Bookmark for origami corner book - fast and original

Book lovers and schoolchildren are always in search of material or fixtures that will be the perfect bookmark option. In order not to look for a special holder, and even more so not to buy a finished product, it is worth learning the origami diagram of the corner bookmark for a book. Such an option will not only be cheap, functional, but will also interest children and adults with its diversity.

Pros of origami corner bookmarks

Using the origami scheme from paper bookmarks-corner for books, you can create not only beautiful, but also functional product. Depending on the size of the corner, the fixture can hold up to 100 sheets.

The product can be formed from any type of paper. Even a scribbled scrap of a notebook sheet is a good base for the product. Pages from newspapers, magazines, old books - this is an original solution that will add color and uniqueness. Fine pulp, cardboard, perforated base and other types of material can be used.

improvised paper bookmark

The product does not require implementation costs, any scheme can be selected. In addition to the fact that manufacturing develops fine motor skills in children, such an activity can become a real hobby for the whole family. There is a huge variety of options for decoration and decoration.

The easiest bookmark option

To create a corner bookmark from paper for books, it is not necessary to use only the origami technique. You can make a device for fixing sheets in a book much easier:

  1. On colored paper, use a ruler and a pencil to draw 3 squares. The most optimal parameter will be the side of 7 cm.
  2. It is necessary to form 1 square in one of the corners of the sheet; the second is immediately nearby; third on top of the first. It turns out 2 squares in a row and one on top.
  3. On the second lower and upper squares draw a diagonal that connects the lower corner and the extreme upper.
  4. Use scissors to cut the squares. In addition, extreme triangles that were formed as a result of drawing diagonals in squares are cut off.
  5. On the drawn sides of the whole geometric figure, make bends so that the triangles are superimposed on each other, partially covering the square.
  6. It is necessary to glue the triangles together, lubricating the lower figure, and put the upper one on top.
the easiest bookmark corner

The result is a square, part of which diagonally forms a triangle.

Original heart-shaped corner bookmark

The origami bookmark-corner technique for a book is used quite often, since the product is beautiful, neat and functional. It takes a minimum of time and materials to make.

Do-it-yourself bookmark-corner for books in the shape of a heart is made in accordance with this instruction:

  1. From colored paper, cut a square with a side of 7 cm.
  2. Next, the figure is folded in half on one side and a second time on the other.
  3. Turn the workpiece over and fold 1 side of the square so that it lies against the central fold.
  4. Turn the workpiece over again and fold the corners on the side from which the bend to the center line was made.
  5. Once again, expand the work and pull out the resulting pockets, ironing the folds well.
  6. Spread the pockets and fold the edges of the triangle, turning the edges up.
  7. Lastly, bend the remaining parts of the figure, which are located below the already formed heart, inward.
diagram for assembling a heart-shaped corner bookmark

Additionally, the heart can be decorated with sparkles, painted or pasted with beautiful stickers.

Corner bookmarks with animal faces

Bookmark corner for a book in origami style may not be a boring triangle with simple drawings, but a real zoo. An interesting option will be a bookmark in the form of an animal's face, especially since the product is formed quickly and simply:

  1. You can use the technique, in accordance with which the simplest corner bookmarks are made. To give the workpiece the desired shape, you need to make the appropriate cut on the square.
  2. In order to bring the product as close as possible to the desired result, ears, additional elements can be cut out of paper of the desired color.
  3. Glue the beak, ears, tail or horns to the workpiece.
animal bookmarks

Origami bookmark corner for a book in the form of an animal face will appeal to all children and, no doubt, will decorate boring pages. To make the product as bright and attractive as possible, you need to make details such as eyes, a mouth, color design elements of an animal or bird color from colored paper.


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