Registration of a new car: rules, step-by-step actions and necessary documents

After a person buys a new car, he will have to carry out its registration. A new car or a used one is not so important. The main thing is that it is mandatory to contact the registration authority to obtain a certificate of registration (STS). Without it, driving is prohibited. Therefore, further we will consider in more detail how to register a car. What is required for this? How quickly do you provide the appropriate service? How to act in a particular case?

Purchase a new car

What it is?

Registration of a new car - what is it? It is important to understand this issue for each vehicle owner.

Registration of a car is a procedure for entering a vehicle in the base of the State traffic inspectorate. After that, the citizen receives the right to use a particular machine. Cars can easily ride on the roads of the region.

After registering the vehicle, the citizen will be given an extremely important document - a certificate of registration. Without it, driving a car is prohibited.

Another reason why you need to register cars in a timely manner is to take out car insurance. It is impossible to do this without STS. Therefore, you should not put off the studied procedure in a long box.

The timing

In Russia, there is a certain deadline for registering a new car. In the allotted time, you will have to submit an application in a certain form with a pre-prepared package of papers to the registration authority. Otherwise, using the machine before registration will be prohibited.

To date, the owner has 10 days to contact the registration authority to receive documents on the machine. The countdown starts on the day you purchase the car. That is, after signing the official purchase documents.

The extension of the registration deadline is not provided by law under any circumstances. It follows that it is better to either prepare for the operation in advance, or to purchase a car after weekends and holidays.

Punishment for lack of registration

Registration of a new car plays an important role for a modern driver. As we have said, before registering a car, a citizen will not be able to use the vehicle. The exception is the time allotted for passing all instances and obtaining the desired document. The new owner of the car has 10 days after purchase, in which he can ride with transit numbers and without a certificate of registration.

What threatens the owner if he still got behind the wheel without an STS after more than 10 days have passed since the acquisition of transport? This is a serious punishment that will be punishable by a fine.

What to do after buying a car

If the driver was caught in the car without registration for the first time, he would have to pay from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles. For the second time, a citizen is threatened with a deprivation of a driver’s license. Similar principles are spelled out in the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In addition, the new car will sooner or later end the operation of transit numbers. In this case, you will have to pay an additional 5,000 rubles. How much will the vehicle management cost without license plates.

Where to register the vehicle

How much is a new car registration? We will deal with this issue later. First, find out where you can send a statement.

The registration of vehicles is carried out in the following organizations:

  • Traffic police of the Russian Federation;
  • multifunctional centers;
  • portal "Public services".

There are no more options for the development of events. Third-party organizations can help in registering machines. They act as intermediaries between the traffic police and the applicant. However, the help of such organizations can be expensive. It is because of this that this alignment is not in special demand.

Service Duration

The procedure for registering a new car in Russia does not cause any trouble with timely preparation. How much time does this operation take?

It all depends on how exactly the application is submitted in the established form. Upon personal appeal to the traffic police, citizens can be issued an STS within 1 hour. If you send the application through the "State Services" or the MFC, you will have to wait a few days.

Registration Application Form

In general, registering a car is not the longest operation. They have no right to detain her for a month.

The role of registration

Recently in Russia there are new rules for registering a car. What is it about?

Previously, in order to register a car in the traffic police, it was necessary to submit an application in the specified form only at the place of registration. Now other rules have come into force.

They greatly simplified the process of registering a new car with the traffic police. For older vehicles, innovations are also relevant. Thanks to them, citizens can now register a car outside their place of residence. In this case, one additional help is required. But we will talk about this later.

STS rates

And what is the size of the state duty for registering a new car? The process of registering a vehicle is a paid service. And everyone will have to pay for it, without exception.

True, the cost of registration with the traffic police depends on many factors. The most costly is the initial registration.

The cost of manufacturing the STS with subsequent issuance to the owner of the machine contains the following components:

  • registration and issue of state numbers for cars - 2 000 rubles;
  • receiving STS - 500 rubles;
  • entering information into the TCP - 350 rubles.

It's all. Ultimately, the price of registering a new car will be 2,850 rubles. This price tag is relevant in 2018. No discounts are provided in this case. The duty is paid by all car owners in any circumstances.

How to personally submit a request?

The procedure to follow when registering a car is extremely simple. Especially if you follow some instructions.

Let's start with an algorithm of actions that will help to cope with the task by personal submission of the appropriate request.

STSI and vehicle accounting

To register a new vehicle, a citizen will have to:

  1. To prepare a specific list of documents. We will review their list later.
  2. Fill out the application for registration of the vehicle in the established form.
  3. Submit a request to the registration authority.
  4. Pass the vehicle inspection procedure. Usually it is carried out directly in the traffic police.
  5. Get on hand STS, TCP and license plate numbers for the vehicle.

No further action is needed. After the steps described, a citizen will be able to obtain a certificate of registration of a new car. Will have to act only in person. The relevant documents are not issued to third parties.

