail the reasons for this or that behavior of the pet.
In order to understand the needs of your pet, you can read the book “Dog Psychology. Dog Training Basics ”by American veterinarian and writer Leon Fredley Whitney (1894-1973). This scientist devoted his whole life to biology and wrote several publications based on his own studies of various animals and people. But the author’s greatest achievement, in his own opinion, is this book about the behavior and habits of pets. The psychology of dogs since the time of academician Ivan Pavlov has been studied very well; on the basis of this knowledge, education and training systems are developed.

dog psychology dog ​​training basics

The psychology of dogs, the basics of their behavior, have been studied by man for many years. All animal behavior is determined by reflexes, genetics and habits. Service dogs, bred for centuries to protect human property, at the genetic level inherit certain working qualities.

Breed psychology

Labradors cannot live in peace without swimming in the water. German shepherds perfectly guard their family. Caucasian shepherd dogs "graze" their little household members for a walk, guarding them. Before acquiring a dog, a person needs to decide which four-legged friend he needs. Older people should not start pets like Laika, Fox Terrier, Dachshund and Airedale, as the choleric character warehouse of these animals will cause a lot of trouble. People with young children should not choose decorative dogs - Tibetan terriers, Pekingese, dwarf pinschers, since these individuals do not like babies and can offend them. If a person is calm and unhurried by nature, an energetic beast will annoy and tire him.

Psychology and education

In the modern pet education system, the psychology of dogs is taken into account. Training comprises a complex of tasks: the expression of social instinct, the desire for contact games and other motivations. Social instinct is the need for a dog to communicate with its owner. On a walk or at home, the pet is waiting for games with households. Ordinary service teams can be studied by turning training into entertainment.

dog behavior psychology
You need to know that a dog is selfish in behavior with a person. The animal is always waiting for profit for itself and is unlikely to do anything for the owner, without feeling motivation. This is used during training: if you want refreshments, follow the command! The psychology of dogs requires its study not only by scientists, but also by future dog breeders.

Like a cat with a dog

The psychology of cats and dogs is based on a common model - reflexes and instincts. But the psychology of dog perception is fundamentally different from the psychological development of a cat.

psychology of cats and dogs
Dog psychology is based on herd instinct. Cats are independent animals. In the eyes of the dog, the owner is the best friend. In the perception of a cat, the owner is a servant. Dogs love the collective. Cats sometimes do not tolerate even their own kind and hide in solitude in the dark corners of the room. Cats are lazy, dogs are active. Cats are poorly trained, dogs easily learn commands. It is clear that the psychological activity of these two different species of mammals is completely different.

Using the tips on dog training, written in various books and articles, a person finds in the pet a faithful and understanding friend. No need to let the education of your pet to chance. Knowing the basics of dog psychology, a person gets a happy, infinitely devoted pet and his family.


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