Love in the work "Garnet Bracelet" by Kuprin: composition. Analysis of the work "Garnet Bracelet": Theme of Love

Love in the work ā€œPomegranate Braceletā€ sounds a leitmotif and a red thread runs through the whole story. In fact, this is the main idea, that for which it was created. A.I. Kuprin reflected in him his creative searches, experiences, aspirations. The work itself is rather complicated, since the highest feeling is involved here - that ā€™s why a person lives . The writer himself in his work considered the ā€œPomegranate braceletā€ to be the most successful. The analysis of the work (love is the main link here) allows you to better understand the motives of the heroes' actions, to find an explanation for their actions. Acquaintance with the story brings the reader considerable esthetic pleasure.

love in the work of a garnet bracelet

As mentioned above, love in the work of Kuprin's ā€œGarnet Braceletā€ occupies a central position. In this article we will consider the images of the main characters, especially their inner world. What kind of love in Pomegranate Bracelet is true and genuine, or invented and illusory?

Worldview of the author

A. I. Kuprin himself believed that love comes to a person only in the image of beauty. It is known that the beautiful is closely connected with the tragedy, it has a dramatic essence. Love cannot be measured by anything in the world, it is impossible to subordinate to oneā€™s will or get rid of it. The writer saw in this feeling an impending obsession, capable of absorbing everything in its path.

love in cuprina work garnet bracelet

This image is in many ways destructive, associated with deep personal experiences and rethinking. Nothing attracts attention as much as the theme of love in the work ā€œGarnet Braceletā€. Each student had to write an essay on the material read. And not everyone was able to understand what mystical power makes poor Zheltkov compose long letters for his beloved, which guided his mind in those difficult moments.

Essence of love

This is the main question that is revealed throughout the story. A. I. Kuprin believed that one can experience a real feeling of soulful love for a woman only once. The ability to carry this cordial affection through the years is a necessity, not an informed choice.

garnet bracelet love analysis

The man, in his opinion, does not completely control his emotional state, and therefore is not able to change anything. The feeling in the understanding of the writer is always a tragedy, suffering, which has no end, because it lasts forever. Love in the work ā€œGarnet Braceletā€ looks cruel, exhausting personality and ultimately leads to death.

The image of the main character

Vera Nikolaevna Sheina was married to a very wealthy man. True, recently their financial situation has been somewhat shaken, and therefore she tried to support her husband as best she could. The heroine never asked herself the question of whether she really loved this man. Her feeling gradually turned into a calm attachment, in which there was a place for care and tenderness, but not passion and surprise.

Ordinary and habit

Love in the work ā€œPomegranate Braceletā€ raises such important questions: for what it is worth living on earth, what should be a genuine feeling? The relationship of Vera Nikolaevna with her husband has long been a habit, and this circumstance prevented her from feeling completely happy and satisfied. Her soul had long been asking for some kind of renewal, but the heroine did not listen much to the voice of her heart. Perhaps the young woman considered herself not entitled to talk about sublime and pure love, because she was married and, as usual, had to honor her husband and agree with him in everything.

Personality G.S.Zh.

This character does not have a proper name in the story. Kuprin gives him only one surname - Mr. Zheltkov - and names the initials. Perhaps this was done intentionally to show the mystery of this strange person and at the same time to depersonalize him. He is a secret admirer of Vera Nikolaevna, who has been writing love letters to her for more than seven years. On the day of her belovedā€™s birthday, Zheltok through a messenger presented his lady with a heart of gold bracelet cast in garnet color. This gift was made with all my heart, from the impossibility of keeping silent about my feeling, which had grown in my chest with a crushing flame and obscured everything by myself.

Love or mental illness?

Zheltkov led the inconspicuous life of a simple clerk. Apart from the painful affection for Prince Shein's wife, he had no other interests. Neither theater, nor music, nor art, nor politics worried him. He saw his whole life, its purpose and meaning only in loving and extolling one and only woman. Going deeper into his own suffering, he ceases to notice the world around him. At the same time, Zheltkov calls his feeling the exalted gift of heaven, the best that he had in his life. Love is experienced by him as the greatest good and at the same time as irreparable grief, from which there is no outcome, deliverance.

love theme in the composition pomegranate bracelet composition

A reverent service to the lady of the heart, slavish devotion to her belittle him as a person. In fact, Mr. G.S.Zh. Does not value himself, does not see prospects for further development. He is alive only with his own feelings about a sweet ravishing feeling.

Love in the work ā€œPomegranate Braceletā€ is shown in the form of exhausting painful affection, which causes suffering, destroys a person, and ultimately leads to suicide. It is impossible to call Zheltkov prosperous and mentally healthy. Yes, he comprehended the secret of love, but at the same time he faced crushing bitterness and irreparable tragedy. He could not find a way out only because he magnified his own feeling for Princess Vera Nikolaevna to such an extent that he ceased to value and respect his own personality.

love in the work pomegranate bracelet composition

Mr. G.S.Zh. leads a modest, inconspicuous existence. He zealously watches the life of his beloved, but he himself does not make any attempts to get closer to her or at least get acquainted. Even when Vera Nikolaevna was still an unmarried young lady, for some reason Zheltkov did not consider it necessary and necessary to introduce herself to her. It must have been that the character considered himself so unworthy of mutual feeling that in advance he refused any action. He preferred to suffer secretly and revel in his loneliness.

His actions are illogical and inconsistent. At the same time G.S.Zh. claims that he loves this woman, but in fact does not know what she is real - her character, habits, outlook on life. The hero cherishes the idea that he can love without looking back, but in reality he is always anxiously waiting for an answer, signs of attention. Love in Kuprinā€™s work ā€œGarnet Braceletā€ is very reminiscent of the sweet illusion in which a person lives for years.

Feeling of regret

This is the feeling that Vera Nikolaevna remains after the suicide of her mysterious admirer. She feels partly to blame for his death. It seems to her that true love passed her. This feeling arose because Zheltkov himself, passing away from life, as if transferred to her the whole burden of responsibility for everything that he experienced for many years alone. Such an approach can hardly be called right on his part.

what love is in the work of a garnet bracelet

This love is shown in the work ā€œGarnet Braceletā€. The composition, which students are invited to write at school, reveals their own opinion about the mental suffering of the protagonist.

Instead of a conclusion

This story is of cultural and psychological value. After all, it affects the interests of the individual, reveals her inner world, deep feelings.


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