Do-it-yourself warming of the loggia with penoplex. Penoplex insulation technology

To make more efficient use of additional square meters of the loggia, the latter must be insulated. Thanks to this, this room can be turned into a comfortable sitting area or office. As an insulating material, experts recommend the use of foam (photo will be presented below). Next we find out what it represents, what advantages it has and how its installation is carried out.

penoplex photo

Material benefits

Why recommend penoplex? The photo illustrates one of the main advantages of the material - a small thickness. Thanks to this, not many centimeters are taken from the usable area. This is relevant in the event that insulation will be carried out with penoplex from the inside. Another advantage of the material is considered to be a fairly low coefficient of thermal conductivity compared to popular insulators. In particular, we are talking about foam, glass and mineral wool. Penoplex is resistant to moisture. The material has high performance characteristics that it retains throughout its entire service life. Penoplex - the material is quite durable, despite the small thickness. Sheets do not crumble and crumble. Ecological material is also of no small importance. It is confirmed by the corresponding certificate. Penoplex is fireproof. The material is easy to process - it cuts well, does not decay, and can withstand compression loads. The technology of foam insulation is quite simple and understandable. The work can be done independently without attracting additional help. Resistant material and temperature extremes. Foam sheets are made in different thicknesses. It can be from 20 to 100 mm. This allows you to warm the loggia with a penoplex with your own hands and from the outside.

do-it-yourself warming of the loggia with penoplex


Before you start warming the loggia with penoplex yourself, you need to completely free the room from all items that make work difficult. Next, prepare the surfaces for installation of insulation. If the walls are still the same finish - paint, plaster, wallpaper, etc. - it must be removed from the surfaces. In addition, it is necessary to dismantle the available accessories: shelves, hangers, hooks and other devices. Glazing of the loggia is of no small importance. Surfaces are cleaned of dirt. The bases should also be dried well. It is recommended to install double glazed windows. This design most effectively retains heat. If necessary, you should make the wiring and other communications that may be needed later. After the surfaces are cleaned, they must be treated with a primer. It will provide adhesion with the solutions used later.

Alignment of the bases

This work is carried out using putty or plaster. Previously, beacons are installed on all side and lower surfaces. They will be used for plastering or puttying. A screed is laid on the floor. For this, self-leveling dry mixes are used. Surfaces should dry for 5-6 days. The reference may be dark spots on the surfaces. They will indicate a buildup of moisture. As soon as it evaporates, the spots disappear. On dried surfaces, a primer should be applied again and allowed to dry. After that, it is already possible to carry out the warming of the loggia with penoplex with your own hands.

do-it-yourself wall insulation with penoplex

Material laying

It is enough to simply conduct the wall insulation with foam. With your own hands, after that you can install drywall or MDF / PVC panels. If this type of finish is expected, then you need to install fasteners. A wooden or metal crate will be fixed on them. Anchorages are installed before you start warming the loggia with foam. Do it yourself is also quite simple. When laying, holes are cut in the insulating material in those places where the fasteners will protrude.

Ceiling work

To fix the insulation sheets, tile glue is required . Experts recommend the use of the universal composition SM-11 from Ceresit. As additional fasteners, dowel fungi are used. Foam packing is, in principle, similar to the installation of foam. Glue is necessary if putty will act as a finishing coating. If gypsum cardboard will be installed on top of the foam, then fixing on mounting dowels-fungi is enough. When adjusting insulation sheets for trimming, it is better to use a knife with a removable blade. Do-it-yourself warming of the loggia with penoplex starts from the corner. The next sheet is inserted into the groove of the previous one. As a result, the plates are joined tightly, and the insulation itself will turn out to be solid, without gaps. The remaining slots in the corners are sealed with foam.

foam insulation from the inside

Thermal insulation of the loggia floor with foam

The material can be laid in any direction: across or along. Installation of foam on the floor can be done without the use of dowels, fungi. After laying and drying the adhesive solution on the surface, you can safely move around. Penoplex can withstand loads. This is possible due to its density, which is 35-45 kg / cm 2 for domestic use. This value is enough to withstand the mass of even a complete person.

penoplex insulation technology

Do-it-yourself insulation of the walls with penoplex

The material is laid before the foam on the lower base has not dried. In this case, the isolation will be monolithic. The first panel of foam plastic is laid endlessly on the non-solidified foam. The sheet is glued. Then it should be fixed with dowels, fungi. During installation, it is necessary to ensure that the seams of the rows (if they are) do not coincide. This is especially true if putty will be used as a topcoat. All gaps that appeared during the installation process are blown away by foam. If single-layer insulation is not enough, double insulation can be created. Sheets in this case can be glued to the mounting foam. To form a groove in the trimmed panel with a knife, an incision is made along its end, and then along the plane.

insulation of the loggia floor with foam


Before warming the loggia with foam, it should be decided which areas the insulation material will be laid on. Here, climate conditions are of great importance. If this is a region located in a cold zone, then it is necessary to insulate the ceiling, parapet, all walls and the lower surface. Installation work should be carried out at positive temperature. Material laying is allowed to be carried out at a range from +5 to +25 degrees. In the case of a double-glazed window and the need for installation in the winter, the room should first be warmed up with a fan or heat gun. It is undesirable to carry out work at too high (more than 25 degrees) temperature. This is due to the fact that the water included in the glue will evaporate quickly enough. As a result, the adhesion of the solution to the surface will be insufficient. Foam insulation will be somewhat more expensive than polystyrene. However, this is worth it, because the insulation will turn out to be better and more reliable. You can choose any thickness of material depending on the climatic features of the region.


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