Documents for registration

A lot of questions are caused by a package of documents for registering a new car. The thing is that without some information, a citizen will legally be denied a service.

Upon receipt of the STS on a new vehicle, the owner will have to bring with him:

  • statement;
  • Title to the car;
  • vehicle purchase agreement;
  • car insurance policy (CTP, if any);
  • vehicle inspection certificate (sometimes issued at a car dealership);
  • citizen's identity card;
  • registration signs of the type "transit" (if they were issued when buying a car);
  • receipt confirming the payment of the fee.

This list is exhaustive. For new vehicles, no more documentation is required. The exception is cases when the application is submitted in the established form at the place of registration.

If they do not apply by registration

In this case, you will need to bring another certificate. More precisely, it is recommended to have it in order to avoid unnecessary problems.

The cost of registering a new car will remain the same. A package of documents will be supplemented by a certificate of the citizen's absence of debts on fines to the traffic police.

New car

Online Ordering Instructions

How is the registration of a new car through "State Services" made? Before using such a service, you will need to register on the mentioned site. In addition, a citizen will have to verify his identity. Otherwise, the catalog of public services on the portal will be closed. Accordingly, the studied operation is not available to new users. You will have to wait about 15 days and fulfill the requirements of confirmation of identity.

Are all the conditions met? Then you can begin the following operations. What does the Public Services portal offer?

Application for car registration

Registration of a new car is as follows:

  1. Go through any internet browser to page.
  2. Using SNILS or a mobile phone, log in to your profile.
  3. Go to "Public services" - "State traffic inspectorate" or "Ministry of the Interior of the Russian Federation."
  4. On the page that appears, click on the "Vehicle Registration" block.
  5. Select the item "Registration and issuance of documents."
  6. Click on the section "Vehicle registration in the traffic police."
  7. Indicate the type of service "Electronic".
  8. Click on the "Get ..." button.
  9. Select the type of vehicle used.
  10. Mark who the applicant is.
  11. Enter personal information about the owner. The bulk of the information will be copied from the applicant's profile. It's about passport information.
  12. Write the address of the citizen's place of residence.
  13. Indicate the features of registration (whether numbers, STS, a new TCP are needed).
  14. Select the category of vehicle you bought. For passenger cars, this is Category B.
  15. Indicate the VIN number and body number in the fields provided.
  16. Prescribe other characteristics of the car. To cope with the task, it is enough to study simple tips near empty fields.
  17. Enter information from the vehicle. You can skip this step.
  18. Choose a place where it will be convenient to receive documents.
  19. Indicate the date of the visit to the traffic police and the time of reception of the citizen. By default, the user is offered the nearest available seats.
  20. Click on the button "Yes, I confirm."
  21. Check the box "I have read and agree."
  22. Click on the "Submit ..." control.

All that remains now is to pay the fee (you can do it directly on the "State Services" using the service search bar), and also wait for the invitation to the traffic police.

At the appointed time, a citizen must appear in the traffic police along with a prepared package of documents and a car. After that, the vehicle will be inspected (if this has not been done before), and the applicant will be given the documents and state numbers for the car put to him.

Final stage

We studied the registration procedure in one way or another. What's next?

As soon as the citizen is handed the STS and state numbers, do not rush home. It is recommended to stay with the registration authority for a short time in order to verify the correctness of the information entered in the documentation.

Mandatory in the registration certificate and in the technical passport for the car must contain information about the owner of the car along with the passport data of the applicant. Without this information, the mentioned certificates are considered invalid.

In addition, the driver is forbidden to use documents for the car with typos and inaccuracies. If a citizen has discovered errors in the certificates mentioned earlier, he must be replaced on the spot. Re-pay for the production of documents is not required.

Proxy Actions

How much you have to pay to register a car, we already know. And the procedure for implementing the task, too.

Citizens can register a vehicle by proxy of a general type. For this, the corresponding document is drawn up and certified by a notary. Only in this way the registration authorities will accept the application for registration of the vehicle from a third party.

Government services and car registration

Traffic police recommend to be very attentive to receiving STS by proxy. The thing is that in the relevant documents only information about the owner of the vehicle should be indicated. Data on the applicant in this case are not registered in the papers. The exception is a statement. But a general power of attorney certified by a notary is mandatory attached to it.


We found out how to register a new car. The suggested instructions and recommendations are also valid for used vehicles. The difference lies in the cost of obtaining the relevant documentation for the machine.

Some are wondering whether it is necessary to pay a fine for late registration of the vehicle. No, if a citizen was not fined for driving a car without documents. There is no separate payment for late registration with the traffic police.

However, it is recommended that you submit requests for established forms as soon as possible. Application forms are filled out in legible handwriting at the time of the visit to the registration authority. The exception is cases of registration through the "State Services". Then the request form is completed via the Internet before a direct visit to the traffic police.


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