Manchurian Walnut

Walnut is not an easy tree, and for those who manage to grow it, it becomes a real pride. Of course, many people have a desire to breed nuts on their site. Even the voluminous crown that this tree possesses does not stop anyone in this quest . They mainly try to grow walnuts on their plot. But not all climatic conditions are suitable for him. Therefore, all lovers can be advised for breeding Manchurian walnut. The main advantage of this tree is its high winter hardiness, which allows it to grow in almost all areas.

The size of the fruit of this nut is the same as that of the walnut, but the shell is thicker and the kernel is slightly smaller. However, the taste of these two species almost do not differ.

In appearance, the Manchurian tree is very similar to the walnut tree. On average, its height is ten meters, but in some places it can reach a height of twenty-five meters. The plant has powerful spreading branches with a powerful carved crown. With good care and normal lighting, the Manchurian nut begins to bear fruit after four years of age, while having a height of about two meters.

The nut has an even straight trunk, the bark of which is furrowed and has a dark gray color. The leaves are quite large, their length can reach one meter. By the way, they are widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The flowering of walnuts occurs in mid-May, while male flowers have long earrings, and female flowers have small brushes. Pollination occurs with the help of wind. Fruits are located mainly in three to seven pieces. Solitary are less common.

Walnut jam, which is cooked from unripe fruits, is very popular. In taste, it is no different from sweets made of walnut. Also, soups, sauces, various salads are prepared from it.

The kernel of a ripe nut contains up to fifty-six percent of fatty oil. They ripen in late September or early October. Fruiting is almost annual. A plentiful crop - every two years. A twenty-year-old tree gives a yield of several tens of kilograms.

Manchurian walnut has beautiful and valuable wood. It also has a very powerful root system. When planting with seedlings, it is imperative to prune the roots. Without this procedure, nut growth will be slow. It is advisable to sow in the fall, while spraying from different rodents should certainly be done. When sowing in the spring, you must first soak the fruits for ten days, periodically changing the water. Higher germination provides autumn sowing. Harvested fruits retain germination for two to four years. The depth of their landing should be six to eight centimeters. In the seat they need to be laid on the edge. On one running meter, ten to fifteen pieces are planted.

Walnut Manchurian photophilous. The soil he prefers should be fertile, drained and well moistened, as the tree is very sensitive to drought.

Noteworthy is the walnut gray. This tree reaches a height of thirty meters, and in diameter - up to one meter. Its crown is umbrella-shaped with horizontally extending branches. Leaves are adjacent, having a length of up to fifty centimeters. The nut blossoms from mid to late May.

The fruit of this plant can reach a length of six centimeters. Its shape is oval elongated. Fruiting begins after eight to ten years. The fruits begin to ripen in late September or early October. Walnut is very demanding on soil fertility. Rich, well-drained soils are an excellent condition for its cultivation. This tree can also carry dry and poor land, but its growth will not be so intense.

This decorative valuable breed is successfully used in carpentry and plywood production.


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