How does a child sit down for the first time? What time did the child begin to sit? How to help a child sit down?

The first successes in the baby’s life always delight parents. Especially those who worry about the development of their offspring. When a child learns to roll over and then crawl on his tummy, they look forward to when he sits down. Indeed, in this position it is easier for him to study the world and play with toys. What time is the baby trying to sit? The article will discuss the features of this process, as well as about helping babies from their parents.

When the baby starts to sit down

This question excites all mothers. There is no single answer to it. Pediatricians are sure that only on the degree of development of the bone and muscle system of the baby depends on when he sits on his own.

The earliest children do this in 4-5 months. But they do it with adult support. Toddlers put in the hands of adults, in a hammock for children or in a cradle. You can observe the picture as a baby lying on its back tries to raise its head to see others.

As a child sits down for the first time

How does a child sit down for the first time? First, he makes his first uncertain attempts at 5-6 months to take upright position. After a while, the child begins to rest on his hands, after which he turns over to his side and falls on his buttocks. This usually occurs in 6-6.5 months. Further, he freely holds his back. A confident baby sits at 8 months.

All these data are averaged. It is impossible to say exactly when a particular child begins to sit. Pediatricians believe that even a completely healthy baby can sit down even a year.

Is it necessary to plant a child specifically

Many parents of acquaintances saw a photograph of a baby who is sitting surrounded by pillows. They did this so that the baby does not fall on its side.

There are certain norms when a child must sit on his own. Up to 6 months forcibly doing this is harmful to his health. This can lead to impaired posture and the development of scoliosis. The baby's body should be fully prepared for this.

If the child began to sit earlier than 6 months, it means that his muscles are fully strengthened. However, parents should not leave him in this position for more than 1 hour.

All children develop individually. Later, large babies or lightweight premature babies sit down. It is important that the child is constantly monitored by a pediatrician. Only he will be able to identify any deviations in his development.

How long can a baby sit

At what age do children sit and crawl? All babies have a different experience. Some babies crawl at 6 months but do not sit. This is considered a standard situation. Usually at this time the child is just starting to try to sit as far as possible. For example, it rises on its elbows or sways.

When the baby lies most of the time, then the mothers have to constantly be around. But when the baby sits down, it makes it easier to look after him.

When does the child sit down for the first time? He begins to try another 4-5 months, gradually honing his skill. When this happens, many parents receive tremendous relief. After all, the baby will be able to play and explore the world more actively. Usually boys sit before girls. Although all cases are individual. Parents do not need to rush the child, it is important that he is completely ready to sit on their own.

Norms when a child must sit on his own

What time did the child begin to sit? By 5 months of age, many babies are able to hold the back. But this does not mean that from now on they will be able to sit on their own. Parents should not rush things, because even at 6 months not all children can do this.

The bulk of babies are already sitting freely, starting from 7 months of age. After all, they are so attracted to the outside world that they are in a hurry to get to know it as soon as possible.

When the baby is ready to sit

Before you teach your baby to sit, you need to figure out if he has such a need. This is easy to understand.

You probably noticed when the child starts trying to sit down the first time. This usually occurs at the age of 6 months. He becomes bored of lying, and he begins to try to change the position of his body.

This age, according to pediatricians, is optimal from the point of view of physiology. After all, it is precisely at this age that the muscles of the chest and abdominals are sufficiently formed to lift body weight. At the same time, the back strengthened significantly. This allows you to hold the body directly without any support. We can say that the child independently moves to this moment when his body is ready.

Specialists are sure that girls should be at least 6 months old. This can avoid bending the uterus and abnormal formation of the bones of the pelvis. In the future, this may adversely affect the baby’s ability to bear children. Some doctors do not agree with this opinion, but it is better for parents of girls not to risk it.

How to help a child sit down

So, at 7 months, almost all infants begin to sit on their own and do not need additional help from the hands of their parents or pillows.

When parents need to worry

What if the child does not sit down? In some cases, babies are lagging behind in development, but eventually catch up with their peers. Therefore, if at 6-7 months the baby does not sit down, then parents should not worry.

The problems that arise with his physical development may be indicated by the fact that the baby does not raise his head and does not rest on his hands when lying on his stomach. In this case, parents should not postpone the visit to the pediatrician.

the child is trying to sit down

How to help a child sit down

This will help exercises and massage. Before teaching a child to sit down, parents must make sure that the muscles of their back, neck and arms are strengthened. The main symptom is that the baby can hold its upper body in outstretched arms.

What to do if the child does not sit down

It is only necessary to start the procedure after the muscles have warmed up. To do this, do the following:

  1. With their fingertips, parents carefully knead the baby’s tummy and back.
  2. You need to take the baby by the heels and perform the exercise "bike" for several minutes.
  3. Then the child’s arms are massaged, starting from the shoulders to the tips of the fingers.
  4. Similarly, a foot massage is performed.

He will prepare the baby’s body for classes, and therefore he will not feel any discomfort.

Toddler Training Exercises

What time did the baby start to sit

What to do if the child does not sit down? To strengthen the muscles that help him sit down, you must perform the following exercises:

  • The baby is laid on a table covered with a warm diaper. His body needs to be straightened, and his mother should fix his closed legs. The baby must be pulled by the left wrist so that he can lean on his right hand. Then you need to do the same exercise, but for the other side. Repeat 6-8 times with each hand. Exercise trains the abdominal muscles, making it easier for the child to turn on his tummy.
  • From a lying position, parents should raise the baby by the hands. The upper body should occupy a perpendicular position to the surface of the table. The baby in this position must be held for no more than 5 seconds. Repeat 5 times.
  • Mom sits on the floor and puts the baby in front of her back. It must be held with one hand on the hips, and then gently tilt forward, holding in the chest. The baby's body must be tilted until it is parallel to the floor. Then return it to its original position. This helps to strengthen the extensor muscles of the back.
  • Parents can also swing the baby on the fitball, while alternately bending and unbending legs.
  • Mom puts a toy near the child. Let him make some effort on his part to get it. This will help develop the muscles of the body.

One of the most effective exercises is pulling up the baby by the hand. It is called "nose to nose." The essence of the exercise is to pull the baby up to the face of the mother, while she holds his wrists. And the child at this time experiences only pleasant emotions.

Before starting to strengthen the muscles of the baby, parents need to consult a pediatrician. He will be able to send them to a professional massage therapist who will show the correct exercises. This is especially true for children with developmental problems.

The child refuses to sit down

What to do is not recommended

If the child does not sit down on their own, then parents do not need to:

  1. To carry the baby in a stroller sitting.
  2. Cover it with pillows and leave it in this position for a long time.
  3. Use carriers in which the child is seated.
  4. To sit on parents knees without support of hands of the parent.

The child refuses to sit down if he is not ready for it. The baby can be encouraged so that he wants to do it on his own. To do this, parents sit him on their lap with their backs. This will allow the child to inspect everything around. At the same time, parents support him with their hands and their bodies.

The baby is seated in the stroller so that it rests on the pillow at an angle of 30 degrees.


What time the child began to sit is actually not so important. It is individual and depends on the development of each specific baby. In this case, it does not matter whether it is a boy or a girl.

Parents should not rush a child. The children's body develops at its own pace. If mothers notice these changes, then they should not worry about the baby. When you see the child sit down for the first time on his own, you will understand that a certain stage of his development has already been completed.


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